“Right now, the Democrats are in a good position. The country is giving them a chance to improve Iraq and the basic tone of politics in America. But if the Democrats try to destroy Mr. Bush or impose San Francisco values, the country will turn against them. There’s no question in my mind” – Bill O’Reilly, Talking Points Memo, November 8th, 2006.
What do you think Bill O’Reilly means by ‘destroy’? Do you think he means ‘expose’? Do you think he means ‘investigate’? Do you think he means ‘hold accountable’? Here is the shot across our bow. If we hold hearings we will get the full fury of the right-wing wurlitzer. We will be told that we are engaging in partisanship in a time of war. But, it’s called ‘oversight’ and it Congress’s Constitutional duty.
What do you think he means by ‘San Francisco values’? I take it he thinks Nancy Pelosi will be federally funding bathhouses throughout the plains states and deep south. Bill O’Reilly is such a bigoted bastard.
But he did us a favor. He gave us a warning. He gave us their talking points in his talking points memo.
I suggest taking his words and shoving them right back down his throat. No quarter on these bastards.
Fuck Bill O’Reilly. Fuck him in the ear.
That’s always a pleasant image to have in your mind after just waking up. 🙂
No, fuck him in the eye! Really.
What an arrogant, bloated waste of skin he is, issuing his ‘warnings’ about ‘I’ll be watching them and keeping them in line’!
Not in the eye, please!!! (I am leaving the house soon for my second cataract surgery!) LOL!!
LOL. Sorry, scribe…and good luck!
::hugs:: We’ll be thinking of you — warm thoughts and best wishes!
…Wendy Testaberger
I believe Mr. O’Reilly is taking a November cruise on a well known river in Egypt.
O’Reilly is irrelevent, as far as I’m concerned. His slope just got a little more grease. If you check out the right wing blogs a lot of them are jumping ship, despondent, crushed really. They can breath all the fire they want. Means nada. Investigate as a normal process of government. One component of governance. Then follow the yellow brick road, wherever it goes.
“There is a little playfulness in me that wants me to make a joke about that, but it’s too serious. The answer is no.”
— Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), quoted by the Hartford Courant, when asked if he would consider joining the Republican caucus in the Senate. Lieberman didn’t take a congratulatory phone call from Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on election night.
Good to know he’s not, you know, bitter or anything.
Shut yer yapper O’Liely:
No more backseat driving from the neocon set allowed… You are fired!
My need for a little shadenfeude yesterday sent me to reading and listening to the wingnuts (sounds like I’m not the only one). I think to O’Reilly’s dismay, the desire to destroy Bush might come from the wingnuts as much as from us. Its all over the place, especially after the bu-bye to Rummy yesterday.
Last night I watched Scarborough talking about Rush’s comments yesterday. Rush said he was tired of “carrying water” for people who won’t stand up for themselves. Scarborough said that lots of people on the right who’ve had trouble with Bush, but have kept it to themselves, are going to start speaking up.
Of course, what I say to that is….
“Bring it on!!!”
I suggest taking his words and shoving them right back down his throat.
But without all the “knocking their soft teeth down their whining throats” business I assume.
But if the Democrats try to destroy Mr. Bush or impose San Francisco values, the country will turn against them.
You have to step back from the immediate conservative versus liberal views to understand what this dangerous clown means here. Many of the crop of illusionists supporting the current administration are basically religious fanatics IMO. They believe that there is only one God, that god supports and talks to only them, and thus anything they do is God’s will. Now this is both an indefensible but also an unchallengeable position, nevermind also unrealistic!!
What O’Reilly is suggesting is that if you try and discredit and/or punish Bush, you are going against God and will suffer the wrath thereafter as administered by God’s designated troops, namely the America fundamentalists.
Okay, so now that you know who the enemy to reality actually is, how do you successfully and intelligently combat this threat?
Given the reaction of folks even in the deep red states to the scandals thus far revealed, I would say that investigations that bring indisuptable evidence to light in a very public way are going to get a far broader base of support than O’Reilly expects.
With the possible exception of the most extreme religious fundementalists, who are only part, but not all, of the Republican base, there are a lot of people out there who will be truly angry at the way they have been used and deceived. And there are a lot of sincerely religious people who will be equally outraged, too.
It’s just a matter of laying out the evidence and uncovering the truth in a way that they will believe it. I dare say O’Reilly won’t be much help with that…
I think these right wing butt wipes are doing a pretty fair job of self imolation even as we speak. Keep flapping those stupid lips, O’Reilly, and burn, baby, burn!
Bill isn’t relieved like Rush at not having to carry water for the repugs anymore? Keep drinking the KoolAide Bill. Bush thinks it makes him look smart too.
What is wrong with these people who believe the rest of the country thinks exactly like they do.
I’m an American too, and I realize that I’m lucky if there’s ten percent of the country in agreement with me.
These showbiz clowns won’t abandon the adversity that pays their way, what else are they gonna do?
San Francisco is the most “live and let live” place I’ve ever seen.
from Bill Orally from the Clinton impeachment era…something about making Clinton accountable for his actions.
That’s all the Democrats are going to do with the Bush Administration — hold them accountable for their actions…
I’m kinda having a hard time taking O’Reilly’s threat seriously. The agenda that folks like Rush, O’Reilly and the other wingnuts push has been put on the back burner so to speak after Tuesday’s election, so I’m doubtful that Bill is right on top of things at the moment. I will personally feel a lot more comfortable with a Democratic agenda put in place by people like Pelosi, Reid, Levin, Conyers and the like than one offered up by a right wing talking head.
I will give Bill his due in this regard however. I believe people are expecting an improvement in the performance of Congress. We do have a great opportunity to show a new generation of Americans how the Federal Government is supposed to work. I think we are going to do exactly that. If we do, I like our chances in 08.
Not only is O’Reilly irrelevant,but the drug-addled gas bag,Hanctimony,the whole FAUX news cabal,Ingraham,Gallagher,Bruce,Coulter,Red State,Hewitt,Malkin and all the right wing nose machine. The are not only IRRELEVANT but IMMATERIAL. They have been since Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. They LOST!!!!! WE WON!!!!!! I never gave a flying fuck what the hell these people say. I could care even less what these pompous asshats have to say now. O’Reilly can stick his “secular progressives” and Limbaugh with his “pea brain behind his back” where the sun don’t shine.