I’m at Mike Callaghan headquarters, making signs. I suck at sign making.

Mike left to wash his truck for the parade he’s riding in. There’s beautiful weather for it.

There’s not a lot of time left in the campaign and people are working hard here to get Mike elected.

We’re doing it even though the experts predict a win by Shelley Moore Capito. We’re doing it even though Mike’s not been picked by the DCCC in the expansion funding.

We’re doing it because, like Mike, we have faith in a better America.

SLJ blogged well about Mike’s first TV commercial.

Mike Callaghan Ad

It really is a strong ad in my opinion.

There’s not been any polls published for this race. Shelley Moore Capito, a Rubber Stamp Republican who has literally been tied to just about every scandal in this administration, from Tom Delay to Jack Abramoff to being on the page board to forming a PAC with Mark Foley, did a poll earlier, but never released the results.

She never released the results.

She also has gone negative against Mike in her advertisements, mentioning him by name.

That’s also never a good sign for an incumbent. She’s never campaigned negative before.

If she didn’t think this race could be won by Mike, she wouldn’t be doing these things.

But to those of us here, it’s not about winning or losing.

It’s about doing everything we can to elect a candidate we believe in.

I’ve blogged before about Mike’s positions.

I’ve also blogged about my fears of the direction the country is going.

I’ve said before love is the cruelest emotion and I love my country.

Because I believe in the U.S. Constitution. I believe in the rule of law. I believe war is a last resort and you don’t sacrifice the military for political polls and to enrich your friends.

I believe in defending the country, tolerance and the separation of church and state and helping those in need.

Those seem like basic, decent, American traits. But in the past six years we’ve seen the right wing in this country work to counter every one of them. We’ve seen an administration ignore warnings of Osama bin Laden’s plan to attack the United States. We’ve seen them promote intolerance and racist policies. We’ve seen them promoting “values” under the guise of Christianity while ignoring the teachings of Jesus. We’ve seen them remain on vacation while an American city drowned in a hurricane instead of sending aid.

Is Shelley Moore Capito to blame for all the ills of America?

Of course not.

But she’s been a reliable, rubber stamp to approve the plans of those damaging the country.

She’s voted for more than 80 percent of Bush’s proposals. She’s taken money from Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff.

Capito is one of those Republicans that must go.

Mike Callaghan is a former federal prosecutor, who has put criminals behind bars. He’s taken on coal mine operators who violated safety and environmental laws.

He’s a good-old boy with a shaved head, a Southern accent, genteel manners and a take-no-guff core.

Callaghan is the kind of person all of us as citizens need in the U.S. House of Representatives. Because he too has faith in a better America.

DonateJoin the dedicated team of volunteers

Also please vote for Mike in this poll on the Charleston Gazette. (On the right).

UPDATE: Capito went by in the parade. She looked at me waving my Mike Callaghan sign and her face froze. HAHAHA. Raese’s supporters followed. Larger than expected group, larger than Capito’s and he doesn’t have a chance in hell. His marchers tried to pass out stuff to people sitting on the curbs and no one would take it. Byrd, for better and worse, rules this state. They were soon followed by our Democratic county commission candidate Ryan Frankenberry driving his John Deere tractor covered in his signs. He’s young, but a great future. I’ll be blogging about him in future races I’m sure. Then our delegate candidate Jerry Burton, good group with him. Mike just went by in the parade with our group of marchers. Very loud cheers for Mike. “We Like Mike” chant echoing off the downtown buildings. Sounded really cool. You can’t judge an election by a parade, but you can judge enthusiasm. Capito got a few cheers but walked in the center of the road surrounded by her people. Mike moved back and forth, shaking hands with people and waving.