Last Friday, in an announcement that I for one failed to notice, the Department of Justice announced that Assistant US Attorney Jay Weimer has been appointed to guard against election fraud in the State of Georgia:

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Weimer has been appointed to serve on a committee to guard against election fraud, U.S. Attorney Lisa Godbey Wood said.

In his role as District Election Officer for the Southern District of Georgia, Weimer will be responsible for overseeing the handling of complaints of election fraud and voting rights abuses in the region, Wood said in a press release.

That’s a good thing, right? Well, let’s put the answer to that question on hold for a second. First, let’s answer another question. Who is Jay Weimer? It turns out that he’s a conservative ideologue who is the Vice President of the conservative website Bellwether Forum which was founded in Houston, Texas in 2001:

Jay Weimer is a Vice President of Bellwether Forum, and has been active in the organization since its founding. After graduating from Yale Law School, Jay moved to Houston to work for Vinson & Elkins. Jay spent five years in civil litigation before accepting a position as a federal prosecutor in Georgia. He has been actively involved in a variety of state and federal campains [sic].

Sound a little suspicious? Well, don’t just take my word for it. Let’s see what Mr. Weimer has to say for himself by reviewing his online posts at Bellwether Forum, shall we …

For example, here’s what he thinks about the ACLU:

[N]owdays the ACLU is nothing more than an arm of the Democratic party, and it campaigns against speech rights when those rights belong to abortion protestors or Christians wishing to express their religious beliefs.

And surprise! He’s a defender of Walmart, too:

Wal-Mart continues its evil plan to profit at the expense of honest, hard working Americans – this time by selling prescription medications at deep discounts. Joe Liberman [sic], Hillary Clinton, and all the other Democrats who returned campaign donations from Wal-Mart must be enraged.

And surprise again, here he repeats the hoary old GOP talking point that a large part of the Left (and by “Left” he means John Kerry and Howard Dean) is comprised of the Blame America First Crowd:

Blame America First

There has long been a trend among a significant segment of the left to blame America for any attack against it rather than consider that fault might lie at the feet of the attackers themselves. However, the left is now focusing its blame-America- first instincts not on the government, but on U.S. Companies and the millions of Americans who use their products and services. Clearly, John Kerry and Howard Dean know better than anyone what’s best for the average American. Less clear is whether the average American might feel some resentment at being informed of this undeniable fact.

Oh, and looky here where Weimer jumps on the “Islamofascism” bandwagon about the same time President Bush was starting to employ that term publicly this August:

Meanwhile, some in our government do not appear to be taking the threat of Islamofascism very seriously at all. Here reports on a behind-the-scenes tour of airport security given to representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a hardline Muslim advocacy group.

And then there’s this charming viewpoint that Mr. Weimer wholeheartedly supports:

In noting that having an English-speaking population correlates closely to wealth, Richard Rahn compares English to open-source software and speculates that the flexibility of English may offer inherrent [sic] advantages.

Starting to see a pattern yet? Well, in my humble opinion, Jay Weimer, the man who was just delegated to protect the election process from fraud in Georgia is a bit of a partisan hack. He despises the ACLU, loves him some Walmart, sneers at Democrats, regurgitates Republican talking points ad nauseam, cites World Net Daily as a credible source of news and opinion, and believes the English language is “inherrently” superior to other languages (even though he can’t spell the word “inherent” correctly).

Yep. He’s just the guy I want making sure that all the votes are counted properly in Georgia this year, all right. I wonder if next month the President might not end up telling him “Heckuva a job, Jay W!”