The art of cock-sucking. The weapon that works. It has stopped many leaders in their tracks. Women and gays who have finessed this technique can rule the world on many levels and apparently do, at least on the sidelines.
Why do men put so much at risk for this delectable momentary pleasure? When one thinks about the visual it’s pretty freaking gross. But when one sees the ecstasy on the face of the receiver is there any doubt of the absolute control the sucker has at that moment?
Who is the real sucker in this situation I ask? I suggest that if you want to stop the hypocrisy, corruption and the wrong direction the world is headed, not only vote for Democrats on November 7th, but suck a GOP leader so he can lie about it; a religious leader-make him pray for mercy, a mean boss-get a raise from the CEO- etc.,
Democrats learned this lesson years ago with Bill and Monica. It’s time for those in power to heed this lesson also or they will be condemned to learn the hard way.
A little bit of snark goes a long way. And I already voted straight Democrat ticket so I feel free to have some fun.
But seriously, why are men so easily sucked into this act outside of marriage and other commitments? Do they really think that oral sex is not cheating? And why do they pay for it?
A suggestion for conservatives- Liberals understand that pleasure is a gift (when it doesn’t hurt another person, like a spouse, a church, a child..) a gift that both heterosexuals and gays should be able to openly enjoy.
Sheesh, rosewriter, you can sure pack a punch of snark all right!!
But snark aside, I have to admit to being coompletely mystified also, by the question of why ANYONE would willingly take such huge life risks for such a momentary sexual pleasure. Esecially those whose power depends on thier public image, like priests, church leaders, politicians and yes, even presidents. I just don’t get it.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The Rev. Ted Haggard agreed to resign Saturday after the New Life Church’s independent investigative board recommended removal, saying he was guilty “of sexuallly immoral conduct.”
Says it all…the sheeple have spoken.