Larry C Johnson
It is one thing to be born deaf. It is another thing to become deaf because you are a drug abuser.
And it is the ultimate ignominy to be deaf by choice and to have your head up your ass.
Rush Limbaugh, you obese horror of a human being, how dare you attack the integrity and courage of Marty McFly.
there is a God then you will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s
disease. Hopefully it will be accompanied by incontinence and
weakened sphincter. You spend so much energy shitting on others
that you should spend a decade shaking and shitting on yourself.
Look I don’t have any respect for Rush Limbaugh either, but this ad hominem attack is way over the top.
I don’t want to see his face or any ridiculous pictures of people with their head stuck up their ass. By posting this you are dumbing down this site into just another drudge report.
Calling for God to punish someone makes you just like Pat Dobertson and whoever.
Please take this down.
Second that appeal. This really is unnecessary.
I would prefer a well written article explaining the controversy and showing the ad. Especially since the ad and the controversy haven’t really been covered here at BT except in some comments to other diaries and in the newsbucket.
Rush is despicable, but I don’t see what this accomplishes.
He means “pus” although “puss” works here too.
This is just another example of Larry posting after drinking.
I’ve given him a hard time about careless language several times, under this and other pseudonyms.
But he has the balls to use his own name.
And he’s basically right on the merits (although anybody reading this six months from now won’t know what it’s about, since Michael J. Fox is not mentioned nor any other identifying details).
If I was running this blog, I’m not sure I’d want this on the front page. But I wouldn’t take it down if it were a diary. Instead, I’d encourage it to be made longer.
Thanks for the “pus” catch. My bad. No scotch involved though. I’m amazed that no one on BT had even heard about this. You guys living in a cave? For pete’s sake, its all over the media. It is a simple matter of spleen venting. If I could meet Mr. Limbaugh face to face and punch him in the snout I’d feel better.
But your diary says nothing about it, either, so your claim to desire to inform us about the Michael J. Fox attack is bullshit. This diary is nothing but a worthless ad hominem ATTACK, with no argument whatsoever being made in support of or against anything other than Rush himself, the person.
You have become the enemy when you stoop so low as to meet them in the gutter with stuff like this.
This is the fundamental problem with the left. When you are confronted by a bully like Rush, you refuse to take him on. Ignore him? Whine about him? Sorry, not enough.
For starters this is not an ad hominem argument. According to wiki:
An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin, literally argument against the person), personal attack or you-too argument, involves replying to an argument or assertion by attacking the person presenting the argument or assertion rather than the argument itself. It is a logical fallacy.
I am not attacking Rush’s argument. I’m attacking him directly for his hypocrisy. Here is a man who has abused drugs and caused his own loss of hearing. He spews his filth day after day and now accuse Michael Fox of faking his disease. Sorry, that’s a shot that can’t be ignored.
Anyone familiar with irony? My statement, “If there is a God. . .” is intended to focus attention on the reality that bad things happen to good people and there is no divine cause or willful act of a deity involved. The reality is that a guy like Limbaugh attacks without mercy. It is time to hit back and hit back hard.
Larry, it doesn’t work. It has no context. It appears that you simply woke up and decided to attack Rush. For no reason.
Maybe you assumed that the Michael J. Fox ad story was covered here at BT and people were upset about it and they would get this. But it wasn’t. No one has written about it except in a couple of comments to other diaries that could easily have been missed by most people.
Maybe you assume that people know about it from other blogs. That’s not a good assumption. That’s why cross postings sometimes don’t work.
And even if it had been covered here, this is just over the top.
It’s all over the news. I’m confident that most here already know about it. It’s the nature of the post that’s objectionable. Like you said, it’s over the top.
There’s a difference between constructive criticism and downright nastiness. This does nothing to fire up people on the left; we’re decent enough folks to not be turned on by angry name-calling, no matter how righteous it may be.
Your justification for this piece of crap post by analysis of the “fundamental problem of the left” as not hitting back is bullcrap. There are good ways to hit back and there are bad ones. You have become the enemy by stooping so low.
I didn’t say that you were making any kind of argument at all. I said this was an attack on the person. Can you read?
If your point was about Michael J. Fox, why didn’t you say so?
Merely disclaiming the possibility of the existence of god does NOTHING to defuse your invocation of divine wrath. You have become the enemy by invoking it.
It’s called taking the high road. I’m in favor of it. Rush is creating his own karma and I have no doubt he’ll suffer for all he’s put out into the world. I’d rather focus on things we can do, rather than rant at someone we will never change.
