I can’t predict who will win the vote for Majority Leader between Jack Murtha and Steny Hoyer. I’ve been saying it doesn’t matter, and it really doesn’t. But I have to hand it to Hoyer. He has destroyed Murtha’s image. Do I care? No. Not really. This site is for exposing the corruption of all politicians, regardless of party. If I have a preference it is for Murtha to expose every last bit of sleaze associated with Hoyer. Unfortunately, I kind of doubt he has any of it on grainy black and white 26-year old video tape.

Murtha should have been voted out of office in the 1982 elections. He wasn’t. His district loves him. Is he a good poster boy for ‘crap’ lobbying reform legislation? Hell no. Is Hoyer? A double Hell No.

Maybe one day the Democrats will get their shit together. In the meantime it is best to keep working for better representatives and better leadership. Take the poll.