Would you divorce your husband if he did the following (.pdf)?
- Kept over 100 obscene pictures of himself on his computers
- Kept several photographs of himself having sex with other women
- Solicited various types of sexual activity, (including three-ways and anal), over the internet through Craigslist,
- Frequently threatened and verbally abused her
- Watched “pornographic material” in front of one of their young children
- Would not let a “Dancing with the Stars” costume designer into their home because he is a “sodomite”
- Said that one of their young children “broke out in hives because he saw the costume designer who is a ‘sodomite'”
- “Refused to let (their) children go to a performance to hear their mother sing The Star Spangled Banner“
That’s what GOP activist and former candidate for Congress Craig Schelske’s wife claims he did in her divorce complaint. Oh, and by the way, his wife was one of the contestants on the show Dancing with the Stars, that’s why the Sodomite costume designer tried to gain entry into their house and caused the young child to break out in hives.
Here’s a picture of the happy couple:
Discuss your favorite perverts, or perversions…
the three-way, or the anal?
good question. Maybe both?
and you know who you are . . .
I am going to be monitoring this comment thread and taking names and addresses.
Expect your Presidential Medal of Freedom any day now.
(Sssssh. I don’t think His Nibs knows the differece between “liberty” and “libertines.” Don’t tell him, OK?)
“Monitoring,” I see, just “monitoring.” Not participating, vicariously or otherwise, just monitoring.
But he looks like such a nice boy.
Too bad he has such perverted friends.
In answer to your headline question: Yes.
Observation: There seems to be a strong sexual theme to Saturday night postings here. Hmm.
This picture looks like it was taken in a basement “rumpus room”.
this, should definitely be monitored…
Roland Atkinson…”with friends like these”
Anna in Philly to be the host for this diary…not that there’s anything wrong with “perversions” between consenting adults…