The Bush Administration’s appalling, unprofessional handling of
security and threat information is on display again with
news–characterized as non-credible by Homeland Security–that
terrorists plan to hit seven NFL stadiums with a dirty bomb. The
information is not credible and yet, the Bush Administration is
compelled to distribute it? How much longer must we endure this
kind of amateur performance?
Seventeen years ago, in the aftermath of Pan Am 103 and allegations
that the U.S. Government warned its employees to steer clear of the
bombed plane, I was directly involved in developing and implementing
the policy of what to tell the public about potential threats.
The policy we came up with was simple and effective–if we had
information that was credible and could not be countered we would warn
the public. Such information would allow the Government to tell
American citizens what they needed to do to be safe against a
particular threat. Otherwise, we kept our mouths shut and worked
behind the scenes to deal
with the threat and not unnecessarily alarm the American people.
I did this while working for George H.W. Bush, 41. The old man
understood how to do security.
The new Bush Administration has dropped the ball. Instead of
dealing with reality they are opting to scare the hell out of people.
you da bomb! These amateurs ruining our country have got to go. Personal question Larry, are you still a Republican? Have you gone Indie or Dem in time for the elections?
the only “dirty bomb” in Oakland this week will be the Raiders on the field (or maybe the guy eating chili dogs in the “Black Hole”).
But you miss the point — what the Republicans want us all to do is to make sure and vote for Republicans on Nov. 7, because if we vote for Democrats we’ll contribute to the breakup of the United States…Michael Savage said so…
because they are scared to DEATH themselves. They’re scared of SUPEONA POWER in the hands of the democrats.
I just read at KOS that McCain said he’d commit suicide if the dems take control of congress. That’s an extreme statement because his complicity in the GOP’s crimes are EXTREME.
IMPEACH THEM ALL. . . the lying corrupt disgraceful bastards they all are. . .
Gee, maybe a bomb can blow up the field in Miami because my Dolphins suck this year!!! I thought sure that they would win at least 11 games, now they’re lucky if they win 5.
They want to win the election. And no ploy — no matter how repugnant or irresponsible — is out of the question.
I recommend looking at the actions of this administration with as jaundiced an eye possible. Even then, they will surprise you.
It’s a bit ironic that they have not been trumpeting their success as thwarting what looksto have been a genuine threat even if it was at a very early stage of (pre)planning. I wrote about it on the orange one on the 13th and I wonder whether this is the source of the alleged rumours this week? This is the first part:
A court case in the UK points to the possibility that the precautions taken in early August 2004 at several US locations were legitimate. A defendant has pleaded guilty to plotting to explode bombs in the UK and USA. The details are uncertain at the moment as there are reporting restrictions to protect other defendants in the case. What we do know is that the US targets included the World Bank and the IMF in Washington together with the Citigroup and Prudential Insurance Buildings and the New York Stock Exchange.
The charge as reported in the Guardian refers to “diverse days between January 1 2000 and August 4 2004” which means that he was arrested on August 4 or 5. The precautions taken before the arrest were therefore legitimate and this seems to be one of those success stories that both administrations claim. Could this, I wonder, be Rove’s October Surprise?
Excellent Larry.