Steven D recently posted a frontpaged diary called Three Simple Words: That’s a Lie! that I found to be more than a little simplistic.

It stated that if “we” only answered the Ratpub’s statements with a simple “That’s a LIE” response, “we” would win.

Aside from the classic Tonto response to the Lone Ranger when surround by hostiles…”Who ‘WE’, white man?”…there are other problems with this idea. The lying goes on from both sides of the aisle. It is directed from the back rooms, who are themselves directed by the boardrooms, and it is propagated by the mass media.

In toto.

“We” are now living in Admerica.

And Admerica is about to die. One way or another.




Lie in Peace

Read on.
Sorry, Steven D, but I have to call bullshit on this one.


Because with the exception of a VERY few people, there in literally no one in office or running for office in the United States of Admerica who can truthfully say “I oppose the political, economic, social, international and domestic policies of this administration.”

Chavez can say it.

George Galloway can say it.

I can say it, and so can any number of OTHER people who stand absolutely no chance of ever successfully getting to a level where they can run for national office.

But the political establishment as it is defined by the media? As it is COVERED by the media?

No way.

All they have to do is say something like this and their opponents can quite truthfully say “That’s a LIE.”



Hillary Clinton, John “Small K” kerry, etc. -“I oppose the Iraq War.”

Opponent: “That’s a LIE. Check their voting records.”

General Clarke: “I oppose the use of military force to impose economic imperialist ends on foreign countries.”

Opponent: “That’s a LIE. He was a company cop for imperialism and has the blood of thousands on his hands in the service of the Great Game, late 20th century style.”

ANY GODDAMNED CANDIDATE WHATSOEVER-“I oppose the control of this government by corporate money.”

Opponent: “That’s a LIE. Check out where the campaign money comes from.”

And on and on and on.

The campaign operatives who counsel “moderation” do so because they know damned well that the whole game is fixed. It is fixed by the media and the corporate money that owns it. Their job is to GET THE CANDIDATE ELECTED. Which means, in this system, getting the candidate on the winning side of the fix.

Their other job, of course, is feeding their families and otherwise making a fortune. They are merely advertising execs. And as would be perfectly obvious if anyone stopped to think about it, one of the primary jobs of ad people if they are to be successful is to chose a client that is advertisable. Now if the advertising media…the news media, in this case…will not accept ads for a product as they are written and are quite likely to not only refuse to run those ads but instead run massive COUNTER-advertising campaigns demeaning the worth of the product (“ARRRRGH!!!” went the media when Dean ran, for example. And HE was a moderate!!!), then that product will not feed said ad execs’ families and therefore will at best attract inferior advertising people.

And that is the Darwinian truth of the matter. That is what is happening here in Admerica.

“That’s a LIE?”

In a nation of criminals, only the honest are found guilty.

And when EVERYTHING is a lie, then the truth is the only “lie” possible.

“Everything I say is a lie.”

One version of the Liar Paradox, a concept that stops all rational thought and discourse dead in its tracks.

Which is where we stand right now.

Here in Admerica.

Stopped dead in our tracks, running around in little circles.

Little circles of lies.

Little CLOSED circles.


The only one that I can see is going to be so big a truth that it shatters the lies. But it will have to be SO big that it shatters the whole system.

We shall see…

It certainly will not be the fact that our entire government and all its corporate sponsors are bone-deep corrupt. That sort of information is already available all over the world except in the American media where it might count for something. It won’t be the lies of this administration or the votes of its so-called opponents or the sexual misadventures of the perverts who staff it or the truly massive financial corruption and line-level incompetence of both parties.

My guess?

Financial collapse brought about by any number of interrelated factors.

Or…the nuclear truth of the matter.

Death does not lie.

We shall see.

Let us pray.