Though I greatly respect the posters here, I disagree. I liked your post and quite frankly, thought it was funny. Best laugh of the day as I get ready to go work.
And for that, I thank you.
But here’s the point: You don’t bring knives to a gun fight. Sometimes, you gotta show some resolve and do the damned thing–and in this case, show Drug Rush the same respect as he’s shown so many others through the years. No wishy-washy, mush-mouth responses. You treat others as they treat you.
Sorry, but if Rush is drowning, throw the @#^$%! an anvil. In fact, throw him 10. He is a lying, drug-abusing, thrice-divorced, erectile dysfunction pill popping punk and it’s time to call him on it. It is PAST time to hit back, and hit back hard. He’s had it coming to him for a LONG time.
Carry on, Mr. Johnson.
You’re Right!!!!
Keep it up, it’s Actually a Tamer expression than what the rush and the wanna-be’s give out!!
‘Our torture isn’t as bad as saddam’s torture.’
Great justification there, Jim.
I agree with your opinion about this post but equating what Jim said with “Our torture isn’t as bad as Saddam’s” is a reach.
The argument, in both instances, the original comment above and my response, is exactly the same. I used that particular example to show how bad the argument really is. Perhaps I should have said “Our denigration and bullying isn’t as bad as their denigration and bullying”, but it loses something of the effect of how bad such an argument really is, and where such ugly thinking ultimately leads…
I understand your point and I agree with your sentiment, but I still think it was the best way to get the egregiousness of the offense across. Bullying is bullying, no matter how you justify it. So is torture.
If you all think this is not being addressed nationally then you need to watch cspan today. It was addressed and I get MO tv here and it was addressed too. So it is being addressed. Rush is being over the rim of hate here. There is not one thing that critizing Mr. Johnson will do to make the bag of shit do any better. We can not take this attitude and not get caught up in winning after the fact. To put mike fox down and for those who have parkinson disease is not a good thing. It is the use of stem cells that rush is against. The rep. do not want this type of research. It is that plain and simple. I have always said we must fight fire with fire. So get your fireman suit on and get busy. Then there is this thing of cloning. What a stupid thing to even get going in the public rheteric. Rush is all of which Mr. Johnson said he is. Right Mary B.
His home town is not very far from where I live and he is typical of those who do live ther for the most part, just cause they are that way. Mind set of those who live there are so far behind the time, it ain’t funny. This is the ad that tore a new a**hole for Talant is all. He is a jerk! I hope Mrs. Mac wins against him!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so if boo did not want this front paged, then he should not have not allowed it to show up.
It is nowhere near strong enough. Limbaugh is a dessicated sack of elephant excrement, and calling him a rose will not cut it. He’s a sack of shit.
THe repukeliscum are always telling us to cut out political correctness. I’m good with that – cool.
Limbaugh is a sack of shit, has always been a sack of shit, and will never change.
Why should we say anything else about him?
Perhaps we should all just agree that he was being a prick (see FAQ) and start writing LTEs. Note: I’m sure that most were already aware of this, I was.
A while ago, Rush Limbaugh made a comment on his radio show (that was sent to me by a friend) that special education students were ruining the education system. He pointed an accussing finger at a crooked system and blamed it on “crippled” children.
that week… the fucker was crying he was going deaf…
What I did was I wrote to his company about how sad of a man he must be and that I would do my part to ensure that I never bought a product that sponsored his hate speech.
One reason why I don’t drink Snapple Iced Tea or it’s other products. I wrote to them and told them why I was switching… copying in Tazo Tea to the email… Snapple’s reply to my distate in their sponsoring Limbaugh and my never purchasing their product??… They thanked me for being a continued supporter of their tea. They, too, are just as deaf as Rush. Tazo tea on the other hand wrote me thanks and said laughed about Snapple’s lack of reading skills to my letter.
Fuck Rush. He’s digging his own grave.
Audio clip with Limbaugh’s “claims”: courtesy Media Matters
And personally, I agree with Larry’s sentiments, and would probably have used even worse language — I’ve tried for years to be an advocate for the disabled, and Rush’s attitude sucks big time. If this ad had been made for stem cell research when Reagan was still with us (without addressing a particular candidate), Rush would be calling MJF “a courageous young man”…
Rush is a pus bag. So is anyone else who would so viciously attack the victim of such a debilitating disease.
Rush deserves whatever comes his way.