The rise of citizen journalism. Everyone is talking about it. Soon, the citizen journalist will rise up against The Man and eclipse those mainstream corporate media outlets, finally freeing the intellectual plebeian masses to “get the story out” and rock that vote!
Or maybe not.
Herein I examine two cases of citizen journalism on Dailykos and one on The Inquirer, the culmination of all which leaves me wondering if — perhaps — we ought to register and license journalists as we do physicians and attorneys.
Bush is a rotten president. The Media are bought and paid for by the Republican Party, and all act to serve the interests of Bush, Inc. In fact, even ESPN manufactures boos and cheers depending on party affiliation. davefromqueens knows this for sure, because he heard the clicks.
For several years, ESPN has been manufacturing fake cheers and fake boos for politicians. It’s a very simple rule. If you are a Democrat not named Joe Lieberman, ESPN will play a tape of boos previously recorded and insert them into the audio after the Democrat is announced. If you are a Republican and ESPN is expecting boos, ESPN will play a pre-recorded tape of cheers unrelated to the Republican.
When John Kerry was shown on screen at a Red Sox game in 2004, ESPN played a tape of boos. It was NOT the crowd reaction. I knew the tape was fake by that quick click that transitions from live to pre-recorded. ESPN has done this stunt of playing fake cheers and fake boos time and time again. Last night, during Monday Night Football, ESPN did it again. I heard that same click.
That is all davefromqueens has to back up his assertion that ESPN fakes crowd cheers for political purposes. Yet this diary garnered over 600 comments and made it to the recommend list. davefromqueens wrote two more diaries to prove his claim – one including video footage of the event. What he failed to accept, even after some commenters pointed out, was that a “click” or a video of the event is no proof of management policy whatsoever. He obtained no quotes from insiders within ESPN, no corporate documents from ESPN, and no proof of a long term pattern of boos or cheers for specific political parties.
Without those facts, his assertion is toast. At least it would be in a traditional media establishment that follows academic guidelines for journalism sourcing and ethics.
jacksonthor doesn’t like Bush either. Hey, it’s dkos – who does? But jacksonthor knows something none of us do: just like Mark Foley, it appears that George W. Bush is also a pedophile! Who knew? Because, according to jacksonthor, he knows someone who claims to have been targeted for molestation by a then twenty-two year old Bush when she was only fourteen years old.
“I told him I was underaged, and he said if the cops came, we wouldn’t get in trouble because of who he was,” the woman said, repeating a familiar line of the rich and privileged Bush often uses to this day, a comment that gives her case more credibility since it sounds just like what Bush would say.
There was little doubt in this woman’s mind that Bush wanted to get her drunk and take advantage of her — even though he knew that she was only 14. “He apparently wanted me to get drunk,” she said. “He knew I was underaged and finally left me alone.”
She’s an anonymous source, however. So, we’ll just have to accept the diarist’s word because, “[if] she came out and used her name, can you imagine the harassment she would receive?”
But one thing is for sure, this is but one example that shows a pattern of Republican pederasty – because – he linked there so it must be true!
Finally, meet Charlie Demerjian. He and I grew up together, were good friends, and I still care for him — so I’m particularly appalled by a lack of factual standards for his published work. But, unlike the kos wannabees, he has a real bully pulpit in the form of a regular gig at a commercial news site. In his latest informative article, we learn that Hewlett Packard is firing people and then hiring them back for lower wages:
The latest trick comes in with the field service personnel, specifically levels two and three. If you are canned from HP, instead of the normal severance package that they offer(ed), you get a big anti-bonus. It seems that HP decided to offer them all jobs, normally a good thing, but this time, it is a way to bend the laws to avoid severance.
What HP does is they tell you your old job is done for, and offer you another one. The level two and three folk are offered a level one job with a $6-12 an hour pay cut. Strangely enough, one mole tells us that it is the exact same work you have to do, same crap, different title. If you decide not to take the generous new job, you just quit, and they don’t have to pay you a damn thing. It is Convergys and Sitel all over again.
