Progress Pond

Stoller: Shrill and Vituperative

Matt Stoller is feeling shrill. I don’t exactly agree that:

“The American people know…that Democratic Senators are moral lepers, weaklings, and that is the only reason we aren’t further ahead when the Republicans screw everything up. The Democratic Senate leaders will sell us out at every opportunity, be it torture, Iraq, Alito, Lieberman, the Bankruptcy Bill, or stopping war with Iran. They aren’t poll-driven, they aren’t fear-driven, and they aren’t driven by strategic differences. They are simply driven to beat us down, their voters, by any means necessary. That’s why they cheered Joe.

But, honestly? It hasn’t been a whole lot better than that. If you don’t think so, read about the history of the Committee on the Present Danger. They are the bad guys. The real bad guys. Don’t believe me? Well, the CPD is back in a third incarnation.

Members of the 2004 CPD include Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, former CIA director R. James Woolsey, Jr., and Reagan administration official and 1976 Committee founder Max M. Kampelman.[2] At the 20 July launching of the 2004 CPD, Lieberman and Senator Jon Kyl were identified as the honorary co-chairs.[3] Other notable members listed on the CPD website include Laurie Mylroie, Norman Podhoretz, Frank Gaffney and other associates of the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, American-Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Boeing Company.[4]

If you don’t know who Mylroie, Gaffney, Podhoretz, and Woolsey are, you should do a little googling. These are Lieberman’s buddies. And any Democratic Senator that sees Lieberman as an acceptable colleague is morally depraved. I think Stoller is going a little far and getting a little ‘shrill’. Perhaps he is being slightly vituperative. But he’s not far off the mark.

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