Saturday Night Bar/Lounge
Please try not to spill more beer – the floor is sticky enough.
Karaoke Later.
Karaoke Later.
Beer nuts and pretzels available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The Jukebox takes only 4’s
Maybe the dogs will lick the floor clean.
Diary pimping of sorts…but I got to see Al Gore today. Hard to beat a day when that happens.
The man has to run in 2008.
I read your diary over at Orange. It’s very cool that he came out.
He’s gay?
sorry, bad joke.
Hey, nothing would surprise me any more ..
No, you’re thinking of the televangelist guy …
Haggard is not gay, maryb. It was just massage. From a male escort. In conjunction with the purchase of an illicit drug known in the gay community to enhance sex enormously. Which he threw out. Because he’s not gay.
Did he say he threw it out? I thought he just said he didn’t use it and I was waiting for someone to ask if he sold it. 🙂
Iirc, he claimed he ‘always’ threw it out (that is, he bought it & tossed it repeatedly) — but if he can’t keep the story straight, how can I?
Ah … he was doing a service to the community by buying it, throwing it out and taking it off the streets.
Living here in the state that is the meth capital of the US, I know I’m grateful.
Wonder if he’ll get arrested for buying illegal drugs. His statement IS an admission that can be used against him 🙂
I believe the meth is the reason for the current investigation. One also notes that he tried to pin the sales directly on Jones, but Jones claims he just made the connection for him.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, etc.
that’s pretty funny!
but, unemployed.
Time for rehab!
Maybe he and Foley can rehab together!
gift registery(sp?) for not gay-GOPers going to rehab, who then meet and not fall in love, but decide to be lifelong roommates?
I see a market for someone entrepreneurial!
OMG! I can be, like their private shopper, so no one knows that they’re not gay together!!!!
Just remember that they’re both unemployed ..
.. but maybe Ted — or is it Art? — can pay you in meth. When he throws it out.
Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that this Ted guy wasn’t going to be able to hide behind very many excuses and obfuscations, so he let it all out, and quick.
Hell, it’s a trendsetting moment in American history, making marks on the textbooks, to come out as a Republican john to hustlers . . . Who’s next? Karl Rove????????? He was just too shy to admit his affair with James Guckert . . . but Foley’s broken the dam, and Haggard is clearing the debris . . C’mon Karl . . . . kissy poo Karl. Tell Tell Tell
But … a little free legal advice. Draw the line at buying their meth for them.
I doubt they’d stoop so low as to operate like Rush does. Right?
That’s why God invented high school interns. Silly girl.
what was I thinking? of course!
Aha! I get it. All Bush’s talk about ‘measuring the drapes’ is part of that code thing ..
Those crazy queer eye guys!
Didn’t Foley’s IM’s say something about measuring, hmmm, was it drapes, or was it something else? We straight guys have trouble remembering that kind of thing.
At this point, the GOP can open its very own ‘party facility’ (in a suitably undisclosed location).
Dood Abides diary…”Mark & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”…
I’m not gay? Yes I am. Hi WW. Want to chat??
You can see we’ve been having a bit of fun at not-gay-Republicans’ expense. Nice to see you, dear. Do you mean chat here or offline?
Would you like to discuss the ‘drapes’?
You can chase your friends down in cybertime. How weird. Like mom screaming out into the neighborhood at 5:45 to have you come home for dinner.
ohhhhh drapes . . . am I missing something?
If you aren’t tired I could give you a call.
See my Bush comment above.
Sure, let me wipe up here & log off.
A bientot, froggies. See you later — at Bed, Bath & Beyond Redemption!
Heh. 😛
Excellent work, Psi — & I’m not only referring to the diary. I thank you.
Hello everyone.
Hi, Toni! You know of any elementary schools that need a really good math teacher? My new principal swings between insane and incompetent. Her idea of multi-tasking is to combine insanity with incompetence.
We’re about to go through another round of November lay-offs. We’re dying in H-town.
Sorry about the principal – it sounds like my boss in drag.
I’m sorry you guys are having to deal with..what you are having to deal with. Teaching is more than enough of a challenge without all the other stuff getting in the way. I really hope Tuesday’s result allows the return of hope to your situations.
Only if Jenny wins and takes one of the houses. We need a cap on charter schools and we need it fast.
Plus, we need competent leadership at the district level. I have zero hope of that happening anytime soon.
Amen, Toni.
is speaking at Cobo on Sunday. Are you and Kidspeak going? I’m going and I am really looking forward to it.
I don’t know, Toni. I’d like to hear him, but I’m so far far behind in work from the past two weeks.
I’m way far behind, too. I’m so tired of not having a life that I just said screw it and bought a ticket anyway. I’ll bring some papers to grade during the lulls.
