Lot’s of people have ideas on what issues the Democrats should focus on when they assume control of Congress next January. For some, it’s investigations of the myriad of scandals propagated by this administration. For others, it’s a move to govern from the “vital, dynamic center” (whatever that means) and a return to bipartisanship (which I assume means agreeing to do something George Bush and the Republicans want done). For Speaker-in-waiting Nancy Pelosi, it’s her plan for the Democrats’ first 100 hours in power.
Well, those are other people’s priorities for the Democrats. Here are mine:
Ban Torture. No President, ever, gets to decide what conduct does and does not satisfy the terms of the Geneva Conventions. Period. End of story.
Restore the Writ of Habeas Corpus. The Constitution allows for the temporary suspension of habeas corpus only in times of invasion or insurrection. I think that gets it right, don’t you? No one holding the office of the President should be entitled to eliminate that right under any other circumstances. Period. End of story.
Provide a fair trial and independent counsel to everyone “detained” by the Government, for whatever reason. We had a revolution once to ensure these rights for everyone. And to make certain no government would ever hold someone for an indefinite time without providing them a fair trial, these rights were specifically added to the Constitution by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments. If the people who wrote and ratified our Constitution thought such rights were a necessary limitation on government powere, it should be good enough for us today. Period. End of Story.
Stop Government Spying on Americans Without a Warrant. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution (part of the original Bill of Rights) states that:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
I thinks that’s pretty straightforward, don’t you? You want to listen in to my telephone conversations, or raffle through my email messages, or just follow me around to see what sites on the internet I go to, get a warrant from a COURT OF LAW. And no avoiding this responsibility by hiring some private company to invade my privacy and then sell you the data they collected. Period. End of Story.
It’s a short list, so it should be pretty easy to accomplish. And its even a bipartisan agenda. And if you need a slogan to sell it to the public, try this one: “The Preserving America’s Freedoms Act of 2006.” That ought to do the trick, and it has the added benefit of being truthful, too.
How about the Enduring Freedom Act?
Too close to Republican (mis)titles for my liking. Besides Freedom doesn’t endure if we don’t preserve it.
Investigate and repeal Medicare D, then replace and implement (fund) a single payer health care plan!
I like your list — definitely a good place to start! Those are CORE VALUES for America. And they are basic human rights. You can’t get much more basic than that.
I’m right with you on this, Steven.
Arrest Bush and Cheney, send them to a military brig on some dry tortuga in South Florida, and never let them use habeas corpus. Also never try them. Just hold them forever in protective custody and/or as material witnesses!
You are so right on your priorities. Without these rights, we are not truely free. I want to see the hearings first though. The rest can be happenening at the same time. I don’t think we can wait much longer for George to pull more executive privelage crap.
How are you letting them know?
Thanks Steven – you’ve provided the framework for my first post-election LTE.
I’d also like them to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
I said this in a dead thread, but we need to examine who has been abusing the trust of the public airwaves- and bring back the fairness doctrine.
I’m 100% with you my friend, but Senator MBNA is already publically shooting his mouth off and taking Congressional oversight off the table:
SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO YOUR JOB. God, would it hurt to actually have a damned hearing first?!?!
Don’t sweat it. We’re not going to get a better choice. Would you rather rehash Iran-Contra and get some incomptetent buffoon instead?
I agree Biden should say, “I’ll listen carefully to the hearings and make my decision then.”
But the bottom line is that the Dems are not going to make this into a big fight and they shouldn’t.
Yes, actually, I would.
We are in this mess b/c Clinton and Biden didn’t hold people accountable for Iran/Contra. It is no coincidence that so many of the criminals who got us into this mess were up to their eyeballs in THAT scandal, and it’s also no coincidence that the lack of accountability THEN emboldened them NOW.
Even if they plan to roll over on yet another connected hack and criminal (and of course, being warhawk boosters of the Military Industrial Complex), you DON’T reestablish the principle of oversight if you promise ahead of time to rubberstamp our emporer’s choice.
The Dems won’t make a big fight out of anything, and that is exactly the problem.
I agree with you.
But Gates was totally peripheral to the Iran-Contra affair. He already paid for it by getting rejected once for DCI. It’s just petty at this point. This is not something to get upset about. It would be dumb politically.
It’s not gonna happen and we shouldn’t lose any sleep over it. Save your outrage for something that matters.
Spencer Ackerman on Gates:
Pierce offers up some Gates history:
My additions:
1. Reverse the Military Commissions Act altogether.
2. Ban not only torture, but cruel, inhuman, and/or degrading treatment.
3. Provide counsel for detainees immediately (ditto medical treatment)
4. Close Guantanamo Bay
The day David Addington leaves will be celebrated as a “Restore Our Freedoms” national holiday. Bush hasn’t acted alone.
You know, I am so happy I moved to San Francisco 15 years ago. I moved here because of its values. Values like rspecting Freedom of Religion, Free Speach and the right to gather, freedom to love, freedom to make a living wage, compassion for your fellow person, and respecting and honoring the diversity of all peoples.
I think America could use a healthy dose of San Francisco Values.
Oh, and can we close Gitmo already?
veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto veto
I don’t expect much of anything to be easy to accomplish.
If Bush has many veto’s, that will be a good sign. It will mean that the Dem’s were pushing through legislation that is good (i.e.: the opposite of what Bush wants). Then in 2008, we run against Bush again. We show what we would have done if the Repub’s(show Bush’s sneer here)hadn’t gotten in the way.
