House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) was scheduled to be interviewed tonight by Chicago radio host John Williams. His previous radio appearances had been exclusively with conservative sympathizers like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Williams is a moderate who planned to ask tough questions.
This morning on CNN they had on the old prune who founded the Heritage Foundation (yeah, the PNAC Heritage Foundation). Apparently he called for Hastert’s resignation yesterday… until Denny boy called him and groveled and sniveled. Well the prune (I’m really sorry, I totally forgot his name) says this morning that Denny and his minions are all straight shooting truth tellers and when Denny says he didn’t know, then damn it all, those other people must be lying. Besides, he said, if they get rid of Denny, then they won’t stop until all the leadership goes. So he withdrew his call for Hastert to go. He says he’s a big Roy Blunt fan and if ‘ol Roy withdraws support for Hastert, so will the prune.
Foleygate. The Hastert’s Press Conference minutes ago. Big Dick has his back.
Denials. Reversals. Blame Dems. It’s all FDR’s fault bcos he reminded the nation years ago, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” – now GOP is seen as offering only “fear”
[..] in some parallel inversion of accountability, GOP activists are trying to accuse the moral breeziness of the Democrats for a potential crime committed by a Republican congressman and allegedly covered up for by fellow Republican congressmen.
oops, that should have read ‘scheduled’ for minutes ago.
But still no sign of Hastert’s presser. It is said he intends to appoint Louis Freeh, former FBI director, to investigate as the competition to investigate heats up.
Slate reports on a study of the latest culprit in childhood obesity:
That is all very interesting, but it does beg the question of why things are getting worse. Another trio of economists–Patricia Anderson, Kristin Butcher, and Phillip Levine–has suggested that two-income families may be producing the problem. They find that children are fatter if their mothers work longer hours. This is true even within families: The sibling who spent more time as a latchkey child will tend to be the fatter one, perhaps because the mother is less able to supervise outdoor play or has less time to cook and therefore buys more fast food. Unfortunately for working mothers who are already struck by guilt, the effects are pretty substantial. A mere 10 hours at work raises the chance of childhood obesity by 1.3 percentage points, which is about 10 percent.
No word on whether dads are capable of supervising after school snacks or outdoor play.
No: 9 ” Loose lips sinks ships” Employee of the Year; No: 8. Richard Cheney safety hunting Award.
The bloom is off the Rose in Georgia. Tense atmospherics between Tbilisi and Moscow. The EU, in recent days, been pressing Russia to ease up on Georgia. Looks like all is not so democratic. One Opposition member writes of Repression and Paranoia.
Remember when Bush looked into Pootie-Poot’s eyes and saw his soulmate? I don’t know about you, but I feel foolish for making fun. Turns out they really are soul mates. Oy.
Condi is over there to whip up fear against Iran. The other stuff like peace between Israel and Palestinians is just a cover for her real mission of mayhem.
Hormesis — the idea that low doses of a drug can have the opposite effect of high doses – may apply to chemical pollutants as well. Chemicals that can have harmful effects in large amounts can have beneficial effects in small quantities (well-known examples include such regulated chemical wastes as chromium, cobalt, selenium, and zinc, which are also essential trace nutrients). The new theory could overturn scores of environmental regulations, and modify how risk assessments are performed.
Answer to question: Chiffon Margarine. Link is to the actual commercial on YouTube… It’s from 1970 (Damn, I feel old…).
I even remember the face and outfit of the actress who played Mother Nature in that commercial. My oldest brother still calls me an earth mother. (I just call him a mother)
That “palmetto bug” looks an awful lot like a roach to me. You can keep those, thank you very much.
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has filed criminal charges against former H-P Chair Patricia Dunn and four others in connection with the company’s warrantless surveillance scandal. FT:
The felony complaint filed by Bill Lockyer, attorney general, charged all five defendants with fraudulent wire communications, wrongful use of computer data, identity theft and conspiracy.
The other defendants are a former H-P lawyer, Kevin Hunsaker, and three private investigators. H-P CEO Mark Hurd and former general counsel Ann Baskins were not charged.
