All right everybody. Once more (this time with FEELING):
Midwest Meetup
October 7, 2006
10:30 A.M.
Meet at 10:30 at the SE corner of the Michigan Avenue Bridge and Wacker under the blue awning. This event costs $27.00 and you need to buy your own tickets. Advance purchase is recommended. The River Cruise starts at 11:00 and lasts 90 minutes.PICNIC IN MILLENIUM PARK
2:00 P.M.
Meet at 2:00 p.m. at the Park Café. Bring your own picnic or you can purchase a “picnic bag to go” at the Park Café.
If rain is predicted we’ll skip the picnic and meet for lunch somewhere – probably the Park Grill next to the Park Café. We should have a better idea about the weather next week so we can alert everyone to the plan. If the picnic is on Andi or I will post contact information for ordering picnics.
We haven’t heard yet from everyone who was originally interested. So let us know in this thread if you are still thinking of coming.
<<<<sobbing and dabbing at my eyes>>>>> 🙁
Be careful — all those tears might hurt your keyboard 🙂
we could get a rollaway bed put in our room and you can stay with Jim and me.
I am in shock! Someone actually offered to do something to help another person! Shit, I couldn’t even get a ride to Kensington!
Hey now, that’s not quite the case.
I do NOT like the way I have been treated by many on this blog.
There have been more than a few instances when I was told one thing by a few different people. I was really counting on them coming through and was ALWAYS told some competely different bullshit excuse. I am (mostly) referring to people, most who live in MI (one in my district, a couple in other states) who have my email address.
So I take anything anyone says to be a lie until proven otherwise, with the excpetion of two people who live in other states.
BTW, did anyone notice I am no longer writing about Medicare D?
Oh, gee, I wonder why…
Same here. Can’t afford it.
I’m really sorry I won’t get to meet you SK. I hope some day we can get together.
I’m sorry too.
Wish I could go, but I have skool. :/
I wish you could come too — but skool comes first. You’d better be either studying or campaigning that weekend though. We’ll know!
Teach313 and I will be there.
SN, rather than sobbing, consider this: tickets from Richmond VA (only a 3 hour drive or so), are just $203 round trip. We could sell tickets to the orgy (especially if you come) and make up that amount easily.
I knew you were all a bunch of perverts! 😛
I’m sure that particular fundraiser would be very profitable! Money isn’t the issue, dear kidspeak, got other things going on that make it difficult to be away. 🙁
Oh, I know, but giving you a hard time is so much fun!
What Kidspeak said. Hah!
I’m glad I could provide you guys with a good time. The southern™ people are ganging up on me now. :/
We could sell tickets to the orgy (especially if you come) and make up that amount easily.
God forbid anyone actually socialize or do anything for a person w/a disability! After all, you don’t want to “catch” it!
This blog is full of people with disabilities. Full of people who have children with disabilities. Full of teachers, some who teach children with disabilities, and people who advocate for children and adults who are disabled or underpriveledged. Your disappointment at the way some past offers have fallen through is understandable. But accusations like this one, and the one above calling people liars, isn’t fair.
I’d really like to go to this meetup, but my own life is in disarray right now and it isn’t possible to do it. But it wouldn’t be cool of me to blame it on others.
Here is exactly what I wrote comment
And the two really good people know who they are.
Lets just say others have some proving to do.
My life has been in disarray since 1997.
Don’t worry, supersoling, I support you.
Isn’t that nice? All I hear.
I’m not interested in whether you support me or not. I’m certainly not worried about it. My comment has nothing to do with me. It has to do with the fact that you said you treat anything that anyone say’s, with the exception of two people, as lies until proven otherwise. That’s pretty insulting. You also accused people of treating disabled people like lepers. And this isn’t a contest to see who’s lives have been in disarray longer. Disarray is disarray. Some situations are worse than others. I have a brother who’s a semi-quadreplegic. I know disabilities up close since his accident. Carrying a two hundred pound guy around isn’t easy, but I did it whenever he needed it. Anyone here would do the same.
I bitch about my situation like a baby. But I don’t do it here, and I don’t blame people here for things not working out the way I hoped they would. People give support here in any way they can. You seem to be dismissing the moral support you’ve gotten because it didn’t add up to material support.
As far as your writing about Medicare D goes, your diaries were consistently recommended and commented in. I wish everyone here would get their tails out in the street and protest this war. But I won’t say that they don’t care enough. They’re doing what they can. However they can.
I’m sorry that you feel the way you do.
I haven’t visited your neighborhood in a while, but I just did and, wow. Sorry super. Words seem rather empty but I’m thinking about you.
It’ll all work out in the end. One way or another. As long as I can still afford the Oreos, I think I can pull through :o)
I’m echoing SN’s comment Super. My thoughts go with you. I wish there was some way to help more directly, but you are a very strong person and I think you will come through this. So sorry for the troubles.
It has to do with the fact that you said you treat anything that anyone say’s, with the exception of two people, as lies until proven otherwise.
As I said, I live in MI and people in my district or damn close to it have said one thing in the past and done another. (Notice that I have not singled anyone out.) And then there is this.
And I did change it to three.
You also accused people of treating disabled people like lepers.
