CQ came out with the list of Democrats who supported George Bush with their votes during the year in the Senate. Bush supported 60 of the 263 votes rendered in the Senate. All in all, 23 Democrats supported Bush half the time or more. They are;

1, Ben Nelson, 73% support for Bush
2, Mary Landrieu, 69%
3, Mark Pryor, 63%
4, Tom Carper, 60%
5, Ken Salazar, 60%
6, Tim Johnson, 60%
7, Bill Nelson, 59%
8, Max Baucus, 59%
9, Blanche Lincoln, 58%
10, Joe Lieberman, 57%
11, Patty Murray, 55%
12, Harry Reid, 55%
13, Evan Bayh, 54%
14, Kent Conrad, 54%
15, Dianne Feinstein, 53%
16, Jeff Bingaman, 53%
17, Maria Cantwell, 53%
18, Herb Kohl, 51%
19, Robert Byrd, 51%
20, Daniel Akaka, 50%
21, Carl Levin, 50%
22, Bob Menendez, 50%
23, Jack Reed, 50%

Sen, Joe Biden was the least supportive of the president, only voting with him 27% of the time. In fact, Biden and Sen, Jay Rockefeller were the only ones  that were under 45%. This just goes to show that the Democrats went along with Pres. Bush a lot of the time, and weren’t the opposition party many of you had figured.

This also goes to show that Joe Lieberman isn’t nearly the neo-con many of you are making him out to be. 9 Democratic Senators voted the way Bush wanted them to vote more than Lieberman did. But that won’t stop many of you in here from smearing the man will it??