This is a sad state of affairs. No matter what the merits, being a felony defendant is big-time trouble. Even more sorrowful, Ms. Dunn, already a cancer survivor, appears, according to reports, to be preparing to undergo treatment for ovarian cancer.
Congress has set a 2007 termination date for the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction at the behest of the Bush administration, removing the source of a series of audit reports that have emboldened critics of the president’s war polices.
The just-completed Pentagon authorization bill ends SIGIR, as the post is called, on Oct. 1, 2007. The bill, which has yet to be signed by President Bush, calls for the work to be transferred to inspectors general for the Pentagon, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the State Department. State runs reconstruction in Iraq.
Stuart W. Bowen Jr., a former Bush aide whom the president appointed as special inspector general in January 2004, has issued a series of reports and audits on a reconstruction effort dogged by incessant insurgent attacks and mismanagement.
Stop those nasty negative reports by fixing the situation? Hell no, get rid of the guy who’s writing the reports.
President Bush on Wednesday signed a Homeland Security Department funding bill that would pay for hundreds of miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The project includes $1.2 billion for fences, vehicle barriers, lighting and infrared cameras to discourage people from crossing, Bush said.
Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano and several Republicans, including Sen. Jon Kyl, Rep. J.D. Hayworth and Rep. Rick Renzi, attended the signing. Napolitano called the bill “a good start.” – linkage
it was her and fellow Dem Bill Richardson next door in NM who declared states of emergency for the “crisis” and she made the first moves to moblize the Nat’l Guard. What’s worse is, I have to vote for her in November otherwise the greater of the two evils will be at the helm. [shudder]
Now available HERE from PBS. Requires Real Player or Windows Media…worth watching.
“It’s a dizzying scope of perfidy and politics that boggles the imagination, and although Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay have been brought down, the system remains as vulnerable as ever,” says Bill Moyers. “The scale of corruption still coming to light dwarfs anything since Watergate. In one sense it’s the age-old tale of greed, but greed encouraged now by the way our system works. Deep in the plea agreements of Jack Abramoff and his cronies is the admission that they conspired to use campaign contributions to bribe politicians; campaign finance is at the core of the corruption. They took great pains to cover their tracks, and they might have pulled it off except for a handful of honest people, and the work of some enterprising print reporters, Senate investigators, and the ethics team at the department of justice. Following the money in this story leads through a bizarre maze of cocktail parties, golf courses, private jets, four-star restaurants, sweatshops – and the aura of chandeliered rooms frequented by the high and mighty of Washington.”
Thanks, Dada. I missed this first of Moyers’ PBS specials.
On Monday of this week, Amy Goodman interviewed Bill Moyers on DemocracyNow!. Here’s an exerpt from the beginning of the interview:
AMY GOODMAN: It’s great to be with you, Bill. Why did you choose to start the series with Abramoff?
BILL MOYERS: A year ago, I saw the dots adding up, and very few people at that time in broadcasting were connecting them. And I’ve spent a lot of time in Washington, and I’ve followed the money for 25 years now as a journalist, and I saw this was something different, of a magnitude larger than I had seen before, bigger than Abscam, bigger than the money laundering of the 1980s. And I realized that we needed to put this together for the American people so that they could see that these isolated stories out of Washington represented a larger pattern of corruption that defies the imagination.
“We are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea, we are not going to accept it,” U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill said. He warned Pyongyang that “it can have a future or it can have these weapons. It cannot have both.”
Hill spoke after a U.S. defence official said the United States had detected activity at potential test sites in North Korea, indicating possible preparations for a nuclear test.[..]
The U.S. defence official who spoke about signs of activity at potential North Korea test sites and declined to be identified said the evidence was not definitive. He noted that because the North Koreans have never conducted a nuclear test, “we don’t really know what we’re looking for.”
(emphasis added)
Do ya think this guy Hill understood what he said?
But history repeats. True to pattern. Shoot first, ask questions later.
Anyone heard the Cheney-got-a-gun song? Wish I could find the source….”Cheney’s got a gun and the safety catch’s undone..Cindy Sheehan better run…
Bang, bang! Cheney shot the lil’itybity quail…Cheney’s got-a-gun…..”
Not just Cindy. We all better find a fall-out shelter.
