From Bob Fertig at…

“When the polls close, we propose that Democrats across the country gather outside their County Election Office for a candlelight vigil to Count Every Vote, all wearing the same color: Blue.

Imagine a Blue Revolution, every bit as joyous and historic as the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution Lebanon, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, and the other democratic revolutions of recent years – right here in the United States of America.

Help us organize a vigil in your county – just create a new Forum Topic coded “Blue Revolution,” select “County,” post the location of your County Election Office, and spread the word to your friends. More details below…”
“…Should we start a Blue Revolution across the USA on Election Night to stop Republicans from stealing Election 2006?

This Congressional election has witnessed vastly more local polling than ever before, and every poll points to the same result: Democrats will win more than the 15 seats we need to win the House of Representatives, and we are ahead or tied in the 6 seats we need to win the Senate.

These polls are not isolated local phenomena, but are part of a national tidal wave visible in every national poll….”

“…Yet despite this overwhelming polling evidence, George Bush – along with Dick Cheney and Karl Rove – adamantly insist that Republicans are going to win on November 7.

What do they know that we don’t know?

As time runs out for an October Surprise, there’s only one possibility: that they have rigged the election process to guarantee Republicans win….”

“…there’s one more thing we’d like to ask you to do after all of the votes have been cast.

It’s quite simple really. But for it to work, thousands of us would have to participate.

When the polls close, we propose that Democrats across the country gather outside their County Election Office for a candlelight vigil to Count Every Vote, all wearing the same color: Blue.

Imagine a Blue Revolution, every bit as joyous and historic as the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution Lebanon, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, and the other democratic revolutions of recent years – right here in the United States of America.

Gathering outside County Election Offices is crucial because that’s where our votes are counted.

In some counties, they simply tally the results from counts in each precinct. In some counties, they count the absentees at the county office and add them to the precinct tallies. In the remaining counties, they tally all the absentees and ballots at the county office. They also review provisional ballots to determine which will be counted. And if a race is close enough to require a re-canvass or recount, it is done there.

If Republicans plan to steal the November elections, most of their thievery would be at the county level because that’s where large numbers of votes can either be shifted from Democrats to Republicans, or Democratic ballots thrown out, or fraudulent Republican ballots manufactured. And it’s just as likely to happen in “red” counties where Democratic lawyers aren’t watching as in “blue” counties where they are.

A crowd of Democrats outside County Election Offices might not be able to detect or stop a Republican election stealing plan. But at a minimum we would send an extremely powerful message to George Bush, the Republican Party, the corporate media, and the world: that we’re watching and prepared to do whatever it takes – peacefully of course – to make sure every vote counts.

If we gathered together on Election Night, we can also do valuable organizing work like collecting a list of Election Day problems (mechanical, administrative, and otherwise) and blogging what we find. We can volunteer if a manual recount is required in close races. We can plan local campaigns to replace electronic machines with hand-counted paper ballots, which might be a very popular idea if your county’s election goes badly.

And if our votes are honestly counted and we win, we can have the biggest outdoor party in American history – and start planning to work with Congressional Democrats to restore Democracy, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights in America….”

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