Anyone seen Manny tonite? I have a question for him.
No, but he doesn’t usually blog on weekends. I doubt that even the Holy Chihuahua incantation will work on a Saturday night.
That’s what I was afraid of. Just got another insane border thingy from my ultra right-winger quasi cousin. Video surveillance cameras are (according to this guy) up on the Texas border and everyone is encouraged to watch and phone in when we see something suspicious! I just wanted to see what M knew about the program.
You could post the question over at his b. He might see it.
I heard about that some months ago but didn’t know if they were working yet.
What’s the number? I’d call and tell them its suspicious that there are a bunch of video cameras watching the middle of f’ing nowhere.
I see great potential for some serious UFO excitement here. Let’s get some radio operated planes, modify them into shiny, spaceman thingees, and zoom them around the cameras.
I think this is why Saturday Night Live isn’t funny anymore. Because it can’t top real life.
Sometimes I wonder if this is real life. Reality has been out joint since that divorced, B-movie actor became President and the hero of the Christian right. Let’s hope that Tuesday will be the start of better times.
thanks for the msg at my b, I responded. Thx for the info.
slumming tonight?
unless you’re calling yerself a slum queen? How goes it?
I was tired earlier, but forced myself to stay awake. So now I’m wide awake.
You? What did you do tonight?
giving the Enn-Ess-Aye too much red meat, I was at Mass with a group that I teach for their special adult-oriented sacrament. It was great, now I’m relaxing on my porch with some Killians trying to figure out how painted up I’m going to get tomorrow for the All Souls Procession (think skeletor) 🙂
In other words do you need glow in the dark paint?
I hope you lit a few candles for Tuesday while you were there 🙂
at sundown, but there will be plenty of candles and hundreds of people participating. Its one of the biggest events in the city for the year. I’m excited.
Candles lit, prayers said, and I even spun around in a few circles doing the chicken dance and spit on the ground (outside, of course) for good measure. We should be good to go :o)
Although, if it’s night it might be hard to take pictures. We’ll expect lots of descriptions at least.
I’m glad you were careful with the chicken dance/spitting ritual. I’m not sure what would have happened if you’d done it inside. The hellmouth would have opened? 😉
on doing a belated Dia de los Muertos diary explaining the symbolism and pre-conquistador roots that gave rise to the modern day holiday.
Hellmouth? Doesn’t that reside in the basement of 1600 Penn? heh
So do your feet hurt? How many doors did u knock on today?
See Mary, I did the Holy Hookah incantation, and it worked!
(Sorry Manny, you didn’t know you were “summoned”, I’m sure!)
not to question the supernatural workings of the Froggy Bottom Lounge. It’s a highly mystical place to be.
I’m digging the fact that you all changed your clocks, now there are more people around the time I’m usually haunting the place.
Take care and good night. I’m shutting down.
May your reboot in the morning go without incident!
that the Holy Chihuahua incantation simply took a little extra time to work tonight.
My powers are so great.
along with dinner which delayed me further. It was a chicken, basil, mushroom lasagna from a new place I found by driving around aimlessly. Definitely a repeater.
Will there be any special food tomorrow?
if there is, it’ll be Pan De Muerto which is made for this special time of year only. Don’t worry, tho, I’ll sniff out whatever food goodness can be found (don’t tell katiebird)
Did you see what Katiebird contributed on the YouTube thread?
And last night she said “kick-ass” 🙂
always been one to surprise, I’m glad to see her out and about more. She sounds busy, as do we all. It’s going to be weird post-election.
why weird?
it’ll be back to policy 24/7. I must admit tho, I’m not looking forward to the 2008 slugfests. Any favorites yet?
I’m neutral but Edwards has been impressing me lately.
<Maryb puts her fingers in her ears>
I don’t want to hear about 2008 yet. Waaaay too soon.
I’m looking forward to having my weekend days back.
alright, I’ll stick my fingers in my ears too.
So any big plans for Thanksgiving? Mine will probably be the same ole same ole eatfest at my various extended family homes.
multiple family events all involving food.
Actually Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not much prep needed for it. AND three days off after. (If I’m lucky and the clients cooperate.)
I usually go to Florida around this time, but I skipped it this year. I’m kind of missing it. I like having that one last fling with summerlike weather.
Perhaps I’ll take some extended time over the break but I’ve been dealing with an ornery boss lately. blech. I read that this was usually your DisneyWorld visit, sorry you had to miss it. I loved it when I was there a few years ago.
ornery with you after all the work you’ve done the last few months.
Oh, wait. Yes I can. Typical boss 🙂
You SHOULD plan some time off.
Much as I hate to, I’m going to say good night. I have a busy day and I need to try to fall asleep.
i’m off too, have a great weekend y buena suerte as you continue to work for your candidate. paz