For a few glorious moments this afternoon, we had a great distraction from the political struggles of the day:  A corn snow!

I’m no photographer. All I have is our old point-and-shoot  Olympus, but I had to take a few shots for the record. The snow was gone in 20 minutes, with the sun coming out just in time to set.  It also gave me a chance to practice making thumbnails. Sorry folks, this is a “practice” diary.

To see the photos bigger, click on the thumbnails, (while I keep my fingers crossed!)

There is little enough to look at now in our garden, just leaves and a few blossoms here and there.

For our Canadian Tribbers, here is one of our last Henry Hudson’s, blown off by the same strong wind that brought the snow.

As the sun came out, I saw it a little better.

The cold wind and setting sun quickly made pictures just about impossible. It was only fitting then, just for Family Man and the other Southerners at BT, that I found a few “grains” of snow left on our Alabama Sunset coleus, just as I ran out of light.