That’s half the article, any more and I’d be violating copyright law (perhaps I already am). But, rest assured, Mr. Demerjian has no quotes, no internal documents, and no request for comment or rebuttal from HP public relations.
Is there any reason why we should not regulate this kind of defamatory speech? And I’m a freaking Democrat who voted against Bush and very much wants the Republicans to lose the next two elections. Just not at the expense of factual news reporting. As for HP – well, all I know is that the article proved nothing. What’s the purpose of news without facts? Ahhh, yes – to disparage and defame.
Welcome to citizen journalism on teh intarweb!!1!1!!!!11
For several years after I graduated from college, I have tried repeatedly to get into journalism, but have been repeatedly told that I am not qualified because I do not have a journalism degree. IMO, all of this nonsense about credentials and academic standards is a way to keep good people out of a particular field.
BTW, at the time that the Watergate Investigation took place, Carl Bernstein was not a college graduate, yet he did win a Pulitzer for his work. Also, wikipedia says nothing about him having graduated from college.
It was pretty common, going back to the late nineteenth century, for journalists to be uneducated. However, editorships in the large papers almost always required an academic degree. Bernstein was among the last generation to be grandfathered under that system – though by the 1970s it was in severe decline. Today, one can’t get a serious job in journalism without at least a Masters Degree.
It sucks, but that’s the way it is. And, frankly, I think it’s a good thing. The amount of knowledge and ethical training required to write good journalism is significant. One cannot simply ‘wing it’ and do a competent job. As seen by those I quoted above. –M
You’ve either got it or you don’t regardless of college or creds.
Just one example of an excellent writer: Riverbend
I could list many more, but another point is that there are so many really good, unknown writers on different blogs whose work has been cribbed by “professional” journalists w/no attribution to either the writer or the blog!
We clearly disagree on that point. Many people can write, but few understand and accept the severe ethical limitations imposed by professional journalism standards. Hell, few profesional journalists understand these limitation. heh.
Crib from the blogs, have an unpaid intern to a rewrite and surf the net to find out a second link for confirmation, add a sentence or so of your own…and viola…an article and your byline!
No. Read a textbook and dig through the academic pro sites. I realize my view is parochial in terms of demanding balance of views and factual accuracy. But it is the proper standard for professional journalism. The amount of work necessary to research and write a serious piece is far more than digging through lexus/nexus and stating an opinion.
It’s hard work to do the real stuff.
Every source linked/cited in my writing!
More one of the ones where I listed my real name–see first comment. (Yeah, I know, typo.) here and here also my real name.
Since the last were written under my real name, I have reapeatedly tried (yet again) to get into journalism and have been offered an unpaid internship, experienced firsthand the incidents that I described earlier, and walked out. See, I don’t have a BA in journalism and didn’t finish grad school (family reasons), so I am not qualified!
Coincidentally, RFK Jr has a BA in political science. This is research.
I stand by my earlier statements: Credentials are an excuse to keep good people out, as you either have it or you don’t!
Everybody is entitled to an opinion. And you appear very convinced of yours. Enjoy!
Without implying a statement about your work, may I point you to this study:
Unskilled and Unaware: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
Describes you to a T!
You know, I have done my best within this thread to avoid personally insulting you or responding to your angry statements and ratings in kind.
Your 0 rating is unwarranted. It shows bias and anger toward not just me, but the position I have taken here. And in that manner, it is as anti-intellectual as is possible. I strongly suggest you look inward.
I have done my best within this thread to avoid personally insulting you.
First insult.
Second insult.
And if this wasn’t an insult, you would not have posted it and titled your post in the manner you did.
Third Insult
In light of all of your previous insults to me, all of my ratings are perfectly justified.
Really? All of those were insults directed at you. OKkkkkkkk. Good luck with that journalism career.
Might I recommend that you NOT rate commenters with whom you are engaged with in debate? This will help you in the future.
BTW: all examples are selective, by definition.
Correct the typos in your title.
Thank you very much. Excellent advice. I’ll take it into consideration.
Oh – and thank you for your comment. 🙂