Really. Whose dirty work is being done by Carville? Because what he has been doing this week sure isn’t for the benefit of the Democratic party as a whole. He continued his crusade against Howard Dean yesterday when he appeared on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer (via Raw Story):
Appearing on CNN’s The Situation Room with host Wolf Blitzer and alongside conservative commentator Bay Buchanan, Democratic political consultant James Carville once again targeted Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean.
Describing a “cult” within the DNC surrounding Dean and his national campaign strategy, Carville continued what has been a steady stream of criticism against the former presidential candidate, often regarded as a populist outsider among “old money” Democrats.
Here’s the video:
So who is behind Carville’s tirades? The Clintons? Rahm Emanuel? The Democratic Leadership Conference (DLC)? Or is it just a bit of grandstanding by his lonesome, trying to justify the outrageous consulting fees he has charged clients over the past decade for advice on how to lose elections? If he’s not doing it as a lone wolf (which is reprehensible enough), I’d sure like to know who has taken off his leash and told him to attack the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in my lifetime: Howard Dean as head of the DNC.
Frankly, his campaign to besmirch Dean smells like the type of politics Carville practiced in the mid-90’s when he would go on the air to attack Republican critics of the Clintons. With one exception, of course: this time he is attacking his own party, and in particular the grass roots and net roots activists that ensured that a Democratic victory would be a tidal wave across the entire country and not merely a ripple in a small, DLC managed pond.
In short, Carville is attacking me and you, and everyone else who has taken it upon themselves to participate in the greatest challenge of our times, restoring participatory democracy to the United States of America. Howard Dean is at the forefront of that movement which is why he is in Carville’s target at the moment, but make no mistake, it is the ordinary people who have made it their business to get involved in politics in order to advance a truly progressive, people first politics who Carville sees as his enemy.
So when Carville attacks Dean, just remember he’s really trying to slam the door shut on you, me, and every other person who has dared become active in Democratic and progressive politics over the last 6 years. He wants to keep us on the outside, looking in at all the fat cats and DLC consultants divvying up the government pie for their benefit and at our expense. He wants to destroy the hard earned respect and influence our movement has earned.
That is his real agenda. And that is why his attacks on Howard Dean are so despicable.
Thanks Steven,
I watched the scumbag last night and was totally disgusted. Previously, I had some slight sympathy for the guy – he was among the few that was capable of hitting back at the pugs. No more – all gone.
Glad you posted this.
I can’t watch him anymore. He’s become a caricature.
The candidates hearts are broken? What about all the people who work to get these folks elected, who have to deal with shitheads like Carville running losing campaigns?
I think Carville’s heart is broken at the thought of maybe not being able to drum up business for himself anymore.
It’s been 12 years since the Dems were the majority….I guess Carville got used to being in the minority, likes it there, and wants to go back. Maybe he should just shut up and go play for the other team officially.
It was a pretty disgusting performance. I’ve seen Democrats eating their own when they lose, but doing it when they win?
At least Schumer (of whom I’m no fan) had the good grace to praise Dean.
Mary Matalin has been putting the voodoo in his food. And then some more.
I just can’t believe that a media Dem would insist on the resignation of the Dem chairman who helped to orchestrate this big a Dem win in years because 10 Dems didn’t win?
Dean has made Dems true believers; that it is not about who is going to save us, but what we do to save ourselves and our country. That’s some dangerous sh*t.
Carville’s trawling for the Clintons, that’s for sure. Because everyone not specifically for Hillary is another obstacle towards her becoming the Dem nominee.
Meanwhile, I heard that Obama might be creeping up as the anti-Hillary. If that is true, Carville ought to protecting that flank, not diss Dean. The Clintonistas may need all the help they can get later.
A cult of personality around Dean? Uh, no. Hell, no. Carville’s just jealous here for Bill Clinton. I mean, Big Dog is supposed to continue as the single Dem hero, not Dr. Ex-Governor.
That’s why I’ve turned to radio and the national news at 5:30, because truth be told, I’d be apoplectic watching the likes of this baldheaded media tool who wants voterbots who’ll gratefully pull the lever for Hillary. He’s not even thinking that Hillary as the Dem nominee would tear the party apart and would cause thousands of Dems to stay home. We’re not going to be persuaded otherwise. I sure want to see a woman president. But not this woman.
