This set of images, I put together at two A.M., after successfully posting my first photo diary ever. The images posted in last years fOtofair were entered for me by Miss Katiebird, a beauty, I`m sure. This year, I would not have been able to do this myself, without the extensive, intensive & patient tutoring of the now famous Miss Olivia. I wish to publicly thank her for her help, and for working hard, along with other notables such as dada & others unknown to me, in creating this venue, for more people to interact. |
This Dwarf Angel is in his element here, trolling the reef for any small bugs to eat.
Click image for larger version.
I like your work so much I hate to pick a favorite but if this isn’t my favorite, it sure as hell is a very reasonable fascimile of it. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
Thank you very much & in response, even though I don`t say so as often as you post them, I think your woodland fantasies are wonderful.
They are a great way to start the day, with always a peaceful mood you capture so well. Thank you for them.
It’s very nice of you to say that and I’m glad you enjoy them — pictures seem incomplete until they are shared.
Here`s one that I think you should wonder about. I did not manipulate the image ,
I just shot it like any other shot. It`s not a garden globe reflection, nor did I take it through a peephole in a door.
The not so obvious, will become, “Hey, that`s cool, where did you get that?”, when I include a second shot to this in one of my comments.
I `m confident that nobody will be able to figure it out.
Now don`t waste time thinking about it. hahahhhah
Click image for larger version.
This is my funny granddaughter in a serious mood which I set by telling her stories that bring out her seriousness or her laughter. I think she knows when I do that.
Click image for larger version.
A mushroom, which can exude a highly toxic slime, has an oral opening in which food is ingested & waste expelled. A beautiful specimen of which there are many morphs, this one is spectacularly colored.
Click image for larger version.
“If you want to blend in, take the bus.”
A different color morph of a mushroom, as the one in the previous comment. At night these animals contract & re-expand with the light of the next day. Some of them enjoy creating different art forms for the interested viewer to ponder, such as this one that conjures up a Valentine`s heart.
Click image for larger version.
“All animals, except man, know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.”
So these mushrooms…do they have stuff like this for freshwater tanks? We got a tank when my child’s evil daycare decided to give all the kids guppies for some reason. Naturally, we had to go overboard. We’ve had some issues, what with guppies dying and being eaten, but now we have 2 snails, 2 algae shrimp and 2 clawed frogs (they ate the guppies). My husband wants more colorful flora in there, as the pigs, er, snails keep eating the plants we buy. So do you know if can we put these in our tank?
Hi Fabooj, Sorry it took so long to get back to you. No, these critters are strictly a saltwater species. There is no reason to not color up your tanks with colorful plastic plants which come in very realistic variations of real plants. Sometimes it`s even healthier for the fish also. You have to remember that you change your kids diapers, but all the animals in the tank eat all that plant material & poop accordingly. This requires more frequent water changes to keep the tank healthy. Sometimes adding plants also means adding little critters such as snails that hitch-hike in on the plants. That`s how many of our nations waterways become infested with foreign species, like the “Zebra Mussel” which was released with foreign ship`s bilge water & is now devastating the Great Lakes. I have trouble with hitch-hikers constantly. In one of my fOtofair comments I have a pic of “FLUFFY” a killer crab that I brought in on a piece of rock I purchased. They come in as larvae & then grow up to start killing things two years later & you think someone must have snuck in at night to play a joke on you.
There`s a hole in daddy`s arm , that`s where the money goes. If it`s not a needle in his arm, it`s a straw that`s up his nose.Thank heavens I had no children for the 15 yrs. I made my payments to a dealer. The car I paid him for was an illusion as is the “Gullwing” conjured up here. Those days are almost thirty years past, but the horrors of heroin which insidiously entraps you in it`s beguiling veil of hazy warmth are , I fear, about to return with a vengeance from multiple fronts.
I will presume a number of soldiers in combat areas have already succumbed to it`s false escape. Others will be shipping or transporting small, but ultimately insignificant amounts, back here. Finally we will get the bulk shipments brought in under color of authority, to finance clandestine operations or lavish lifestyles, which will devastate the youth of western cultures. The cost of these wars will eventually not be accounted for in dollars, but in the lost lives of soldiers who fought them & the new addicts who will also be fighting, a war within, to their deaths. Pray I`m wrong.PS The hole in my other arm is the beach house in Malibu. Unfortunately I couldn`t find a glass house, although I could have made one of cards, I guess.
Click image for larger version.
“Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?”
You are most unusual, Knucklehead. I have a brother in Malibu; I do understand about beach houses, tho his is up the hill quite a ways. And we all have to work hard not to look to the right or left to see why he’s there, or we’d know the cost of it.
We enjoy your diaries and comments, K, don’t stop.
Maybe I know your brother. Can you mention a general area where he lives. I lived up in the hills for enough time to get to know a lot of people.
Although I`ve mellowed out some, there was a time when if I didn`t know someone, it didn`t matter much, cause they knew who I was.
I`m on the coast near Latigo, but I used to live up in the hills with Boney Ridge as the panoramic view.
Let’s just say there are a lot of non-progressives surrounding him.
This hairy crab will enter a tank hidden in a crack in the rock work as a young crab. This “young” crab, grows rapidly in the confines of a tank, as there are few predators hunting his kind, nor are they capable of hunting it down usually.Another factor to his rapid growth, is that some idiot throws food in the tank everyday. Bored of the easy life he turns to torture & assassination.
He will kill more than he can eat, leaving death behind, along with the water befouling decomposing snail flesh, a likely candidate for violent abuse due to it`s dismal failings in “Track & Field”. After two years I finally captured him. Before transferring it to another tank I took this shot of him in a snifter type glass. My photo was chosen as “PIC OF THE MONTH” on a fish & reptile site. A forum leader on that site made this banner for me so that when I post there, it shows up as a sig line.
Click image for larger version.
“Why’d he name him ‘Harry’? That’s what my daughter just asked me when I asked her if she wanted to see a hairy crab. Oh. And now she wants sushi for dinner.
At the age of reason, we begin to see ourselves as what we would or could be, in numerous fantasies. These are manifested in dreams sometimes & in daydreaming at others. It would seem natural, that these reveries would usually cast us in a good light & unintentionally, always steer one away from the dark side.It has always been my fantasy that the dreamers of the world, the young ones, with the purity of their aspirations & hopes, should have theirs fullfilled.
Click image for larger version.
“The past is only the present become invisible & mute; and because it is invisible & mute, it`s memoried glances & it`s murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow`s past”
This statue is in a side yard at a location in Malibu overlooking the ocean.
Every time I walk by it, it seems different.
This shot is from one of those moments. I really snuck up on it, to catch it looking. I have hundreds of shots of it in different moods.
Click image for larger version.
These little pricks are actually a field of cactus prickles on the flat branch of a species of “Prickly Pear”
Click image for larger version.
“The greatest mistake you can make in life, is to be continually fearing that you will make one.”
Wow again! I love your use of color.
Thanks for the praise, especially from someone whose writings
I read daily. It`s these kinds of events that foster cooperation between people & should be a lesson, on a grander scale, for those who know not the meaning of diplomacy. Sharing happens.