Susie Madrak gives relationship advice.
There’s a Rita Rudner joke that goes something like this: “Men, if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do it harder and faster.”
It reminds me of the moaning of the defeated Republican conservatives. “We only lost because we didn’t act like true conservatives.” Well, guys, no. It’s that you not only acted like conservatives, you did it harder and faster. We just didn’t, uh, enjoy it.
A lesson for our Iraq policy.
Heh. Of course left unsaid is that true conservatives would tolerate little of the encroachment upon civil liberties that has occurred in the last few years. A neocon is not a true conservative.
Although I’m not abig fan of conservatives either – it ain’t so much Conservatism that is the problem, it is Republicanism.
Alright – after reading the rest of the article it is plain that the author’s idea of Conservatism & mine are different. But we both blame “far right wing ideology” for these problems.
I would call Eisenhower a ‘true’ conservative – this author apparently wouldn’t.
Must think now.