Republican Rep. Tom Reynolds, chairman of the NRCC, who represents folks in my neck of the woods, has started running new political campaign ads, one of which I saw last night. In the ad, believe it or not, he apologizes (sort of) for his role in the Foley scandal:

BUFFALO, N.Y. — With his actions in the Mark Foley page scandal under attack, Rep. Thomas Reynolds launched an ad campaign to defend himself.

“Nobody’s angrier and more disappointed that I didn’t catch his lies,” Reynolds, R-Clarence, says in the television commercial that ran on Buffalo and Rochester stations Saturday. “I trusted that others had investigated. Looking back, more should have been done, and for that, I am sorry.”


Gee Tom, I’m sorry too. Sorry that you are such a weasel. Sorry that your apology is so half-assed, even now blaming others and not taking full responsibility for your own failure to act. Sorry that you ever got elected in the first place. Sorry that you ever achieved enough power within your party to be put in position to enable the sexual harassment of Congressional pages by your colleague. Sorry that, on a whole host of issues, you have put party before honor, party before principle, party before country.

One thing I won’t be sorry about. I won’t be sorry to see you replaced on Election night by Democratic candidate Jack Davis.