Wonder why there was no announcement by Hastert about that big pending investigation by Louis Freeh? Think Progress has the scoop
MSNBC: Pelosi Blocks Hastert From Naming Freeh To Overhaul Page Board
MSNBC’s Mike Viqueira reports:
Denny Hastert, it turns out, reached out to ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh. He wanted him to head up an overhaul of the page program, but it’s not going to happen now, for the time being anyway.
Hastert gave a call to Nancy Pelosi in Washington today. Nancy Pelosi said no, that’s not good enough. We don’t want an overhaul of the page program. We need a more thorough investigation. That’s something that both Democratic and Republican aides that I’ve just spoken to agree on, that Pelosi refused. So Freeh, for the time being, will not be heading up, as other news organizations have been reporting, will not be heading up…a probe, or an overhaul…of the page program here in the House.
with someone other than Limbaugh: ThinkProgress
Gee, I wonder why?
This morning on CNN they had on the old prune who founded the Heritage Foundation (yeah, the PNAC Heritage Foundation). Apparently he called for Hastert’s resignation yesterday… until Denny boy called him and groveled and sniveled. Well the prune (I’m really sorry, I totally forgot his name) says this morning that Denny and his minions are all straight shooting truth tellers and when Denny says he didn’t know, then damn it all, those other people must be lying. Besides, he said, if they get rid of Denny, then they won’t stop until all the leadership goes. So he withdrew his call for Hastert to go. He says he’s a big Roy Blunt fan and if ‘ol Roy withdraws support for Hastert, so will the prune.
They’re eating each other alive. 🙂
Foleygate. The Hastert’s Press Conference minutes ago. Big Dick has his back.
Denials. Reversals. Blame Dems. It’s all FDR’s fault bcos he reminded the nation years ago, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” – now GOP is seen as offering only “fear”
Laura Rozen writes: File under: Rome, last days of.
[..] in some parallel inversion of accountability, GOP activists are trying to accuse the moral breeziness of the Democrats for a potential crime committed by a Republican congressman and allegedly covered up for by fellow Republican congressmen.
oops, that should have read ‘scheduled’ for minutes ago.
But still no sign of Hastert’s presser. It is said he intends to appoint Louis Freeh, former FBI director, to investigate as the competition to investigate heats up.
House Ethics Panel to issue dozens of subpoenas
Crooks and Liars on the Culture Wars: Can you believe some people want Fahrenheit 451 banned? Oh, the irony…
The Smirking Chimp compares Foleygate to the crimes of Bush, and takes the American media to task for their shameful lack of coverage of the latter
Molly Ivins weighs in on sex toys in Texas over at Pandagon: (with video of the always entertaining Miss Molly)
Ban Fahrenheit 451? That’s only because they think it’s about global warming. (snort)
Slate reports on a study of the latest culprit in childhood obesity:
No word on whether dads are capable of supervising after school snacks or outdoor play.
Don’t miss: Professor Cole’s top 10 for that $20 million earmark to celebrate the Iraq/Afghan victory.
No: 9 ” Loose lips sinks ships” Employee of the Year; No: 8. Richard Cheney safety hunting Award.
At home and Abroad: Rice on trip with “Bush’s Road Map to Nowhere.”
Dems cry foul: It’s campaign advertising. Foley Ballot Notice Headed to the Courts in Florida
Remember when Bush looked into Pootie-Poot’s eyes and saw his soulmate? I don’t know about you, but I feel foolish for making fun. Turns out they really are soul mates. Oy.
Condi is over there to whip up fear against Iran. The other stuff like peace between Israel and Palestinians is just a cover for her real mission of mayhem.
That’s a favorite. Compliments the “Roadmap to Nowhere.”
Climate Change Update:
Climate talks between the world’s top 20 polluters have ended with an unusual level of agreement on the urgent need to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. But delegates at the Mexico talks also stressed the massive gap between the politics and science of climate change. Several said they had never known such a positive atmosphere. Nobody doubted the reality of climate science anymore. But US opposition to CO2 caps, the failure of Russia to show up, and India’s lack of enthusiasm tempered this atmosphere. The Chinese seem to be on board with the need for prompt action, however.
