I am going to do something unusual here and ask someone else to do some research. But first I want to set up a scenario that I think is being ignored by the blogosphere.
A lot of people are suspicious that Joe Lieberman, if he wins re-election, will caucus with the GOP. I don’t think that is very likely unless a very specific set of circumstances takes place. If Joe Lieberman is denied seniority by the Democratic caucus he will seriously consider caucusing with the Republican Party. But, knowing that, the Democrats will not deny Lieberman seniority unless they can afford to lose his vote and still maintain a majority. That means, the Dems would only consider stripping Lieberman of his seniority if they have a majority of 52. To get a majority of 52, the Dems would need to pick up eight seven seats. In order of likelihood, these are the eight seats we could pick up: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Montana, Rhode Island, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, Arizona.
Now, how likely do you think it is that we will win all eight seven of those eight seats without losing either New Jersey or Maryland? It’s not very likely. How likely is that we will win seven six of them? Taking Arizona out of the mix makes it at least plausible, but can we win Virginia AND Tennessee?
If we get to 51, and Lieberman is re-elected, then Lieberman will be able to decide which party controls Congress. It will literally be his decision. And as much as he will owe his victory to GOP financing and votes, he will be unlikely to screw all his lifelong friends on the Hill by denying them desperately desired Chairmanships.
Just think about the other Connecticut Senator, Christopher Dodd. He stands to chair the Rules and Administration committee and, since Sarbanes is retiring, he is in line for the the Chairmanship of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. He’ll only get one of them, but does Joe want to deny him both? Does he want to deny John Kerry the Small Business chairmanship? He will not screw over his friends lightly.
But, there is another problem that people are not considering. What if, as Sally Quinn predicts, Donald Rumsfeld resigns his position after the midterm elections? Who will replace him?
If the Dems take the House (as is almost assured at this point) and the Senate, the President will be forced to forego his former governing style and seek opportunities to blunt the mandate for change that such a repudiation at the polls will authorize. Offering the Pentagon to Joe Lieberman will be a very attractive way for Bush to attempt to ride out his bumpy last two years in office. The Establishment will fall all over themselves applauding such a move.
Lieberman would have to be crazy to trade a freshly won six-year term in the Senate for a two-year term at the Pentagon where all the chickens will be coming home to roost. But Joe is a vain man. And Joe would love to be in charge of all those weapons, even if only for a short time.
If Lieberman is given the choice between throwing the Senate to the GOP (when he could just as easily chair the Homeland Security and Govermental Reform Committee as a Democrat) and running the entire Pentagon, I suspect that he will take the job at the Pentagon.
So, here is my question: assuming Jodi Rell wins the election for Governor of Connecticut, who will she select to replace Lieberman? And, once that Republican joins the Senate and tilts to a 50-50 Senate where the Republicans control all the committees, how long will that Senator get to serve before a special election is held?
You got your math wrong, Booman. We need 7 seats, not 8.
I keep doing that. I will update.
We need 8 – counting Joementum’s seat
Oh sure BooMan! Way to ruin what should be a great few weeks… AAAAAACK!
How about assuming that Schlesinger becomes the monkeywrench in the Liberman campaign that allows Lamont to sneak in? (Problem solved!)
Great! Now I’ve got an effin’ headache as big as Left Blogistan…lol
here’s my silly questions. First, What about Bernie Sanders?
I know you’re focused on Dems but all thru this election campaign everyone has overlooked the fact that Bernie Sanders, although under the Independent banner, is the defacto Dem candidate in VT.
Dems have thrown their weight behind him. Even in GOP strongholds -villages, towns – where not a Dem sign is to be found, Bernie. is. the. man and he’ll be caucusing with the Dems.. And deliciously, like authentic VT maple syrup, those out of town swiftboaters who came here against Bernie were sent packing by VT Veterans.
Liebersoreloser can’t be trusted. So let’s say he bolts (good riddance) place Bernie in the mix – how will that change the Senate politics?
Bernie replaces Jeffords, which is swapping an independent for an independent. It doesn’t change that math at all because they both caucus with the Dems.
thanks for that. But I’m still nervous on the overall. I’m sticking with Molly.
Here’s a what if nobody’s talking about:
The House becomes, through a massive “sea change”, solidly, bullet proof Democratic? The Senate ends up 49, 49, 2…stipulating Lieberman’s victory for purposes of this scenario. For all intents and purposes, assuming Pelosi can keep them in line, BushCo™ is shut down for the remainder of their term, however long that may be.
Reid and Shumer take a look at the results, finally decide that maybe the voting public has had enough…and tell Lieberman (POO CT), that, if he caucuses w/ the D’s and toes the line, he can keep his seats on the committees, but he will not be chairman of any. Should he not be willing to accept that he loses seniority and starts over as a freshman independent. For all intents and purposes, Liebskunk is in the unenviable position of being hoist on his own petard if he choses to caucus w/ the R’s, regardless of the potential for the SecDef appointment, which I view as extremely unlikely…beautiful!…he wins, and loses big time…a king maker he is not…a fool, most assuredly.
Lieberman is NOT a Democrat!!!
He doesn’t deserve a single Democratic seat on a single committee. Why should Reid give the whiney back-stabbing bastard something which is reserved for Democrats? If the Democrats have a limited number of seats and chairmanships to hand out, they need to go to Democrats.
No arguments.
Joe is not a Democrat. He officially left our party when he formed his own party. Fine… he has the ego-boo of a party named for him. I don’t care if he causes with the Martians… he doesn’t get any democratic favors or perks or rewards. Not One.
who cares, and what difference does it make? He’ll still cross the aisle and vote w/ the Republicans when it counts.
The Dems win, and every bad thing that happens over the next couple of years will be hung around their necks … and they will do NOTHING to defend themselves.
Really, it doesn’t matter. We’re screwed whichever caucus he joins.
Who cares who wins tonight’s game 7 between the Mets and Cardinals. No matter who wins, the Milwaukee Brewers will no be playing in the World Series, so we are all screwed.
Who cares?
assuming Jodi Rell wins the election for Governor of Connecticut, who will she select to replace Lieberman?
Chris Shays.
Well, he’ll be available, that’s looking more likely with every passing day.