I could chalk this up to Carville simply running his mouth, but frankly, I can’t. If he’s not running the ball for Hillary, he’s giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
You hit it, girl. And you know I would not want Matalin’s hair in my jambalaya. She’s been a curse on Louisiana for much too long, and I know she’s coming back in 2008 to go after Slugger Landrieu. Carville has some promise for us down here, but he sold us out. And now scary Mary Matalin runs around our state telling us how to vote. Stop the insanity, and feed that Mary Matalin to the alligators.
What did the alligators do to deserve that?
I am convinced Carville represents the DLC and the Clintonian group surrounding Rahm Emanuel and George Stephanopolous. Carville has lost touch with his roots in Cajun Country, and I think he should come back. Not only will he help us try to regain traction in this region of the country; he might also learn why grassroots work is important. He will also learn once again why he rose in politics in the first place: he was viewed as a southern Louisiana populist, a veritable Huey Long. But money corrupted him. Send him home and let us remind him why rose to importance in the 1990s. DC, the DLC, the nostalgic first term Clintonites and Matalin has warped his mind.
He was not even sincere in that video: he was string together a set of talking points in a dispassionate manner. Notice there was no Carville humor in his small tirade. And why is he not asking about Rahm’s last minute $2.7 million dollar investment in Duckworth’s flawed race and $1.3 million in Farrell’s race? And why did he only mention DC insiders and candidates picked by Emanuel and other DLC insiders? He is clearly parroting someone else’s words.
And why was he absent when we were trying to find someone to run against Boustany in LA-07? And why did he not come on down to Louisiana and campaign for Hearn in LA-04?
He’s a hired gun at this point. He has no ethics, no principles, nothing but his own aggrandizement.
He tolls for himself. His time is done, he made his mint, so it can’t be the considerable money he makes when he runs a campaign. He is just an old warrior venting. Some groups benefit from his rants, but my guess is that this is a solo flight.
I wouldn’t get too worked up about it one way or another. The netroots are now an established force in Democratic politics.
Lets be clear what Carville is doing. He latest false frame on this is to try and start a war between congressional candidates and their state party chairs. In other words, he’s using candidates to try and take down the state Democratic organizations that Dean is building.
Aside from being destructive to us, this is a way to keep the Democratic Party lurching from one election to the next rather than building for the future. It would also undercut all of the work those state party chairs did on local and state elections – where the movement is really taking hold.
He’s despicable at this point. And I watched this video at Crooks and Liars. After the break Carville talks about what a wonderful lunch he had that day with Newt Gingrich. Why is ANYONE listening to this guy anymore?!
Remember Howard’s birthday tomorrow!!
Perhaps Carville is working for some particular person, perhaps not. I don’t know, and I don’t think it matters all that much. What is beyond doubt is that he is working to maintain his place in the tight group that has controlled the Democratic party since 1992. During that time they can claim two Presidential victories and damn little else. They lost both houses. They lost governorships and state houses, largely because they ignored huge parts of the country. And now that the Dems have begun to come back, why it is their victory! The Beltway Insider 14 Year Plan has worked! If only the upstart outsider Howard Dean hadn’t brought his “cult” to the DNC, they would have won 40 seats! Why don’t we brainwashed little people all just shut up and let Carville and his ilk keep feathering their nests. The Ragin’ Cajun knows all and sees all, and he’ll share it with you, if you join his Fee-for-Defeat Plan . A victory every 14 years is alright with me, as long as the Beltway crowd is happy and well-fed.
Follow the money.
He is a servant.
For whom has he worked in the past?
Hillary is just clearing the brush in her quest for a clear path to the Presidency.
Nuthin’ personal.
Just business.
(Just politics. Business by other means.)
Unfortunately he still gets air time because he puts on a good show, getting increasingly shrill as he talks. Broadcasters don’t want measured and thoughtful speakers, they want people who will get crazy and give a good quote. Pat Robertson is still the go to guy because his statements are memorable, lack of logic notwithstanding.
