I write under the name of Congressional Candidates Wife as Barry Welsh is Indiana’s 6th Congressional District’s Candidate and is my husband (hence the CCW moniker). Okay, the reason I’m writing is to talk about the unusual “cut and run” attitude that our current incumbent Mike Pence is now deploying, he is known through out the district for accepting engagements and takes every opportunity to speak on radio, TV or interview with the papers.
Weeks ago Pence accepted an invitation to be on a local radio station, the week before Barry is to appear, we received an email that follows:
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 9:49 PM
Subject: Mike Pence withdrawal from local radio interviewAll: I just had a call from Dick Malcom, co-host of “Its Politics”, which airs each Monday night on WKWH, Rushville. This coming Monday, October 9 Mike Pence was scheduled to be a guest. Dick tells me Pence’s office called said the Congressman has scheduling conflicts and will not be available until after the election. Something smells very badly in the 6th District right now. It certainly is not our own Barry Welsh. Please contact Mr. Pence’s office and inform the Congressman we would like to hear from him. I am certain the fact the news story about Keil Brothers and of course Mr. Foley’s escapades makes for a somewhat dark and bleak day in the life of a Republican.
This email is from one of the 19 county chairpersons in this district, and it is covering the district as we speak.
Mr. Pence has two problems, his public and vocal support of Dennis Hastert, and his family business went bankrupt on the taxpayers of Indiana for over 9 million dollars before the 2004 Elections and he didn’t tell the voters! Barry did a diary on that here
This is just a minor example of what has been happening during Barry’s campaign. I’d like to thank Mike Pence sincerely for his cancellations as this has had a very positive impact on Barry’s campaign. The papers and television stations have been calling with increasing frequency on getting Barry’s comments or his viewpoints on any of the asinine comments that Pence may utter on CSPAN, CNN or any other national news media. Just recently (yesterday) Pence came out in support of Hastert and his “administrative responsibilities” and how he is doing a good job and that Hastert shouldn’t step aside for the Foley Fiasco that has touched the Republican party of recent days.
Yes I am actually thanking Pence because every time the guy opens his mouth, Barry is sought for his comments to underscore, emphasis and inject some common sense that most everyone is thinking and he has the cahones to state out loud. Mr. Pence has been doing us a favor with his inept tactics to try to ignore or not acknowledge Barry as his opponent. Barry has made quite a few comments and has been able to maximize the opportunities that have presented themselves to our campaign and get the message out on his campaign and the very real distinctions that are made between Barry and Mr. Pence. Barry has been speaking about Jobs, Immigration, the corrupt climate in Washington, etc. and how he plans to change things.
These opportunities that have been presented have been like free advertising for Barry in a campaign where every penny is used and waste is not part of the vocabulary. So I’d like to thank Mr. Pence and encourage him to keep on doing what he’s doing right up to the November 7th General election. To quote so eloquently from the dear departed Ann Richards ….”he can’t help himself, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth”.
We need any contributions that are possible as always. All donations will go toward radio ad buys! Help spread Democracy and fight a Neo Con Leader by donating if you can! Thanks
This is my diary and is not vetted thru the campaign and is a close up perspective of the inside of a Congressional campaign.
Thank you for taking the time to read my diary and all comments are welcome.
Sherri Welsh
Hi Sherri-
The polling from other Indiana races has been really great lately. It looks like the state (or huge chunks of it) have really turned sour on the GOP. I know Indiana is a pretty conservative state, so I am pleased to see these results. In fact, I wish Pennsylvania and Connecticut had the same polling as the races in Indiana.
That’s a godsend that Pence decided to defend Hastert. I hope you’ll use that in the radio ads with some relentlessness. Good luck. I always enjoy your dispatches from the field.
I had no idea you read the diaries! Thank You.
Since I first heard about him pulling out of the radio show, we have heard he is not going to be doing some other appearances, and the one debate that they were going to have is now in jeopardy. When Barry’s speeches and passion got out on the internet, people found out he was the real deal, and by then it was too late for Pence. He started his campaign THREE DAYS ago! He was only coming back to the district if it involved fundraising before Monday, then he started making campaign appearances. Barry has been calling radio stations and sending press releases banging him on both Hastert/Foley and not telling Hoosiers about the 9 million dollars before the last election. Now it appears he is going to stay home in Virginia for a week and hope things blow over. (Shaking Head) He really doesn’t know Barry! LOL Barry has been working day and night and he is getting stronger the more he does and he is not going to let go of either one of these things. Barry just added them on top of DeLay, Abramhoff, and everything else and he will not miss a chance to tell anyone the truth.
Barry has already said that if Pence does show up for the one debate (it is to be hosted by ABC’s Steve Bell and is joint League of Women Voters and Chamber of Commerce and to be televised) Barry is not going to play by the rules. He is going to get one shot, and he is going to confront Mr. Pence and call him out on everything. I know this guy, I have seen him fired up on Sunday mornings and I have wondered at times if fire wasn’t going to shoot out of his mouth or his eyes or something, and he WILL unleash that when he has his shot. He will scream about hypocrisy and deception and fraud and on and on until he then brings out SHAME, and once he starts on shame, look out, LOL so it may be a short debate! LOL
Sorry about this really long comment. I should have been asleep a long time ago, but I am just not tired. Barry works hard and goes to bed with a clear conscience because he sleeps like a log. I am just so angry with the arrogance of these Republicans that I can’t sleep! And the fact that they have me that angry makes me even more angry!
For the last 18 months or so, Barry has been going against unimaginable odds, against people making fun of him, against people ignoring him, against people who told him not to take the resources from those who really needed them, and he never stopped, he never wavered, he just kept going, and I would ask him, why are you doing this? I mean I would plead because there was no help monetarily and that was all anyone was judging on. Why are you doing this? I screamed at him one night when I was feeling lonely, and he said I’m trying to save my country. I have tears in my eyes now as I think about that, because a couple of months ago I got it! That IS what he has been doing all of this time, and I am damn proud of him for that.
Thank you for this place and for providing a place to let all of this out. I feel so much better!
My grandfather, who died many, many years ago, was an active Democrat (and eventually a judge) in Connersville, and both he and my grandmother came from Middletown. I understand that even when the governor has been a Republican, that area of Indiana has voted in the best Democrats.
Mike Pence’s promotion of Conservative “values” goes way too far, without thinking things through.