Progress Pond

Is Jerome a Paris stirring things up at dKos?

Go check it out… I snipped the title and the very beginning of it for the tease.

Is DailyKos a rightwing website?

Whenever I write about possible policy options that would be (partial) solutions to our looming crisis, there is always a noisy proportion of kossacks that complains that my proposal would unfairly hurt them, and that I don’t understand about the USA, how big it is, or how necessary a car is for their job, or their shopping, or how wind would spoil their view, etc, ad nauseam.

Whenever I write about unions, government regulations, workers’s rights, I get similarly hammered for not understanding economics (or blasted away with arguments about French unemployment, or various looming European crises like population, pensions, …). I am permanently amazed by the lack of attention on the websites for issues like poverty, inequality, workers’ rights, and by the hostile comments on my diaries on such topics (if they even manage to get noticed) which sound just like anything you’d hear from rightwing commenters in Europe.

Is dKos rightwing?

So let me attack head on several group of professional whiners who sound suspiciously like rightwingers:

Wholy Gobsmack! Over 1000 comments last I checked. It is a must read Diary. I am almost afraid to open the diary with comments on dial up. lol

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