One of the more remarkable things about the Bush administration is that they have failed to groom a successor and don’t even seem to have an obvious preference for the Republican nomination in 2008. Dick Cheney has never expressed any desire to run for President and his health and poll numbers preclude him from changing his mind.
The era of Bush has not been kind to high profile Republicans. First we saw the Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott, resign his post after making racist comments on Strom Thurmond’s birthday. Then we saw the Majority Leader of the House, Tom DeLay, get indicted and resign from Congress. Dennis Hastert, the Speaker of the House, has lost his leadership position largely because he covered up the inappropriate behavior of Rep. Mark Foley toward underage pages. Bill Frist, who replaced Trent Lott as Majority Leader, decided not to run for re-election in order to concentrate on a run for the Presidency. But he is being investigated for insider trading, his poor leadership helped lose the GOP majority in the Senate, and his remote diagnosis of Terri Shiavo outraged people and permanently tarnished his image and credibility. Sen. George Allen planned to run for President but lost his Senate seat after making racist remarks and acting embarrassed about his Jewish heritage. Yet, even with this devastation in the GOP leadership, none of these candidates were ever obvious successors to George W. Bush and the administation did nothing obvious to help their causes.
It’s seems like they really don’t care who the nominee is. The ostensible frontrunners are not much like Bush. Rudy Guiliani is pro-gay rights and pro-choice. John McCain has been a rival of the Bush clan since he ran against Dubya in 2000.
So, I got to thinking, what does it mean that the Bush family doesn’t seem to be nurturing someone to carry forward his policies? Will Jeb Bush or Condi Rice leap forward at the last moment to grasp the banner of Bushism? It’s possible, although I don’t think either of them fit the national mood.
This failure to groom a successor says a lot about the basic selfishness of the Bush clan. They don’t seem to care about their party, which is just a means to an end. They don’t seem to care about policy. Ron Suskind told us about that back in 2003:
One senior White House official told me that he’d be summarily fired if it were known we were talking. “But many of us feel it’s our duty—our obligation as Americans—to get the word out that, certainly in domestic policy, there has been almost no meaningful consideration of any real issues. It’s just kids on Big Wheels who talk politics and know nothing. It’s depressing. Domestic Policy Council meetings are a farce. This leaves shoot-from-the-hip political calculations—mostly from Karl’s shop—to triumph by default. No one balances Karl. Forget it. That was Andy’s cry for help.”
That would be Andy Card, the former chief of staff to the President. The more we look at the Bush administration, the more it looks like they are not interested in governance, but only in power. And they know they can’t stay in office past 2008, so it looks like they don’t care what happens after that point. They will loot as much as they can and then they will be happy to turn over the keys to either party…it doesn’t matter to them.
This criminal mindset appears to run so deep that they do not seem to even be concerned about their legacy. Never mind the lack of a successor, the soaring debt, or the lost war in Iraq, they don’t even appear to have a plan to deal with the Democratic Congress.
Freed up from the need seek re-election, free from having to sell a successor, and free from the necessity to appease their base because of the loss of Congress, they should be seeking out a Dick Morris to help them pass popular legislation that could restore some good will and leave some measure of accomplishment.
Yet, we see little sign that they are in the mood to act in a bipartisan manner. At best they will pass an immigration bill that will make their corporate masters happy (while infuriating their base) and will sign-off on raising the minimum wage. As for the rest of their domestic policy, it looks like they will veto everything, continue to appoint lunatic judges, and keep nominating neo-conservatives like John Bolton to sensitive posts.
I’m still waiting, but I see no signs of true introspection on Iraq, or anything else. Perhaps they are most focused on staying out of jail. Perhaps that is the best reason to put them there.
also available in orange.
White House goal he can make out is that nothing is done about Iraq other than handing the mess over to someone else. It seems to him that Bush is only set on doing everything he can to not go down in his history as the president that totally fucked up Iraq, as long as he can pass the ball to someone else he will always argue his way out of ever owning what he has done. I myself think that my husband gives them too much credit to think anything thru but must admit Bush is dodging the Iraq bullet like a wild hare. Two years is a long long time to run though and the Dems had better not allow him to pass this mess to someone else or I’ll be making some damned baked goods or something .
Following the strategy I suggest below, we’d give rank-and-file Republicans a pass but explicitly and repeatedly call the Bush wing liars. In this case: “They lied us into war, they lied about being able to win it, and they’re lying now — We’re not responsible for their disaster.” Repeat ad nauseam. Don’t respond piecemeal. Attack their credibility at the root and push responsibility back where it belongs. Give their supporters an excuse to jump ship: Their leaders misled them.
Why should they worry about the public sector when their growing (once-removed) trusts give them and their progeny freedom from want for the rest of their respective lives. ‘Course that may mean actually building something on that property in Paraguay – if they indeed bought there.
I think they came into office with the intent to reward “my people”, bank as much as possible through oil and defense contracts, and were given a blank credit card to accomplish those goals by Al Queda and a compliant (and equally greedy) Republican-controlled Congress. Yes: power corrupts, etc.
Perhaps they are most focused on staying out of jail. Perhaps that is the best reason to put them there.
Come January the various committees will investigate, and follow the trails wherever they lead. I can wait. If only half of what we’ve learned in the past four years is proven, we will finally move from observing to living through regime change.
Scary thought.
It seems that the Bush crowd is cooperating with what I think should be a Democratic strategy: Marginalise the the Radical Right by splitting the Republican party along its obvious fault line. In the short term (the next few election cycles) this can win elections by demobilizing their machine. In the longer term, it can help restore civil politics.