Sudden shifts in temperature over Greenland and tropical rainfall patterns during the last ice age have been linked for the first time to rapid changes in the salinity of the north Atlantic Ocean. “The salinity of the north Atlantic is the canary of the climate system,” researchers said.
Summers in Boston could feel like July in South Carolina by the end of the century if global warming is allowed to continue unchecked, the Boston Globe reports. [Can you say “palmetto bugs”?] Meanwhile, the tropical brown widow spider is now infesting Mississippi. A relative of the black widow, it is also poisonous.
Canada’s conservative government, groping for a new policy on climate change, is facing a dilemma over how to deal with greenhouse gas emissions from the Alberta oil fields. Perhaps they should talk to Norway: Norway can axe emissions of greenhouse gases by up to 80 percent by 2050 without constraining economic growth in the world’s number three oil exporter, a government-appointed commission said on Wednesday.
Anyone remember the old commercial that warned “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature?” The world’s top polluting nations were told on Wednesday to prepare for decades of weather turmoil, even if they act now to curb emissions and pursue green energy sources. (Old timers with failing memories can find the name of that infamous product at the end of the Science Headlines)
the Rest of the Headlines:
Norwegian scientists have discovered a “treasure trove” of fossils belonging to giant sea reptiles that roamed the seas at the time of the dinosaurs. The 150 million-year-old fossils were uncovered on the Arctic island chain of Svalbard – about halfway between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole. The finds belong to two groups of extinct marine reptiles – the plesiosaurs and the ichthyosaurs.
Astronomers discover a new class of planets that take less than a day to whiz round their parent stars. Astronomers have now spotted 202 extrasolar planets since the first was spotted in October 1995.
Supercomputers have provided a clearer understanding of the properties of water at extreme temperatures and pressures, with implications that range from nuclear safety to our understanding of the magnetic fields of gas giant planets.
Hormesis — the idea that low doses of a drug can have the opposite effect of high doses – may apply to chemical pollutants as well. Chemicals that can have harmful effects in large amounts can have beneficial effects in small quantities (well-known examples include such regulated chemical wastes as chromium, cobalt, selenium, and zinc, which are also essential trace nutrients). The new theory could overturn scores of environmental regulations, and modify how risk assessments are performed.
Answer to question: Chiffon Margarine. Link is to the actual commercial on YouTube… It’s from 1970 (Damn, I feel old…).
I even remember the face and outfit of the actress who played Mother Nature in that commercial. My oldest brother still calls me an earth mother. (I just call him a mother)
That “palmetto bug” looks an awful lot like a roach to me. You can keep those, thank you very much.
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has filed criminal charges against former H-P Chair Patricia Dunn and four others in connection with the company’s warrantless surveillance scandal. FT:
The other defendants are a former H-P lawyer, Kevin Hunsaker, and three private investigators. H-P CEO Mark Hurd and former general counsel Ann Baskins were not charged.
This is a sad state of affairs. No matter what the merits, being a felony defendant is big-time trouble. Even more sorrowful, Ms. Dunn, already a cancer survivor, appears, according to reports, to be preparing to undergo treatment for ovarian cancer.
So you can be an informed voter in the Connecticut Senate race:
Info on Ned Lamont:
Ned Lamont – Official Campaign Website
Ned Lamont – Ned Lamont, the Political Entrepreneur
Ned Lamont – “Democrats Back Lamont; Lieberman Files Independent Run” (F0x)
Ned Lamont – Unofficial Ned Lamont Resource
Ned Lamont – Unofficial Lamont Blog
Ned Lamont – “The Democrats Mean Business” (WSJ)
Ned Lamont – “Ned Lamont vs. Joe Lieberman” (The Nation)
Ned Lamont – “Lieberman Loses Debate With Challenger Ned Lamont”
Ned Lamont – “Lamont: Lieberman Sounded Like Cheney”
Ned Lamont – “Lamont Fires Up Naples” (New Haven Independent)
Info on Joe Lieberman:
Joe Lieberman – “Seasonal Memory Lapses” by Paul Bass (Hartford Courant)
Joe Lieberman – “Truth About Joe”
Joe Lieberman – “Lieberman Wins Republican Friends, Democratic Enemies…” (WaPo)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is a Big Oil Republican” (LamontBlog)
Joe Lieberman – “Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney” (ABC)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman Doesn’t Care About Handicapped People” (Wonkette)
Joe Lieberman – “Joe Lieberman is Running With a Bad Crowd” (Firedoglake)
Joe Lieberman – “116 Reasons Not to Vote for Joe Lieberman”
Joe Lieberman – “How Joe Lieberman Tried to Kill Rock ‘N Roll” (Huffington Post)
Info on Alan who?