I suspect that Bush will find upholding these vetos more and more difficult as Rep’s up for re-election begin to pull away from a close identity with him. Also party discipline is harder to maintain when you don’t control the cookie jar.
I “stole” your list and passed it along 🙂
OH and one more thing… quit killing people
There’s hard work ahead to restore what The Brat King of Death and Torture devasted.
but killing is America’s business, and business is GOOD.
good quarterly returns on killing, after all. benefits the economy, skims off excess costs.
geez, get w/ the program …
I’d say you pretty much captured my short list. That’s truly the meat and potatoes for this particular Congressional session. There is no “mission accomplished” until those particular objectives have been met.
I agree. Restore the core values of America: rule of law and human dignity.
Obviously increasing the minimum wage and fixing Medicare D immediately. Increasing the estate tax to pay for drugs. These are fast bits of work.
“The Preserving America’s Freedoms Act of 2006.”
Shouldn’t that be 2007? The term doesn’t actually start until January 3rd.
A progressive agenda for America.
I demand that the Republican Party hold a press conference and accede to these demands. Until such a press conference happens and the legislation and/or actions gets passed I will boycott products from Republican contributors Dell Computers, Walmart, Wendy’s, Outback Steak House, Dominos Pizza, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Eckerd, CVS and Walgreens, Curves for women health clubs, General Electric and Exxon/Mobil.
I demand that congress pass legislation ending the war in Iraq and withdraw the troops and arrange with the United Nations to replace US troops with UN troops to defend Iraq until The Iraqi army can defend Iraq.
I demand that the Republican party end their aggressive and hateful action to end a woman’s right to choose abortion or not.
I demand that the Republican party end their aggressive and hateful action to harrass immigrants to this country.
I demand that the Congress of the United states and the president of the United States enact a law to increase the minimum wage to TEN dollars an hour and also to extend unemployment benefits to a year or more for all people whose unemployment benefits expired after 6 months even though they still seek work.
I demand that the Congress of the United States to not privatize social security benefits in any form including taking a percentage of the social security tax and placing it in private accounts. People can already create their own pensions with money after taxes in the private sector.
I demand that the congress make all of a person’s earned income taxable for social security FICA tax purposes and remove the 88,000 dollar taxable income limit. This will make social security solvent for many years to come.
I demand the congress increase the payroll tax in order to make social security solvent as well.
I demand congress and the president enact a prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B which covers 80 percent of medication cost, with no extra premium, no extra deductibles, no means test and no coverage gaps, and no penalties for signing up in a succeeding year.
I demand congress repeal the faulty Medicare law HR 1 / S 1 passed by congress in Nov 2003 which includes repealing the means test for Medicare Part B.
I demand the congress roll back the Medicare Part B monthly premium to 78 dollars a month.
I demand congress enact single payer universal health insurance for every citizen as minimum coverage.
I demand that congress and the president enact universal vote by mail throughout the 50 states of the United States of America with paper ballots easy to fill out and difficult to change or invalidate by Republican Party officials. This will prevent Republicans from vote suppression by skin color and political party which happened electronically and in person in the 2000 and 2004 elections.
I demand that congress and the president enact that civil servants on every state payroll keep track of voter registrations and vote counting of mail in votes in each precinct and not companies such as Choicepoint. We need to take the Republican Party out of the business of keeping track of voter registration and counting votes.
I demand that congress and the president ban the secretary of state in each of the 50 states from engaging in politics especially acting as a campaign official for a presidential campaign.
I demand congress enact legislation protecting private pensions from corporations deliberately declaring bankruptcy or ending pensions outright.
You can contact me to indicate you sent these messages at
Copy the text of the party platform in blue colored text and place it in the text box of the mail forms provided by these links.
You can send email to speaker of the House Dennis Hastert by clicking on this form link.
You need to use the ZIP code 60510 in order to write to the speaker.
You can contact Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist by clicking on this link.
You need to use the zip code 37205 in order to write to the Senate Majority leader.
You can contact Wendy’s Restaurants at
You can contact Outback Steakhouse at
You can email General Electric by going to the web site http://www.ge.com
or at their consumer electronics feedback page
or at their general feedback web page.
You can contact Eckerd Pharmacies at
You can contact CVS Pharmacies at
You can contact Walgreens Pharmacies at
You can contact Exxon/Mobil at
You can contact Red Lobster restaurants at
You can contact Olive Garden restaurants at
You can contact Dominos Pizza at
[ Dominos Pizza claims that they no longer associate with the Republican Party and the antiabortion movement but the new CEO David Brandon, a high level Republican almost ran for the senate in Michigan as a Republican and their company PACs gave money to the Republican Party. Ignore their text about the former CEO. The current Dominos Pizza CEO David Brandon also opposes raising the minimum wage and on that issue alone should give you reason to boycott Dominos Pizza. ]
You can contact Dell Computers at
Important. Remove the referring url on the Dell computer web form. Thank you.
You can contact Walmart at
You can contact Curves for women health clubs at
Join the Liberal Democratic Party of the United States of America.
I’m with you, Steve. The Constitution is us. It’s not the President’s job to defend the Constitution alone–especially since this Chief Executive has so clearly evinced his inability or unwillingness to even attempt to do so.
It’s every American’s mission. Demand accountability, our rights. By protecting the rights of the weakest, least popular among us, we safeguard the rights of us all.