Liberal Street Fighters

A fair Wisconsin votes no!

If you are in Wisconsin, if you only color in ONE arrow on your ballot today, make sure it’s to vote NO on the Hate Amendment. Wisconsin can be the first state to reject one of these hateful, devisive laws. PLEASE, if you’re a Wisconsin voter, help raise your voice for inclusiveness, for fairness, for basic human decency … for the idea that we’re all in this together, and EVERYONE should have the right to find their own happiness, love and peace in their lives. After talking with his grandson, Justin’s grandpa gets it.

If you don’t know where to vote, GO HERE.

As the Wisconsin State Journal put it:

The backward proposal would mark Wisconsin as unfriendly to gays and lesbians. Employers, schools and communities would have a smaller pool of talent to draw on and to help Wisconsin thrive.

The amendment would dishonor the state’s welcoming spirit and respect for freedom. Wisconsin’s lands, homes and jobs have been open to people of differing nationalities, religions, races, sexualities and abilities for decades.

Fair-minded voters should vote no on the amendment. It’s wrong for Wisconsin.

Vote NO, and vote for a fair, just and decent Wisconsin. I’m on my way soon to do just that. I know tonight we can share a victory over the forces of intolerance, hatred and bigotry, but only if we go out and say NO.
Update [2006-11-7 20:58:46 by Madman in the Marketplace]:

CNN dot com is showing that Hate Amendments will pass easily in SC, TN & VA.

Shame on them.

Update [2006-11-7 22:42:29 by Madman in the Marketplace]:

Well, if the AP and CNN are right, Shame on US in WI too. Based on exit polls, they’re projecting a win for hate and bigotry.