It’s time for the final push for the 2006 Midterm elections. In the interests of time, I decided to unilaterally select 9 house races to support and one Senate race. I have also added Jim Marcinkowski (MI-08) as a bonus candidate. This is a personal favor to Larry Johnson (as well as Joe and Valerie Wilson.

My selections are based on the values of Booman Tribune, which can characterized as follows:

    Opposition to political corruption.
    Dedication to progressive values.
    A commitment to women’s issues and more female representation.
    An interest in matters of intelligence and foreign policy.

1. Jerry McNerney of CA-11. Bowers: Tier-2 Likely Rep. Charlie Cook just moved this race from Likely Republican to Lean Republican.

McNerney’s opponent is Richard Pombo. Here is how the Sacremento Bee put it, “Since Hurricane Katrina, Pombo has been a one-man Category 5 environmental disaster zone.”

Many people have compared McNerney to Paul Hackett. His son is an officer in the Air Force Reserves. McNerney has a company that focuses on wind turbines and alternative energy is his signature issue.

2. Linda Stender of NJ-07. Bowers: Tier-3 Likely Rep.

Stender’s opponent is Mike Ferguson. Ferguson is a stay-the-course Republican that has taken money from the pederast Mark Foley and the mistress-beater Don Sherwood.

Stender is a much better choice.

[Stender] worked her way through college waiting tables and working in a flower shop, earning a B.A. from American University. Linda was elected to the Fanwood Borough Council, became Mayor and made sweeping changes so that the government put the people first, not special interests. At the Freeholder Board, Linda helped to build one of the safest counties in the state, a parks system that’s second to none and a county hospital that truly responds to the needs of our seniors. In Trenton, Linda has been a leader in calling for property tax reform and for funding for stem cell research to unlock the cures for illnesses that harm our loved ones – Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer.

3. Zach Space of OH-18. Bowers: Lean Dem.

4. Charlie Brown (site appears to be down today) of CA-04. Bowers: Tier 3 Likely Rep. Charlie Cook just moved this seat from Likely Republican to Lean Republican.

5. Darcy Burner of WA-08. Bowers: Toss-Up Lean Dem. Charlie Cook just moved this race from Lean Republican to Toss Up.

6. Jack Davis of NY-26. Bowers: Tier 3, Likely Rep. Charlie Cook just moved this race from Solid Republican to Toss Up.

7. Patty Wetterling of MN-06. Bowers: Toss-Up Lean Rep. Charlie Cook just moved this race from Lean Republican to Toss Up.

8. Patrick Murphy of PA-08. Bowers: Toss-Up Lean Rep.

9. Chris Carney of PA-10. Bowers: Toss-Up Lean Dem. Charlie Cook just moved this race from Lean Republican to Toss Up.

10. Jim Marcinkowski of MI-08. Bowers: Safe Rep.

11. Claire McCaskill for MO-Sen

Jerry McNerney (CA-11) $
Linda Stender (NJ-07) $
Zachary Space (OH-18) $
Charlie Brown (CA-04) $
Darcy Burner (WA-08) $
Jack Davis (NY-26) $
Patty Wetterling (MN-06) $
Patrick Murphy (PA-08) $
Chris Carney (PA-10) $
Jim Marcinkowski (MI-08) $
Claire McCaskill (MO-Sen) $