Tuesdays Dogs? What the hell are Tuesday Dogs, you ask? That is the proposed name for a bipartisan group of representatives from the Democrat’s Blue Dog caucus and the GOP’s Tuesday Group Caucus. Here’s the deal:
“In an effort to boost their influence in the sharply divided chamber, members of the moderate Republican and Democratic House factions indicated Wednesday that the two groups may coordinate efforts in the 110th Congress and could move to create a formal bipartisan coalition in the new session,” Jennifer Yachnin and Susan Davis report for Roll Call.
“Members of the fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition and the centrist Republican Tuesday Group met in advance of the Nov. 7 elections, Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) said Wednesday, to discuss areas where the groups could align,” the article continues.
“We have a lot of common interests,” Matheson told Roll Call after his meeting with Republican Rep. Mark Kirk (Ill.), co-chair of the GOP Tuesday Group.
I’m scratching my head trying to think what kind of common interests they might have. It turns out that the common interests have something to do with the ‘Suburban Agenda’. Now, I have nothing against the suburbs. I grew up in suburbs (kind of, if Princeton can be called a typical suburb). So, I was interested to know what might be involved in the a suburban agenda. Could it be something to do with tackling sprawl? Better roads with more lanes? Lower property taxes? Better schools? It doesn’t look like it.
According to Matheson, the moderate coalitions are most likely to work together on pro-growth and fiscal legislation, while Kirk cited issues such as expanding stem-cell research and portions of the “Suburban Agenda,” an effort spearheaded by Kirk that includes legislation to stop online sexual predators and improve access to health care.
“At this point, we’re starting a dialogue,” Kirk said in an interview Wednesday, adding that the recent influx of new moderate Democrats elected last Tuesday will bolster opportunities to govern “from the political center.”
Kirk said the two groups will hold a luncheon to swap legislative agendas when Congress returns the week of Dec. 4. There they will discuss the possible creation of a new bipartisan caucus that Kirk dubbed the “Tuesday Dogs.”
I’m all for finding Republicans that will help us override Bush’s veto on stem-cell research. I am all for expanding access to health-care. Although, living in Philadelphia I have a hard time associating increased access to health care with a suburban agenda. If anything, it seems like an urban agenda. But, whatever you want to call it, I welcome Republicans that want to help. But let’s get serious here. This group is not about helping people that live $500,000 homes get access to health care. It’s about keeping their taxes low (“most likely to work together on pro-growth and fiscal legislation.”)
I’ll admit that after twelve years of being treated like a red-headed stepchild I am, perhaps overly, suspicious of anything bi-partisan. I have a strong urge for revenge. I’d like to see the Republicans holding hearings in the basement, next to the furnace. I’d like to see them locked out of conference committees. I’d like to see them railroaded and made completely ineffectual until they start whimpering and begging for mercy.
But that is probably not the right way to go. It wasn’t right when they did it to us and if a group of Republicans wants to reach out and offer to help us accomplish some important things like funding stem-cell research, I’m okay with that. It certainly won’t happen without their help.
I’m more concerned about our Blue Dog Democrats crossing over to back GOP amendments that screw up progressive legislation. That’s why Louise Slaughter needs to run the Rules Committee with an iron-fist.
The Blue Dogs have very little actual power in the new House. They have solid representation on Agriculture. Other than that, Progressives pretty much will be running the show. So, the Tuesday Dogs probably won’t have a lot to do.
We shall see.
I have a strong urge for revenge. I’d like to see the Republicans holding hearings in the basement, next to the furnace. I’d like to see them locked out of conference committees. I’d like to see them railroaded and made completely ineffectual until they start whimpering and begging for mercy.
This brings to my mind how I felt when the repubs were threatening to change the 60% filibuster rule during the SC confirmation potential fights. I even wrote then that the dems should clearly and strongly remind the Repubs that they will not always be in the majority in the Senate, as they were not in the past. It seems Dems stuck by that 60% rule most of the time that they were in control, but this Frist threat during these extremely critical SC confirmation hearings really got me angry.
