Progress Pond

Greg Abbott steals from Texans! Media yawns! HELP!

Dear Kossacks,

Texans need your help right now and time is of the essence.  Hit Recommend!

At long last, Greg Abbott’s corruption and illegal actions have been exposed.  The Texas Attorney General, the highest law enforcement officer in Texas, has been caught stealing from the people of this state yet the lazy Corporate Embedded Media <sup>TM</sup&gt in Texas is not reporting.  

REMEMBER who Greg Abbott is:

Last night WFAA aired a report about Abbott’s use of state employees on state time and using state equipment to record his campaign advertisements.  That is clearly against the law.

Tom Smith, Director
Public Citizen

The law has been clear for a really long time and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what this law means and to read the cases and understand:


I have scoured the “internets” and used “The Google” and I cannot find where our media is picking this story up.  

Please help us get this story coverage!  

If you have any media contacts, contact them.

If you have any ideas, please post a comment.

Statement by David Van Os the best hope Texans have!


The “good guy” image of himself that Greg Abbott is spending millions of dollars to promote is phonier than a three-dollar bill. Beneath the glossy campaign ads, he’s a thief and a hypocrite, and his claim to be such a nice guy is a pack of lies.  

Abbott has been caught red-handed using film produced by state employees on state equipment and on state time in his campaign commercials and in his campaign website. WFAA-TV laid out the undeniable evidence in its 10:00 news on October 27.  Anyone with an Internet connection can view the story at

The WFAA report also reveals that Abbott set up an expensive video department in the AG’s office on tax dollars so he could produce films for his grandstanding at the taxpayers’ expense.

Greg Abbott is a state employee. State law prohibits state employees from using state resources for political purposes.  It’s stealing the taxpayers’ money.  


There’s no difference between stealing a penny and stealing a dollar; cheating on a test or cheating in an election; little white lies or whoppers.

Greg Abbott has proven by this action and probably others, that he feels an entitlement to his public office, the state’s and people’s equipment, facilities and employees, as if it were all his personal property.

Greg Abbott is so sure of his entitlement to public office, he thinks he has a special privilege to steal public equipment and resources to promote himself. If he doesn’t apply the law to himself, then he’ll also selectively enforce the law – and that is what he does.

He gives free passes to big campaign contributors through non-enforcement of consumer protection laws; but enforces the law vigorously against those who are defenseless and usually penniless.

He garnishes a child’s bank account so he can get a statistic claiming he’s collected child support – by taking the money from the very child the money was intended for.   The child is just a number, not even a name.

He calls himself the holy defender of the Ten Commandments while trampling on its injunctions not to steal, lie, or idolize himself.

In this campaign he calls himself the patriotic defender of the Pledge of Allegiance while disgracing our nation’s fundamental value that government belongs to the people.

We the people have got to take our government back from corruption under any name, whether that’s Greg Abbott, any other Republican, Democrat or Independent.  The Law is the Law.

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