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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Good morning Andi. Nice fog picture.
It’s actually a picture of the inside of my head — straw-filled and dense but with some nice views.
How are you feeling?
Your head sounds like mine. 🙂
Feeling a little bit better. At least I’m awake at the moment.
How’s your weather been lately. It got up to the 70’s here yesterday and it felt almost cold. Getting time to break out the sweaters.
Glad you’re better and glad to have you here.
It’s going to be in the mid 70s today, drop 25 degrees tonight and then only get to the low 60s tomorrow. Oh and thunderstorms are predicted. Other than that, the weather’s fine. 😉
Hi Andi and FamilyMan!!!! Well, I got the duplex cleaner than it has been in the last year so it could be shown. LOL The scary part is the guy thinking of buying it lives in an apartment and might want one side to live in. Who knows I might be moving soon. I did enjoy talking with the realtor and even got her card so I could email her to get her involved in politics in the area!!!!
Good morning Refinish.
The new owner might live next door. No more wild parties. 🙂
Well, I am hoping he doesn’t live here at all even if he is a stud. LOL I do not want to move and most likely he would take the smaller half of the duplex and keep renting out the larger as it gets more rent. LOL As to wild partries, I gave them years ago. I now throw sedate cocktail parties like the one I threw when Reagan died.
I think you should sacrifice a Republican officer holder to the gods-who-let-you-keep-your-apartment. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! Trust me I am trying to do that by ballot in November to quite a few of them. On that note I have to go get ready for work. I am in an 8 hour training class again today.
See ya RF. Enjoy your class. 🙂
Yeah I’ve always hated moving. Sedate coctail parties are good. I think the last one I went to was my Nephew’s engagement party. Of course I was drinking only water and was thinking when can I get out of here. 🙂
Refi: Hope the class goes well.
FM: Glad you’re feeling better.
AndiF: I like the fog picture…reminds me of the inside of my head before I have my first cup of coffee. And could my coffeemaker be working any slower today?
I am SO glad it’s Wednesday.
Morning CG. It’s Wednesday already. Go figure. 🙂
I hate, but don’t hate to say, I’ve gotten back into the habit of drinking coffee. However, I’m not back at the 2-3 pots per day I was.
Coffee okay, smoking bad.
Morning SN. Yes Mam! 😛
Great minds … apparently look very similar. 😀
(see my comment to Family Man above)
Beautiful picture, Andi! The antibiotics have kicked in and the infection has stopped spreading and the swelling has even gone down some, but god, now it hurts for some reason! Always something I guess. At least I can stop having nightmares about flesh eating bacteria.
I’ve been out of the loop. What happened?
I got nailed by the cat and got an aggressive bacterial infection in my arm that spread impressively.
I’m glad to hear the antibiotics are taking care of it. That’s scary though.
It’s really amazing how fast it spread even though I washed it thoroughly when it happened. But the cat’s nail punctured really deep, so it was like being injected with the bacteria.
I’m glad you’re feeling better. We missed your southern charm™ around here.
That is scary on how fast it spread. What were you doing, whirling the cat around by it’s tail?
I don’t know if I would call it southern charm. I look at it more of, lets get FM in a corner and see how he talks his way out of this one. 🙂
LOL, that’s exactly it! 🙂
I was trying to put her antibiotic eye drops in. Very difficult as you can imagine.
So while trying to make the cat well, it made you sick. Talk of irony.
That’s my mud wrestling picture (I finally got all the mud off my shoes this morning).
I’m glad to hear the infection is looking better.
Right now I’m wishing we could trade Hopefuls — in a few I have to go wrestle all 85 lbs. of Hopeful into the car and not one pound of him is going to cooperate (he has to go get his blood checked to see if he can keep checking his arthritis medicine.)
Did someone say “Mud Wrestling”? 🙂
Yes, you missed it on Monday — I slogged through 3 inches of gooey mud to take that picture.
Got go get Hopeful into the car.
Later (if we both survive)
Good luck. See ya.
My Hopeful looks small but she’s already 45 lbs. All I do is say “dog park?” and she runs over to the car.
Yeah I know what you mean. George put on a pound and he’s up to 9 pounds now. 🙂
What a beast!
Go to the post office today.
Yep George is going to be to big to crawl up in my lap soon. 🙂
I’ve got to take FMom into the city today for a CT scan, so while I’m filling up the car, I drop by there.
Oh SN, I’m so sorry. I once got cat scratch fever… every lymph node in my body was swollen. Doctor said I either had cancer or cat scratch fever. Scary. It was the cat scratch thing and it took some mega antibiotics and a long time to get rid of. More recently when I got bitten and scratched by the rabid cat I was real careful to clean and cover the punctures. They gave me some heavy antibiotics to avoid the kind of infection you got. I’m very empathetic… administering medicine to your cat can be quite difficult. Please please take care and feel better.
