Progress Pond

Undo Bush once and for all

The only reason Bush still has any support left is because some people are incapable of processing facts unless they are either jammed down their throats and/or heavily sugar coated. If you want to read an advance copy of a story that presents the facts in such a fashion, open this file:

Be sure to first go to UndoBush to read the preface and corresponding political cartoon:

Hopefully the following samples of praise, along with an excerpt, will intrigue y’all enough to put it at the top of your to-do list.
“I was blown away by how brilliant it is.” –Dell Long, B.B. King’s former PR manager

 “Found the message worth the time it took to read.  Its references are most impressive.  And the teacher and use of well known folk as students worked.  [This is coming from a reader who] is a 79+ year old vet of WWII and a former college journalism and political science teacher.  I was a senior staffer and speech writer to a governor, research assistant to a U.S. Senator and personal staff consultant to state-wide office holder. You made me feel guilty for not paying closer attention to Clark in 04!” –Jim E. Gregg

“Absolutely astounding! YOU ROCK!” –a Daily Kos blogger.

 “Teacher, speaking of creating opportunity,” asked Whoopi Goldberg, “what do you make of the fact that Republican Senator Lugar told Al Franken: ‘The government can’t create jobs’?”

“I’d like to make a noose of that fact and hang The Republican Party. They ought to just put up a sign at their headquarters that reads: ‘WE’RE USELESS AND WE HAVE NO IMAGINATION.’ For starters, the government could hire every electrician to install light and motion sensors on the light switches in every building. And besides merely telling Americans that we need to conserve, they could also make low-interest long-term loans available so communities can weatherize their homes, schools and businesses. And they can’t use the excuse that no one has ever thought of this idea since Harry Reid has already thrown it out there. It’s as though their playbook is to do the opposite of the Democrats and common sense, i.e., ‘Dark Days for Energy Efficiency’ and ‘Senate Republicans Screw Troops Yet Again.'”

“Not only are they useless,” Whoopi noted, “but they’re also clueless; as was first proven when Reagan took office and removed the solar panels Carter had put in; then again when Senator Dole ran a commercial denouncing Democrats for pushing midnight basketball; and again when a Republican Congresswoman said on the house floor that ‘The American people know how to spend their money more wisely than the government.’ By that logic it would mean that beef is a wiser purchase than tofu, cows’ milk a wiser purchase than soy milk, and that more than half the stuff in Wal-Mart is not useless junk.”

“Indeed, Whoopi,” said Lynn Samuels, “but, considering that the current incarnation of Uncle Sam believes that applying a ‘waste not, want not’ strategy to the economy would hinder prosperity, you have to admit that she’s right to accuse the government of being unwise with its spending; i.e., WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY FOR THE LEVEES!!!!???  …So I guess it shouldn’t surprise anyone that despite Katrina’s wrath they have still made it explicitly clear that their avarice knows no bounds, and, thus, won’t be satisfied until they repeal the estate tax on the top 2%, which amounts to $1 trillion in tax revenue. And to add insult to injury, on November 18, 2005, the Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise and then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation. Then, on June 23, 2006, they voted down the increase in the minimum wage!! No wonder Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson were able to fill a whole book on their completely parasitic style of legislating in Off Center: The Republican Revolution and the Erosion of Democracy to complement John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience.”

“Not only that, teacher, but Bush and his crazy neo-Cons still insist that the super rich get huge tax cuts despite the $200 billion it’s going to take to rebuild the devastation. So I guess we’re all going to have to set ourselves on fire to prevent that, otherwise it’s only a matter of time before China calls in its loan.”

            “Teacher,” asked Jim Hightower, “why does President Flip-Flop act like he deserves a medal whenever he stands on principle even if it’s in the face of serious opposition, but then frowns upon others who do the same thing in opposition to him as if it’s not their civic duty to voice their dissent? Like, with Dixie Chicks. If Bush had half a clue about setting an example to the world about the beauty of democracy, not only would he have told the people to back off of them, his retort would have been: ‘I’m proud of my fellow Texans who have the character to honor America’s most important principle.’ Or like, with Terri Schiavo. If they genuinely believe that the federal government is morally obligated to usurp everyone else, then, fine. But how do they dare argue to the rest of us that we’re immoral for thinking that sometimes it’s necessary to decide if people get to continue living? What the hell do they think they were doing when deciding to explode bombs around civilians or when they execute those who might very well be innocent?”

“It would certainly be interesting to hear how he’d answer that himself. And he certainly deserves a special Presidential Academy Award for being able to keep a straight face when he said of Terri that ‘It’s always wise to err on the side of life.'”

“Teacher, according to a caller to Michael Reagan’s radio show, ‘The war is going magnificently.’ So isn’t it possible that Wes, Chuck Hagel, Joe Klein, Anthony Shadid, Larry Diamond, Bill Krystol, Francis Fukuyama, William Buckley, Shep Smith, Newt Gingrich, Bruce Bartlett, Jack Straw, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Michael Scheuer, Christopher Shays, Jack Murtha, Col. Mike Turner , Marine Captain Christopher H. Sheppherd, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Charles Pollard, Marine Maj. William McCollough, the Stop the War Coalition and Generals Colin Powell, Anthony Zinni, John Batiste, Paul Eaton, Gregory Newbold, John Riggs, Charles Swannack, Jr., William Odom and Paul Van Riper don’t know what they’re talking about?”

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