Split off the Radical Right. Demoralize their hard-core supporters and win over the more reasonable people who were bamboozled by their lies. Win elections, win policy debates, and recivilize politics. Do this, not by making nice, but by making a strong, focused attack.
If the Bush crowd is double-crossing even their base, making no plans for succession, so much the better.
On the Way out!!?
Thinkprogress just posted this
REPORT: Karl Rove May Be Leaving The White House In `Weeks, Not Months’
I’ll keep my champagne corked.
Karl Rove basically invented the “politics of personal destruction.” If Rove gets fired, Rove will turn on the neo-cons like a lover scorned and cut deals with every law enforcement officer not only in this country, but in the world. Rove will spend more time on the stand testifying than Sammy “The Bull” Gravano.
The whole thought make me ill. Rove is going to walk. Rove was the architect for the sewer we were all dragged into and through, and that %^#$@* is gonna walk….
Was it realistic to think Karl’s story would end any differently? I certainly don’t like it either, but, reality-based, yada-yada, should we expect any differently – short of mobs in the streets?
I was hoping some less repugnant lackey would testify, and Rove would go to jail with the rest of the war criminals.
if he flips, he’s going to be persona non grata in the halls of power — for someone like him, that might be a worse punishment than time in some cushy Club Fed…
that business with Susan Ralston (his and Abramoff’s ex-secretary who just happen to resign on a very late Friday afternoon dump – weeks before mid-term election) is not over. Can’t imagine Ralston resigned over inappropriate behaviour and no consequences. That’s one lady that knows ALL we want to know.
that aside, Rove did outsmart himself. At least here’s hoping his dirty tricks may have caught up with him.
looks like John McCain may be running from Bushco. Fleeing rats.
Look at this TPM item;
McCain: Bush Admin Breaks Laws to Hide Global Warming Data.
“They’re simply not complying with the law. It’s incredible.”
No. Really?
McCain is indeed running.
McCain is going to run, and global warming is going to be a big part of how he demonstrates his bona fides as a moderate, hands-across-the-aisle kinda guy to joe sixpack and the soccer moms. He may well win using that tack, if he can get through the nomination process (If the Republicans decide to nominate a “candidate who can win” rather than someone ideologically pure). Look for him to reach out to the metaGov / permaGov on Wall Street and similar halls of wealth and power over the next two years. If he has their backing (and enough cash), the remnants of the zealot wing of the Republicans may rail against him in vain.
Poppy has always been grooming Jeb to be 41’s heir. Dubya kind of snuck up on Poppy and stole Jeb’s intended legacy.
I don’t think they every quite came to terms with Dubya’s ascendence over Jeb.
They have been making it real obvious George Prescott Bush was the “anointed” heir of the next generation… well… until he busted into the home of a former girlfriend anyway.
I also seem to remember Bush getting involved in Frist’s being moved to Senate Majority Leader. Frist seemed to be getting preferential treatment until the inside trading scandal.
Pesonally, I can no longer remenber when it was still possible for me to trust that ANYONE able to purchasing a power seat in this corrupt a political system, could possibly still possess the degree of character and integrity required to truly place the best interest of all Americans and protection of the Constitution at the top of their priority list.
It has become a system that rewards the most ruthless, greedy and and power-mad among us, who are the most willing to sell out all of the very principles we claim to embrace as a nation, to whoever will grease the skids that will get them into power. Then they have to be willing sell out some more, in order to to hang onto it.
It’s our whole political system itself, that is corrupted beyond repair, and it is the system itself that can and will corrupt and/or destroy whoever tries to change it from within.
Granny D was right on. Until we fix the system itself, through a major campaign finance reform overhaul ( so people of genuine character and integrity that is still intact have a flying chance in hell of being elected to office,) my bet is that not a whole lot is going to substantially change anytime soon.
he believes the end times are here. No worries about the Republican party, the United States, or the earth.
but as usual I was more wordy…
Bush doesn’t really care about what might happen in the future, because he figures that he and the rest of the “cool kids” aren’t going to be here anyway — they’re positive that we’re fast approaching the End Times when the bad folks are going to “get theirs” while the “good guys” are on the Heavenly Sidelines cheering their asses off. And Bush is going to do whatever he can to hasten that day along; somehow he’s convinced that his standing in Heaven will be improved as the one who ushered in Christ’s Return.
My opposing Episcopalian view is that the November 7 elections is a sign that the Deity-Of-Choice isn’t quite done with us yet. Then again, what do you expect from someone with “the spirit of the Antichrist” as Pat Robertson opined? Episcopalians aren’t really into all the “end times” stuff…we’re too busy trying to take care of the least of our brethren and sistren.
Oh, and minor nit-pick — it’s MARK Foley, not Tom; please don’t confuse a Floridian with a predilection for teenage boys with a Washington state Democrat…
Since the 2004 election was over I’ve been watching for who Bushco would anoint as a successor. But it does seem at this point as if they just don’t care.
I don’t think its because of any belief in the “rapture” though. I’ve never bought they’re playing at christianity. I know lots of fundamentalist christians, and Bush just doesn’t fit the mold. Its all a game to them.
One of my guesses is that W is actually getting kinda bored with it all. You know, its hard work, this being president. He’s ready to move on to something new and let Daddy fix this fiasco, just like all the others.
The one I wonder about is Cheney. I just don’t see him giving up all that power. But he operates so much in the shadows, who knows what he’s up to.