How are you and the horses (who, I’m sure, are wondering why their pictures aren’t gracing thursday critter blogging)?
Hi Andi, I’m doing great, thanks. Yesterday we had our 4th shot in the rabies series… one more to go in 2 weeks. I’m getting less reaction to the shots as we go along. At least we only get one shot in the arm now… unlike the first treatment: 4 shots in the butt and one in each arm. Yuk.
The horses are doing great. There are less bugs these days to take them away from their primary objective in life… eating. I can relate to that, actually. 🙂
Pictures. Yes maam. I’m on it.
Lovely photo Andi! I’ll add my fuzzy brain to the list too. Definitely a good morning cafe photo … and since I’m off coffee again I have to let the brain fog dissipate naturally … 🙂
Good to see you back FM!
Good to hear the infection stopped spreading SN — hope it gets better soon!
Morning Olivia. I’m very familiar with the foggy brain syndrome. Unfortunately coffe doesn’t help with mine to much. 🙂
Coffee … mmmmmmm … so good … I miss it. But it gives me h/a’s … 🙁
Very good reason not to drink it. It’s only after I get up to drinking at least a pot a day that when I stop I’ll get a h/a. At the moment two cup is my limit. Any more than that and I might really start doing some work. 🙂
I can’t even have one cup … maybe my coffee is extra caffeinated .. :/
That’s the only reason I’ve ever drank coffee is the caffeine. I’ve never really understood why someone would drink de-caf. Just doesn’t make sense. 🙂
Once things settle down here somewhat I’ll be going off coffee again, but I know I’ll miss that little boost in the mornings.
From making it to drinking it … 🙂
It’s good to see you around here again.
I had an older friend awhile back that would ground his coffee beans every morning for his one cuf of coffee. It was almost like a zen experience to see him go through the motions and enjoy that one and only cup of coffee in the morning.
I’ve always been the kind that gets the strongest grind you can find and fills the basket up half way. Heck no sissy four or five spoons for a pot of coffee. 🙂
Thanks it’s good to be back talking to everyone.
Fresh beans, water the perfect temp, the coffee mug warmed, the aroma of the beans, the grind, the brew … ahhhhhh … and one perfect cup of coffee. 🙂
I feel the same way O. I grind my special blend in the morning and then use a coffee press, stir it til it’s frothy and then pour it into my favorite mug, add the perfect amount of 1/2 and 1/2 and that first sip is like heaven.
Yes the perfect amt of cream and sugar for me …
I’m like that, too. Grind your own the morning of.
On weekends I use our Bodum French press to make “real” coffee.
however, I also like those shishifrufru coffee drinks that are part milkshake, too. 🙂
Double shot, Iced Americano, please!
Whatever happened to just throwing the grind in the coffee pot and hitting on?
You people have gotten used to Starbucks. 🙂
You’re hitting on your coffee pot now, FM? Man, you gotta get out more.
As I’ve said before, we don’t have any coffee houses around here, so my coffee pot is the only thing I can hit on. 😛
It’s a morning ritual. As you said, very much like getting in the zone.
I liken it to an addict priming their veins and caring for their needles.. okay maybe not… but it does have a zen-like quality to it.
but don’t mind me – Zen has been on my mind for a while – even with my hockey start threads here
Who saw anything about hockey. The pool picture is what caught my eye. 😉
hockey haiku… my daughter is in the “pool” and started making hockey haiku posts… didn’t know there was a site for it.
Hockey, Zen and Grinding your own. 🙂
Got to get the day started. See ya’ll later.
Mornin’ everyone. Andi, I really like that fog pic. I love daytime fog, so mysterious.
FM, it’s good to see you here. Hope you’re feeling chipper, even without the 3 pots of coffee a day.
Catch y’all a little later, have a great morning.
Hi Nag.
It been missing you when you’ve posted. Thanks for all your well wishes and I’m glad to hear your rabies shots will be over soon.
I’m like Andi. Where’s the horse pics. 🙂
Here ya go…
Could have had about 25 shots almost identical to this. I did manage to get one not-horrible shot that I’m saving for Thursday critter blogging. What can I say? The dumb humans are a main source of entertainment for horses and they always need a closer look at what you’re up to.
I totally agree with your coffee drinking tendencies. I often wonder how I ever could have held down a steady job without caffiene. 🙂
Hi Nag.
Nothing like the picture of a horse’s, er, nose. 🙂
I know what you mean about humans being the main source of entertainment for horses. I grew up with horses and we had a few shetland ponies too. The ponies were mean little dickens though.
With the coffee I’m amazed at the amount I used to drink during work. If I tried to drink that amount now, I’m sure I would be pinging off the walls. 🙂
We can all learn from animals.