Since CNN is not a sponsor here, we could send Wolf and CNN our disapproval of their use of Carville. To make it emphatic, we could pick out some of their advertisers and let them know what we think of this uncalled-for position that he’s promoting.
Of course, as disgusted Democrats stop watching The Situation Room, their ratings will drop, in contrast to Countdown.
Aside: Carville’s also helping forward the narrative that the party is not progressive. Conservatism won this election, by golly! The adults are in charge, not those screamin’ liberal crazies! Don’t be frightened, America!
(Any novelist will tell you that believable fiction is always consistent in its own premises.)
Dean should answer and the people should be allowed to hear the debate on this.
Tracy I respectfully disagree.
This is all about power. Carville wants his share of it for himself and his patrons, the Clintons and the DLC. Dean is a threat to their established power base which depends on big money donors, both individuals and corporations. Carville wants a Democratic Party that is RTepublican lite, i.e., pro-business and free trade while giving the appearance of being progressive on “social issues.” That’s not what I want, nor do I believe most of the people here at BT want either.
I think if Dean answers this “beef” though and exposes how the power structure used to function and fund this candidate and ignore that candidate that it will allow the “cult” baloney to die its natural death. The beef is though underfunded candidates and money left untouched and without understanding how this has all played out (which the majority of working America does not understand) it is a legit beef that needs a little light shed on it. Educate the electorate, every single time someone tries to pull this rovian shit (which is what Carville is doing) I say educate the people!
Can you explain what his beef actually is and why do you think it’s honest? Or do you mean he honestly thinks he has a legitimate beef? In other words, he’s not simply looking for a fight to promote himself or any of his masters. I’d be interested to hear what you exactly mean.
what Dean’s 50 state strategy is/was and what was achieved and why money was left in the coffers and some candidates claim that they weren’t properly funded. Howard Dean is intelligent and concise and I’m sure that by laying it all out there this “cult” perception that Carville seems to think exists could be put to rest because it isn’t a cult, it’s just different from the way things were done in the past and many people thought it was time to make some changes. As far as an honest beef goes, money was left on the table and we have candidates who claim they weren’t funded. Carville is old school and Dean is well schoolschool, and I don’t think that anybody will be hurt or harmed by having the “schools” exposed.
because he was working. Stopping and engaging Carville in a debate is a waste of time. Dean will keep working, keep building the state parties and supporting candidates at all levels. He will keep funding candidates that push themselves forward and show that they have ideas, energy, and the ability to attract supporters. If he stops working and engages in a debate, he gives up ground to his attackers. Let them talk. Dean will keep building the state parties and they will support him against the Beltway losers.
I had the same thought as cabin girl, all of the electorate with broken hearts.
Took a break from the internet after the elections so I’m not so up to speed.
My question is this: is Carville’s arguement legitimate? Is what he saying true? Or is this an unsubstantiate attack on Dean?
Read this:
Carville is essentially Rahm Emanuel’s attack dog. Emanuel has been shamelessly promoting the idea that he, and he alone, was responsible for the Dems victory in the House. It’s a crock. Dean’s strategy of running in all 50 states, even in districts thought to be solidly Republican was the one that paid off.
thanks Steven.
He tolls for a fee.
I used to respect Carville, but the last couple of years the man has lost it, and I’m not sure that he will get it back. Steven, your right about Rahm & the DLC. They are as useless and stale as their ideas and continue to try and force them on the party. They are a big part of why a lot of average voters refer to politicians as “republicrats”. Dean is a sharp contrast, and they just can’t stand that.
Carville for DNC chair
Have a turkey.
Nice turkey.
(OT, but it seems you sent your tornado weather to my house today.)
It looks as Carville is trying to clear the path for the DLC and the Clintons. Anyone, know of Carville stand on Ned Lamont..was he for Ned or Traitor Joe?
Listen, it was Gov. Dean who won the seats and put the Democrats back in Control. I see Carville, as a man who has lost his power of being a Democratic broker. With the power of the internet to raise funds,direct voters, and communicate with voters = Carville being kicked to the curb.
give us a break, I listen more to than to Carville.
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