Nevermind… 😉
I am sure some of you will understand why I might dump this information in the news bucket daily… This message really is the bomb! lol
P.S.: If it is too annoying tell me and I will stop before I start. CM1 🙂
P.P.S.: Anyone else want to help Lamont BOMB Lieberman out of the race? lol
I think you should post that comment in this diary too. 🙂
Pluck the sucker out:
Congress has set a 2007 termination date for the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction at the behest of the Bush administration, removing the source of a series of audit reports that have emboldened critics of the president’s war polices.
The just-completed Pentagon authorization bill ends SIGIR, as the post is called, on Oct. 1, 2007. The bill, which has yet to be signed by President Bush, calls for the work to be transferred to inspectors general for the Pentagon, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the State Department. State runs reconstruction in Iraq.
Stuart W. Bowen Jr., a former Bush aide whom the president appointed as special inspector general in January 2004, has issued a series of reports and audits on a reconstruction effort dogged by incessant insurgent attacks and mismanagement.
Stop those nasty negative reports by fixing the situation? Hell no, get rid of the guy who’s writing the reports.
(emph. mine) sigh…
Ugh. If that’s “a good start”, I shudder to think what she is hoping for in the future.
it was her and fellow Dem Bill Richardson next door in NM who declared states of emergency for the “crisis” and she made the first moves to moblize the Nat’l Guard. What’s worse is, I have to vote for her in November otherwise the greater of the two evils will be at the helm. [shudder]
Now available HERE from PBS. Requires Real Player or Windows Media…worth watching.
Thanks, Dada. I missed this first of Moyers’ PBS specials.
On Monday of this week, Amy Goodman interviewed Bill Moyers on DemocracyNow!. Here’s an exerpt from the beginning of the interview:
BILL MOYERS: A year ago, I saw the dots adding up, and very few people at that time in broadcasting were connecting them. And I’ve spent a lot of time in Washington, and I’ve followed the money for 25 years now as a journalist, and I saw this was something different, of a magnitude larger than I had seen before, bigger than Abscam, bigger than the money laundering of the 1980s. And I realized that we needed to put this together for the American people so that they could see that these isolated stories out of Washington represented a larger pattern of corruption that defies the imagination.
It’s a great interview.
New dark clouds for war.
Reuters just reported the US has given a stark warning to N. Korea.
Do ya think this guy Hill understood what he said?
But history repeats. True to pattern. Shoot first, ask questions later.
Anyone heard the Cheney-got-a-gun song? Wish I could find the source….”Cheney’s got a gun and the safety catch’s undone..Cindy Sheehan better run…
Bang, bang! Cheney shot the lil’itybity quail…Cheney’s got-a-gun…..”
Not just Cindy. We all better find a fall-out shelter.
Wonder why there was no announcement by Hastert about that big pending investigation by Louis Freeh? Think Progress has the scoop
MSNBC’s Mike Viqueira reports:
Denny Hastert, it turns out, reached out to ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh. He wanted him to head up an overhaul of the page program, but it’s not going to happen now, for the time being anyway.
Hastert gave a call to Nancy Pelosi in Washington today. Nancy Pelosi said no, that’s not good enough. We don’t want an overhaul of the page program. We need a more thorough investigation. That’s something that both Democratic and Republican aides that I’ve just spoken to agree on, that Pelosi refused. So Freeh, for the time being, will not be heading up, as other news organizations have been reporting, will not be heading up…a probe, or an overhaul…of the page program here in the House.
Give ’em hell, Nancy!
Georgia10’s take on this over at dkos.