Progress Pond

MN-03: Wilde calls for Opponent to join her in signing a bi-partisan pledge to restore parents trust

Wendy Wilde held a press conference at Congressman Jim Ramstad’s office today to ask him sign a bi-partisan pledge to restore parents confidence in the U.S. Congress.  Wendy had this to say:

As a mother, youth-issues activist, and voting citizen, I join other Minnesotans in being outraged by the pattern of deceit, denial and cover-up by the House Leadership.  This pledge focused on restoring parent’s confidence in the U.S. Congress. I am asking Congressman Jim Ramstad to join with me as one of the first signers.  We are requesting that ALL members of congress and congressional candidates sign this pledge.

The pledge is here:

In order to restore confidence in the Leadership of the United States Congress and to effect a return to moral and ethical standards we are proposing the following pledge between our citizens and current U.S. representatives and congressional candidates.

We call for:

1.) The immediate resignation of Speaker Dennis Hastert, Representatives
Reynolds and Boehner, and any other congressional representatives or staff who had knowledge of Congressman Mark Foley’s sexual predatory behavior and failed to disclose it and report it to the proper authorities.

2.) A full criminal investigation by an Independent Counsel of the Foley scandal and the failure to investigate by House leadership and the Page Board.

3.) The adoption of a new policy in the Congress for transparent oversight and higher standards in administration of youth programs such as the Congressional Page and College Intern programs.  

4.) The return of higher House ethics standards for investigations and oversight that were weakened on January 4th, 2005 when the House of Representatives voted to ease the standards.

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