Progress Pond

Bush Ready To Step Down

Timing his partisanship to fuel the flames of dissonance and fear in the Senate deliberations on the Military detainee measure, George W. Bush, President of the Republican people, has not only surrendered to al-Qaeda.  He has vacated his position as President of the United States of America.

In an unprecedentedly one-sided sales pitch for his party, the President of the United States has abandoned the majority of his constituents as “cut and run” cowards.

Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in history, Democrats offer nothing but criticism, obstruction and endless second-guessing,” he said, branding them “the party of cut-and-run.”

Will the Democrats form an opposition party now?  We’re supposed to have some representation in our government, aren’t we?  If Bush isn’t up for the job, maybe we can get Mike Malloy.  I hear he’s out of work.  Although he may be crazy, too, at least he believes in the Constitution.
The guy who currently holds the office of President is losing his marbles.  He

downplayed the US intelligence community’s findings that the unpopular conflict in Iraq is serving as a de-facto recruiting sergeant for Islamist extremists, saying they would find other excuses to hate the United States.

In his speech, the guy they call, “Mr. President,” made additional vague assertions about the Democrats and the so-called, “War On Terror.”

“History tells us that logic is false. We didn’t create terrorism by fighting terrorism. Iraq is not the reason why the terrorists are at war against us,” he said.

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