Progress Pond

Nancy Pelosi’s "San Francisco Values"

The ‘thugs & their mouthpieces have been running on about how Nancy Pelosi’s “San Francisco Values” will be the end of American Culture as we know it …

Turns out they’re right, sorta … Beltway Culture, if not American Culture may never be the same.

If, as many of the experts and polls are saying, the Democrats win the House of Representatives, then it follows that the loftily titled Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2006 should pass, at least in the House.

The act is a tough document, authored by Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco-area congresswomen who has been the Democratic House leader since 2002. She will likely be the House Speaker if the Democrats win next Tuesday.

Here are some of the new rules Pelosi wants:

To reduce temptations to cheat, Pelosi’s bill attacks the usefulness of members to richly endowed lobbyists.

“San Francisco Values” indeed. Every town ought to have such high standards.


(‘Cuz they only report this stuff in Canada.)

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