That is how I have been treated. If the shoe fits…
You seem to be dismissing the moral support you’ve gotten because it didn’t add up to material support.
Why offer material support to others then? (See blockquote and others upthread.)
Some situations are worse than others.
Agreed! Notice I never say a word about how tough tbi rehab was and life after rehab? Plus, I wrote about many that were tougher than mine, when I was writing about Medicare D.
As far as your writing about Medicare D goes, your diaries were consistently recommended and commented in.
Some just couldn’t be bothered to even write an LTE!
I wish everyone here would get their tails out in the street and protest this war.
I’m looking forward reading your diary re: October 5!
Street Kid, you do understand that kidspeak was kidding, right?
I don’t lie. And I resent your implication that I do.
I don’t know about anything outside of the public forum here on the blog, nor do I care to know. But that one comment about selling tickets to an orgy was a joke. An ongoing joke.
“Jokes” that were played on me weren’t funny.
Streetkid, you seem to be angry at me or my comments, and I’m not clear on why. I have consistently valued your diaries, and I’ve recommended and commented on many of them as my time permitted.
My comments above to Second Nature were teasing her. I know her just a tiny bit more than I know some other people here, and my words about flying to Chicago, and orgies were actually a continuation of a conversation that had been going on in the Cafe. Likely that was not a good idea, since it got misunderstood.
I did miss you at the BT picnic here in Michigan at Kensington, and told you so afterward. I had no way of contacting you before the picnic. I do not have your e-mail address.
I find it depressing that you consider that you are mostly being lied to. That’s unfortunate. You want to be thought of as telling the truth – so do we all.
In any case, I hope you do keep on writing here. What you have to say is excellent, and provides a perspective that we need to hear.
No matter what it is, I have to constantly prove myself, attending grad school, trying to go back to work, need any type of social services assistance, or trying my damnedest to get off social services, and constantly getting the runaround that results in a denial. And it has been going on since my traumatic brain injury, April 16, 1991.
So, with that in mind, let’s reverse the situation.
If I was really willing to help someone who I really wanted to meet (who has serious car troubles), here’s what I would have done: I would have emailed everyone in MI, and asked if anyone had my email address or to forward an email to me, conveying the offer.
emphasis added
Like I said, I’m not naming names, but they know who they are.
What you have to say is excellent, and provides a perspective that we need to hear.
Again, if it was really that important of a perspective to hear, I would do my damnedest to find out how to contact the writer.
I find it depressing that you consider that you are mostly being lied to. That’s unfortunate.
Yes, it is unfortunate that I have been repeatedly lied to or “joked” with so many times. (Hope the others enjoyed themselves.) Result: just like I have to prove myself, so do others.
I do not have your e-mail address.
I don’t have yours. Now, after everything that I wrote, why would I even think that you really meant what you said? Or that I would even ask anyone for yours? I want to believe you, I really do, but, again, after the way I have been treated, why set myself up for yet another disappointment so someone can pat themselves on the back?
Again, think about it from my point of view.
Street Kid – There is no way I can put myself into your shoes. With my training and my own difficulties I have some very vague idea, but I am certain that those ideas are far from the reality of your life.
Mmy last comments about the picnic at Kensington: I did not know that you needed a ride. You may very well have said this in a comment before that event, but I did not see it if you did. I had heard that you were planning to ride your bike. This did not cause me to beat the bushes to find your e-mail address because I had no idea where you lived or whether this was a reason for concern.
My e-mail is in my information here on Booman, (not in my signature) as I indicated up thread here. I did looked for your e-mail address before that picnic, not to write you about transportation, but simply to contact you about meeting with you if and when I had to go to Lansing, as I do once or twice a year. I could not find it at the time I looked for it. That’s mostly a statement about my time, which is chronically overfilled.
I apologize for this misunderstanding on my part. I do value your comments and diaries here, and hope that I’ll continue to see them.
Super, I’m really sorry you can’t come. But I’ve strolled through your part of the neighborhood on Sundays and I understand.
Someday, everything will work out and everybody will be able to meet. And when that happens? It will be one hell of a party 🙂
I’m sending every good thought I have your way these days.
I’ll be looking forward to that :o)
It is looking more and more likely that I will be in Chicago already for an ultimate frisbee tournament that weekend…this means that I wouldn’t be able to make the things earlier in the day, but if people are going to hang out on Saturday night I’d love to try to meet up with the meetup.
Didn’t we tell you the special part of the plans for the weekend? We’re all coming to your tournament — and we’ve had “ej’s fan club” t-shirts made. The cafe design that Andi came up with for your birthday? It’s printed on the back of the shirts. 🙂
oops, maybe that was supposed to be a surprise …
We’ll let you know the plans and give you cell phone numbers so you can track us down.
Hehe, that would be hilarious 🙂
Andi emailed me with some contact info, so I should be all set to get in touch with the group.
Now I’m really disappointed. Not meeting all of you is bad enough. But missing out on a bunch of human Border Collies, going freaky on a Frisbee, is too much to take. I’m outta here! ;o)
Are we all playing ultimate frisbee? I better pack my solar pwered defibrillator.
I seem to have run out of “o”s. I think I need to a new computer.