Progress Pond

Katherine Harris: Saving Non-christians from Secular Laws

   Katherine Harris has changed for the worse since her empty-headed decisions as Florida’s Secretary of State helped Bush into the White House and herself into Congress. Now in a race for the Senate, she is shoveling inane religious muck.  Harris and her ilk are the original public dangers, believing (or pretending to believe to attract votes) they are The Light to Lighten the Gentiles.

    She trails the Democratic incumbent, Sen. Bill Nelson, by 28 points.  Nelson, who traveled on the space shuttle Columbia when he was in the House, is a moderate who has opposed drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and pressed for more affordable prescription drugs.  

     Desperate for evangelical votes, as reported in the Orlando Sentinel Harris has now attacked Sen. Nelson’s faith.  She said he “claims to be a Christian” but votes “completely contrary to what we believe.”

   Interviewed for the Florida Baptist Witness, periodical of the Florida Baptist State Convention, Harris warned of bushels of sins should Nelson be re-elected.  She pointed to Nelson’s votes for stem-cell research, against Judge Alito, against a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and against banning funding for medical procedures for which the religious right created the erroneous and misleading term “partial-birth abortion.”  Apparently fairness and honesty don’t top her list of Christian values:  she neglected to mention Nelson’s key votes such as those on tax issues, which would have pleased his constituency.

   “I have a 100 percent voting record with the Christian Coalition [and] with the traditional values groups,” she claimed.  She figures she is best suited for the Senate, inasmuch as

There’s gotta be a barf bag around here somewhere.
Nunc Dimittis.  

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