I apologize if you have seen these, but here they are;
Maryland; Cardin leads Steele 51-43%
Missouri; Talent leads Mc.Caskell 50-47%
New Jersey; Kean leads Menendez 47-45%
Ohio; Brown leads DeWine 49-45%
Pennsylvania Casey leads Santorum 52-44%
Tennessee; Corker leads Ford 49-42%
Viginia; Allen leads Webb 49-46%
Connecticut; Lieberman leads Lamont 49-43%
Montana; Tester leads Burns 47-43%
Analysis; Wall St. Journal/Zogby poll. 1, Their is no way that Bob Corker leads Harold Ford by 7%. Every other poll has Menendez over Kean. Sherrod Brown leads DeWine by more than 4% in every other poll. Lieberman had a 20% lead over Lamont, which is now down to 6%. Don’t really believe that one. I don’t know what Zogby uses for determining results, but it’s much different than anybody elses.