Therefore on day one of the new Senate, vote to remove the 60% filibuster breaking requirement with a simple majority, to be invoked whenever the majority feels the hell like invoking this! That’ll show em!
I wonder if the following new members of the “New Democrat Coalition” will join the “Tuesday Dogs:”
I wonder if they plan on building a fraternity/sorority row for these people on Capitol Hill. It is just so petty and ridiculous, as are fraternities and sororities.
What a petty and ridiculous thing to say.
No, it is a fact.
I beg to differ.
I may as well say anyone with a hotmail email address is a bigot. And that it is a fact.
I actually have multiple addresses, but I only receive outside mail at my hotmail address.
Because I did not attend college to engage in bizarre ritualized practices with a group of girls and boys with low self-esteem who believe imbibing excessive amounts of alcohol while engaging in date rape and gang rape is acceptable, adult behavior. This is my experience of fraternities and sororities, and I cannot apologize for my view of them as petty and superficial, although I do acknowledge they help unqualified individuals find gainful employment through their elaborate social networks.
I hope you are not offended.
I’m not offended. Just mildly surprised that someone who posts on a liberal website would judge such a large group of people based on one aspect of their life and so easily pigeonhole them into a stereotype created by their own limited knowledge of the subject which they apparently consider encyclopedic and comprehensive.
I understand some fraternities are academic, and others are arranged around ethnic and racial identifications. But many are created with the intention of perpetuating social hierarchies. I deplore the latter, and unfortunately, these tend to be the more prestigious fraternities and sororities on most college and university campuses.
Well, I’m not going to sit here and try to change your mind. You’re obviously content to sit on your perch and judge the makeup of the forest based on the few trees you’ve seen.
God I get sick of this bullshit though.
I am sorry, but I see no other purpose of certain fraternities and sororities, especially those that require one to “rush,” than to allow those who can afford exorbitant membership feels and maintain an appearance some consider attractive to advance socially. Please tell me if I am missing something.
I am at work right now and can’t put up a post that is too lengthy.
I will summarize by saying that while the stereotype is certainly there for a reason, painting with as broad a brush as you are is a slap in the face to those of us who did participate in a social fraternity, and consider it one of the times in their life where they grew the most.
There are many good reasons for joining a fraternity. If you are really curious to hear them I would be happy to post on that topic after I get home tonight.
whatever happen to “I got the power.”..where were those moderate Republicans when it came to balance budget, Medicare Part D cost, oversight of Iraq. They refused to stand up to Delay, Matt Blunt etal, and fell into line and rubber stamped everyhting.
Why join a coalition like this until it is necessary, if at all. What are they promising a soccer ball in each soccer moms mini-van?
We have more moderate Democrats having more in common with moderate Republicans who haven’t been able to pass notes across the aisle without being taken out back to the tool shed. The whipping boys have no switches though anymore and most likely are in big big trouble after investigations so moderate Republicans are free to act like moderate Republicans again. What a day of self fucking importance and no fucking importance! Rahm Emanuel says he’s Jesus the Democrats Blue Dog Caucus had sex with itself and spawned, well, the Democrats Blue Dog Caucus that is now going to have sex with a bunch of assholes who call themselves the GOP’s Tuesday Group Caucus but it’s a bunch of assholes so a spawn isn’t likely. And CNN claims that Nancy Pelosi has broken every bone in her body when she slipped on a banana peel. Turkeys all the way around!
methinks the Tuesday Dawgs have pretty much staked out their role in things……”isn’t that special”…
get their 15 minutes of fame while the gettins good because it’s uphill from here.
is the operable term…they’re in deep shit and they know it….love the irony of it all… Sisyphus redux
You don’t need a “coalition” to vote. You only need one to propose legislation. The coyness of this announcement bothers me, but I’ll assume it’s just more empty feelgood blather until proven otherwise.
And “moderate Republicans”? Really. Can you have a caucus of 2?