“Now, how do we treat these people? I sent down yesterday for the menu from Guantanamo, so that the average American could understand how we’re brutalizing people in Guantanamo, and I’ve got it right here. For Sunday they’re going to be having — let me see — orange-glazed chicken, fresh fruit groupe, steamed peas and mushrooms, rice pilaf, another form of torture for the hijackers. We treat them very well.” – Duncan Hunter, responding to revelations of torture at Guantanamo Bay.

Duncan ‘Rice Pilaf’ Hunter has announced that he is running for the Republican nomination for President in 2008. What’s odd about that? Well, he is currently the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. And it is pretty hard to run for President and hold hearings on the status of our armed services in Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time. Sounds to me like he is not planning on retaining his position as chairman into the next year. Either that, or he is happy to give up the responsibility.

Carl Luna, a political science professor at San Diego’s Mesa College, said Hunter may be preparing himself for losing the Armed Services Committee chairman slot.

“Duncan Hunter is looking for something to do if the Democrats take control of the Congress,” Luna said. “He doesn’t want to have to go from being chairman of a powerful committee to just another backbencher.”

He’s more likely to join his buddy Duke Cunningham in jail than he is to become President. I just hope he enjoys the orange-glazed chicken.