Dick Cheney pulls Excalibur from the stone and hands it to Ned Lamont:
After slamming DNC Chairman Howard Dean for declaring that “the capture of Saddam [Hussein] has not made America safer” nearly three years ago, Cheney said that “[p]erhaps it should come as no surprise that such a party would turn its back on a man like Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.”
Every commercial that Lamont runs from now until election day should include this quote. If he uses this quote relentlessly enough, he will slay Joe Lieberman. He will slay him dead. Joe Lieberman will be a political corpse. There is no fate worse than being praised by Dick Cheney. And Howard Dean has been proven right 600,000 times over. Take it and run, Ned. Take it and win.
The Force is with you, Ned.
Hopefully you have been in contact with Lamont’s campaign??
i sent it to Tagaris.
Leiberman is going to smear Lamont. It will be a rout; a landslide; Lamont is toast.
IMO: This race is the folly that will lose the liberal wing of the Democratic party potential control of the Senate. It was a terrible strategic blunder. I predict: D moderates are going to be pissed.
I am no fan of Leiberman, nor am I from CT (I reside in MA), but this ouster of Leiberman from the Democratic party both undermines our image as the party of inclusiveness, while at the same time it threw away a slam-dunk Senate D win.
Jeesh, do you want control of the Senate or not!?!?!?!?!
Lieberman is going to smear Lamont? Are you implying that Lieberman hasn’t already been smearing Lamont. Lieberman’s whole campaign against Lamont has been nothing but a smear job, relentlessly negative for the last six months.
Lieberman has absolutely nothing to point to that he’s done in the eighteen years he’s been in the Senate. Oh, he’ll claim that he saved the sub base and some non-existent sub contracts, but Lamont can turn that claim on Lieberman in a flash and even make it funny at the same time.
How does Joe respond to Lamont’s inquiry that he (Lamont and the electrote) had been led to understand that Simmons and Rell and Dodd and Lieberman hd saved the sub base? So, who did save the sub base? Is Joe saying that Dodd didn’t save the sub base? Is Joe saying that Lamont wouldn’t do the job expected of a US Senator in the Congress. Are we supposed to believe this from an elected official who’s missed over 400 votes in the Senate, many of which dealth with war and peace and life and death. Sorry, Mr. Lieberman, we don’t accept your lies and your smear tactics.
I live in CT and Lieberman is an insult to the Democratic voters in the state. He personally insulted each and every one of us. He’s not done the work he was sent to Washington to do. He’s ineffective. And, he’s a pathological liar. What more do you need to know?
Lieberman is going to smear Lamont? Are you implying that Lieberman hasn’t already been smearing Lamont. Lieberman’s whole campaign against Lamont has been nothing but a smear job, relentlessly negative for the last six months.
No. My statement is meant to suggest that Leiberman will win. As in, win big. Like: Lamont – destroyed.
I live in CT and Lieberman is an insult to the Democratic voters in the state.
You have a valid beef. You’re his constituent and deserve a direct response from your representative over your complaints. Further, it is your vote and I will not debate you on how you should choose in that booth. It isn’t my right to say.
Lieberman isn’t going anywhere unless they take his seniority away. It’s more likely that if he wins, he will take Rummy’s job and Jodi will appoint to Republican to replace him.
What if Leiberman’s vote becomes the deciding factor? Who will he caucus with? Well, in that event, he’ll certainly have his share of leverage….
and whichever side he chooses won’t be able to trust him. He may have leverage, just no principles.
Lamont needs to run ads saying, “I’m the senator that will vote FOR impeachment.”
So do all other Dems in tight senate and house races.