I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
– Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman (attributed)
– Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman (attributed)
if your party is out of power, try to terrorize those you hold responsible: AP/Yahoo
So, what do you wanna bet he’s one of those right-wing Christian terrorists? Not that the media will ever call him that…
are talking about Iraq as the new center of terrorism: AP/Yahoo
Heckuva job, Bushie.
in Dubai: NYT
Apparently they’ve been cracking down on the oglers, and begun issuing warnings and arresting repeat offenders.
Fetal and early childhood exposures to industrial chemicals in the environment can damage the developing brain and can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), and mental retardation. Still, there has been insufficient research done to identify the individual chemicals that can cause injury to the developing brains of children.
Experts believe the world is overdue for influenza pandemic. However, unless effective action against pandemic flu is taken now, we are in “dire straits,” according to a paper published in the November 10 issue of Science. The article titled, “Next Flu Pandemic: What to Do Until the Vaccine Arrives?,” calls for research during the regular season flu season to better understand the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks, and the like.
Researchers in computational biology and marine science have combined their diverse expertise and found that trace-metal usage by present-day organisms probably derives from major changes in ocean chemistry occurring over geologic time scales. Such changes are hypothesized to have led to the diversification and increased complexity of the life we see today. Biological imprints of changes in trace-metal bioavailability in the ancient ocean highlight a major evolutionary shift in biological trace-metal usage. The changes in trace-metal availability were brought about by the biologically caused rise in atmospheric oxygen some 2.3 billion years ago, highlighting the co-evolution of biology and geochemistry on a global scale.
Beijing police are set to enforce a crackdown on the capital’s unlicensed dog population as China battles to contain a surge in rabies deaths. Rabies killed 326 people in China in October, up from 318 in September and representing 46 percent of all deaths from infectious diseases in the country. Police in Beijing will crack down
on “big” dogs and unlicensed dogs, and they would begin to implement a “one dog” policy per family.
Between 2000 and 2005, global carbon dioxide emissions rose 4 times faster than in the previous decade, but at the UN climate talks in Nairobi, disagreement over management of a fund to help poorer countries adapt to climate change threatens the second week of UN climate talks. Western nations want control to lie with a body tied to the World Bank, while developing countries argue they should decide how funds are allocated. At the meeting, German scientists warned that over the next century, nations should consider making a “managed retreat” from endangered coastal areas, including low-lying island states, parts of Bangladesh or even the U.S. state of Florida. Moving Mississippi casinos 800 feet inland isn’t going to cut it. We’re headed for a world of hurt indeed if WalMart takes climate change and energy conservation more seriously than the UN.
“Fetal and early childhood exposures to industrial chemicals in the environment can damage the developing brain and can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), and mental retardation.
I can recall in the 70’s it was “common knowledge” that additives to food increased hyperactivity in some children. Now they say that’s absolutely not true, but they’re lying. Ask anyone who has been in a gradeschool during a sugar holiday (Valentines, Halloween, etc) if sugar effects children’s behavior. How much do the scores of chemicals children ingest daily effects their health? Read the label of a “Lunchable” sometime. Eek.
Locally, we have a pocket of cancers cancer afflicting certain communities and were supposedly under a 10 year federal study as to the causes. I’ve never heard the results, but I suspect that polluted acidic mine water has long ago contaminated our water supplies. (The entire area is honeycombed underneath with the mines our grandfathers toiled in.) Better living through modern chemistry.
As for Chinese rabies, I can now understand why that is happening. It will be three weeks tomorrow that my husband and I received our last shots in the rabie vaccine series and they cost our insurance over $7,000 for the both of us!!!!! I can’t imagine China forking over that kind of money for the health of their citizens. I also shudder at the horrible deaths those people must have endured. Rabies is a virus that works it’s way to the brain and is a particularly horrible way to go.
Happy Monday.
I’m stoned to the gills. Remember how I said that Lortab doesn’t seem to have much affect on me and I’d rather take a Motrin (but can’t because that promotes bleeding)? Well, four days of Lortab, Ativan, Phenergan sort of calls bullshit on that story. So I’m not sure I believe what I heard that I meant.
Heh. You’re probably the only person who can make sense of today’s news bucket quote. 🙂
Nice to see your byline. I’ve missed you around here, that’s for sure. 🙂
since we have hope. When the situation was hopeless and the blood just poured and poured and Stay the Course nobody could Stay sane or rational, and I’m so pissed about being so stoned right now cuz I see him(shrub) on the news backpaddling like hell and saying that when he said this word it meant that word and I’m so confused that I can’t find any outrage with which to throw a pillow at the screen with All that I can tell is he is lying his fucking ass off. We have hope that our soldiers will be redeployed now and this horrible stress of blood and death will be lifted somewhat, though it will be likely to continue in Iraq on some scale. Been trying to ring Cabingirl this AM and haven’t gotten her. Either her phone is dead or she is too tired of trying to make a few senses with me. My husband has a solution for the Iraq civil war that involves crushing up all of my medicines and putting it in the drinking water for soldiers, insurgents, mullahs, Cheney’s, just every ole buddy. I have never had housework so enjoyable, dust bunnies turn into dust bunnies right before your eyes. I sat staring at the screen for like five minutes making my post to Senator Feingold last night. My husband asked me what the hell I was doing and I told that Russ Feingold had a diary on here and I wanted to reply to it and I had the words on the tip of my brain but they couldn’t get to my fingers. He told me to try not to take all night and miss bedtime. Little thoughts just seem to slip away from me though right now but I can scrub a bathtub with bluebirds singing on my shoulder. No wonder our mom’s were running to the doctor’s office demanding mother’s little helper. If they weren’t going to let us think big things then by God you had better hand over something that makes thinking small things ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL 🙂
Oops. My phone has been on vibrate and sitting in my purse since Saturday afternoon, which is why I haven’t heard it ring.
