Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota is throwing an absolute fit on the Senate floor. Apparently Bill Frist got Conrad to agree to withdraw an amendment from the military contruction appropriations bill yesterday on the understanding that he could attach the same amendment to the agriculture appropriations bill today. The amendment is for drought assistance to farmers. Frist has decided not to bring up the ag bill today. Now Conrad is livid and is going to object to all further Senate business.
Frist is such a tool.
What’s on your mind?
Matt Stoller incorrectly refers to Karen Carter as a “progressive Democrat” at MyDD. Karen Carter is DLC, and she is willing to sell out Civil Rights in order to appear more moderate. Welcome to the new strategy of triangulation, one already used by Obama. Read the DLC article on Carter. This is a “progressive Democrat?” No.
I understand the need to challenge Jefferson, but let us at least admit we are challenging him with the lesser of two evils, not a progressive Democrat.
which is precisely why I haven’t said a peep about her race.
And Dorgan and Conrad will not yield. Good for them.
I do not mind if the “progressive” blogosphere gets involved in Louisiana politics, but please do not claim Karen Carter is progressive. She is DLC. Just imagine someone preparing Macque Choux without the pepper. It is just not Macque Choux; it is just bland corn. Although I appreciate the attention, serving bland corn and trying to pass it off as the real thing is just cynical. Do they have any integrity?
REg. Conrad and Senate floor, they tried to get this through at the end of the last session and they were blocked then, yesterday I watched the exchange and clearly Frist had agreed to presenting ag bill first thing today. That was after it had been objected to by NH Senator and then Frist came to the floor to offer solution…The bill they want to bring up in the India Nuclear one.
What really pisses me off no end is the cavalier attitude they have to farmers and apparently don’t realize that farms will go under, production will decrease and then what. I suppose that big Ag. Business will buy up all the broken farms maybe that’s what they plan…just makes me sick. Then we can import our food as well as everything else in this country.
I just called the office of my congresscritter, Sue Kelly (NY-19) to ask if she will finally concede. They hung up on me. I called back and the answering individual gave me a very hard time attempting to twist the conversation in the direction of counting every vote. No, I don’t need to pay for the count of every last vote when the outcome is this clear. I pointed out that senate races in Va and Mt ended in concessions.
Go read the message of John Edwards
Senator-elect Webb’s op-ed in WSJ: Class Struggle, American workers have a chance to be heard.
(h/t:Andrew Sullivan)
The GOP hates farmers again. Didn’t they screw with the farm aid to South Dakota whe Daschle lost. To all is a big screw you from the GOP, anyway your probably not in the top 1% of income earners.
Bill Frist really covets the White House. I can only think this maneuver is supposed to show his toughness.
What a double-crosser. What a double-crosser he is!
Whether diagnosing Terri Schiavo long distance or showing up to care for Katrina victims while credentialed docs couldn’t volunteer for the emergency, Frist was in the camera’s eye. This dude let his medical license lapse, and got in trouble for that. He must consider it his ticket to photo-ops.