Perhaps, like me, you’ve seen the recent spate of ads attacking Democratic candidates for wanting to destroy Social Security. They are quite clever in an outrageously deceitful way.
Each one claims that [insert Dem Candidate’s Name] wants to lower benefits, raise the age to receive benefits, and raise social security taxes. The implicit thrust of the adis that only Republicans will protect Social Security from the hordes of barbarian Democrats at the gate. The ads, by the way are paid for by the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC). They have been running these ads in some districts since mid-October.
Here’s the one they’re running against Eric Massa in New York’s 29th District. Notice the use of a sniper rifle motif:
This scurrilous claim is a complete reversal of the truth about which party wants to eliminate Social Security as we know it is a classic Rovian tactic of projecting your weakness on your opponent, and attacking his or her strength. No mention is made in those ads that it was the Republicans who tried (and failed thanks to Democratic and public opposition) to privatize Social Security and place its massive trust fund in the hands of Wall Street investment houses. Nor is any mention made in the ads that, after the election, the Republicans plan to take another run at privatizing social security, exposing our retirement income to the risks and vicissitudes of the stock and bond markets.
These ads are just another example of how low Republicans will go to retain power. No lie is beneath them, no slander is left unsaid. Can’t you just smell the desperation?
it is a classic Rovian tactic of projecting your weakness on your opponent, and attacking his or her strength.
I have been wondering just why the Dems don’t make this a major campaign theme. Put all the doublespeak and many examples of this philosophy into a major campaign commercial and show it over and over. The major inference would them be, the Repub party thinks your stupid and this doublespeak shows this! Now are you going to show them that they are correct or wrong in this judgment?
Personally, I think there’s a bronze plaque over Rove’s desk that reads ‘Ignorance is strength’.
No matter what happens on Tuesday we can at least be assured of a break in scurrilous, untruthful, repulsive campaign ads — at least for a few months.
Alas, every appearance by a senior administration official is a campaign ad — either for the last campaign or the next one. That’s what they do (& call it governance) — most especially Commander Snake-Oil himself.
Unless there’s a recount battle… and then the campaign commercials will just be the talking heads on CNN…
The same people who are represented in these ads will be lining up for a second shot at privatizing Soc. Security starting immediately after the election. They expect their electorate to have forgotten about the ads a day or two after the election. Sadly, IMO, they may be right about that more often than not.