Hey, that looks like a “SNOT SHOT” 🙂
Here’s a blast from my past. This was taken about 15 years ago… it was the summer that my best friend and I did team penning. This was the only time we actually penned the 3 calves in under 2 minutes. The one with the helmut is the only smart one… she was a teenager who was fearless. I’m the one with the black shirt and the one in the background is my best friend who I lost to cancer 4 years ago.
Although I don’t think I’d do that to the calves anymore, I have to admit that we had a stinkin’ blast that summer.
Way, way, way back in my teens, I did barrel racing which remains the scariest fun thing I’ve ever done.
Fascinating … 🙂
of the horse-crazy girl (except I never got to own one). I started riding at age 6 (from the ages of about 6-8 I wouldn’t even go see a movie unless my parents assured me there would be a horse in it).
You could go riding every morning w/ the dogs instead of walking … 🙂
Lets see. Andi lives in the country, that one point for a horse. She grew up riding them, that another point. And finally, she really really wants one. Come on Andi admit it. 🙂
no how long I live if I did that?
That was the plan when we built this place but my jobs have had too much traveling and it wasn’t fair to stick Jim with taking care of a horse.
I’m having trouble parsing that first sentence. Need more coffee. 🙂
I think I could win a race against a barrel.
Most fun race I ever did was the “shoe race” — everybody takes off one shoe and throws them into a pile, takes their horses back to the start line, and then races to the finish line, gets off the horse, and while never letting go of the reins, finds their shoe, puts it on, gets back on the horse, and races back to the start.
Now that’s some crazy riding. I bet you were great. I understand not wanting the work of taking care of a horse, but it truely is a labor of love. Another thing to consider… I have a sign in my kitchen that says “Horses are like potate chips… You can’t have just one.”
That’s the truth. You know darn well that one horse would get lonesome. Doesn’t your sister still have horses? Andi, I wish with all my heart that you lived closer. I have a feeling that I could even convince you to clean a stall now and then. 🙂
Photos from Camp Democracy sent by a CodePinker from Portland who has been staying in DC for the past few weeks. I think about 4 of our ladies have been there so far.
War Resisters have been rising up. The “news” CNN and warmongers don’t want you to know.
“Women veterans and wives of resisters speak about their ordeals. Included were Sarah Rich (mother of Suzanne Swift), Col. Ann Wright, Kelley Dougherty, Anuadha Bhagwati and others.”
[phot to above quote http://carolmoore.net/photos/campdemocracy/Cmoore2162.JPG“
how’s work going?
It’s goesed. 🙂 Hard work but it’s great and the people are fun and “awake”. I’m just dealing with “Mommy at Work” issues now, you know.
Changing subject back: Cindy Sheehan is coming to Portland next Monday. 🙂
And you are going to see her (or going to a protest with her), I assume.
It’s on a day I’m not at work. I’ll bring the kids along to hear her.
Hi DJ. Thanks for the link. Some great pictures.
Glad to hear the job is going good, sorry about the Mom working issues.
Thanks Family Man, one day I’ll make you an incredible espresso. 🙂
Mom’s family and her are being very critical of my returning to work… let’s just say I’ve shed some tears and now I’m a bit mad for even shedding them in the first place. My mom worked for a few years, and even though she was stay at home she never walked us to the bus stop, she usually was asleep when I left for school and napping when I came home. My grandmother has NEVER worked and neither do most of the talabaptist relatives… most are now on welfare. But the judge ME. (throws something at wall of irony)
That’s what families are for.
We sort of got past that in my family and when one does jump in to give an unwanted opinion, we’re like a self correcting mechanism. We tell them to mind their own damned business.
Well this is the South so we say it in a nice way. 🙂
it’s not like they come over or anything LOL… it’s kinda hard to be in the same room with people who have not only swallowed the kool aid but douche themselves with it, too.
Plus, I’m dead to them… unless they are bitching about me to my mom who is up near them.
I find their need to know what I’m doing and scrutinizing me … very much like the entire fundie right wing nutcases syndrome.
If they were enjoying their lives… they wouldn’t have to worry about what others were doing with their own.
Sounds like you should cancel your subscription to their issues. 🙂
I have no contact with them… it’s all from my mom nowadays. She’s sick and lonely and I have to keep reminding her that talking of them or my estranged dad accomplish nothing really.
I’ve got to start getting FMom ready to go to the city for some tests. This will be a long process, so I’ll probably see everyone later on.
Have a good day in the pond.
What’s about to hatch out of this enormous egg sac?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
and I think Izzy is still off line so I’m going to go start Happy Hour. I’ll be right back.
I know it’s HJ but I have no idea what she is inside of.
I’ll post it in the new cafe. Don’t want to waste it, don’t ya know.
This is a day that needs a Happy Hour Lounge at the earliest possible time. Unfortunately that time has passed. So this will have to do.