Today on Fox News Sunday, White House counselor Dan Bartlett said the federal government does not need to negotiate lower prices for seniors. Bartlett said that prices have “come down” and drugs are already cheap enough. He concluded, “the proof is in the pudding.”
There is a video link at the page I linked to. I’m kind of speechless.
Obviously, Dan Bartlett is on drugs if he truly believes that.
The Terrorists Who Aren’t in the News
Anti-abortion fanatics spread fear by bombings, murders and assaults, but the media take little notice.
Since 1977, casualties from this war include seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, 152 assaults, 305 completed or attempted bombings and arsons, 375 invasions, 482 stalking incidents, 380 death threats, 618 bomb threats, 100 acid attacks, and 1,254 acts of vandalism, according to the National Abortion Federation.
Abortion providers and activists received 77 letters threatening anthrax attacks before 9/11, yet the media never considered anthrax threats as terrorism until after 9/11, when such letters were delivered to journalists and members of Congress.
After 9/11, Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights groups received 554 envelopes containing white powder and messages like: “You have been exposed to anthrax. … We are going to kill all of you.” They were signed by the Army of God, a group that hosts Scripture-filled web pages for “Anti-Abortion Heroes of the Faith,” including minister Paul Hill, Michael Griffin and James Kopp, all convicted of murdering abortion providers, and a convicted clinic bomber, the Rev. Michael Bray. Another of their “martyrs,” Clayton Waagner, mailed anthrax letters while a fugitive on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list for anti-abortion related crimes.
These people hide behind Jesus and aim to kill, maim and terrorize. They are not Christians, they are bloodthirsty pschotic terrorists. Cabin Girl referred to this bunch in her remark up thread. I’m waiting for the day when some newsperson breaks this as if it’s something new.
worth a thousand words. I think this one really says “Annoyed big daddy comes in to clean up petulant and spoiled little boy’s mess”, don’t you?
Bet Boy George is fuming this week. First the elections, now this. What next? Will daddy take away his brush cutters and army men?
Supporting Cast: Bush 41’s national-security team, in 1991. From far left, Scowcroft, Gates, Cheney, Quayle, Baker, Bush and Powell.
This is from the page that your picture links to. What a scary picture. If they bring back Quayle, that’s when we start the revolt. They’re only out to save the Bush name and Dubya’s legacy, they don’t really give two shits about the country or our soldiers. Lots of interesting psych 101 articles out this weekend about Dubya/Poppy. That pic that you posted caught my eye and my funnybone as well. Watch Bush carefully in the coming months, I think he’s cracking.
That picture is pretty scary. You know, I’ve never understood why a Bush II presidency was ever even a possibility. When he was running, all I could think was: Doesn’t anyone remember the Reagan years? Apparently they either didn’t remember or they didn’t care.
The sizing of the pictures of Poppy and his boy (as well as the facial expressions) are a real slap in the face to our Preznit, methinks. There just isn’t enough humiliation to cover what W has done to our country…although the thought of what he might do to prove that he’s still “a man” is frightening. Nuclear attack, anyone?
It is said, in politics amnesia takes over.
We recall those bumper stickers on Bush 41…’warmonger out of the Whitehouse.’ Yet Gulf 1 was a popular war. In our circles, when jr was being promoted, we feared war was close if for no good reason but to outdo Poppy.
Fallout from U.S. veto of the UN resolution condemning Israel’s Gaza bloodbath:
Arabs lift financial blockade in response.
Progressives, put down the champagne:
Meet the Blue Dogs: pro-gun, anti-abortion – and Democrat
Patriot Act moves Canadian universities to hide work from U.S. eyes
What, you don’t think winning should be the only ideology in the democratic party?</snark>
Seriously, now the real battle begins for what the democratic party is/becomes. I’m glad that a lot of the committee chairs in the house are actual progressives.
Patrick Leahy isn’t waiting for anyone, he “is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.” His proposed bill will actually repeal parts of the Military Commissions Act. Yeah baby.
Love it.
That’s my Senator. In an interview he apologised for gushing to get back to Washington….begin the important work to repeal…
is in the news, vis-à-vis the anthrax arrest, here’s nice column from Sunday about his new found voice:
CW Nevius, SF Chronicle
I don’t think he’s worried about getting fired:
Nice quote. I hope it comes true.