I have been taught from screaming French chefs is the first press of the year. It is usually not very good but some years can be decent on occasion and I remember a big run on Nouveau in 1996 or maybe 97 because that was supposed to be a really great year for the grape in that region. Drinking Beaujolais Nouveau is more about celebrating the harvest and if it has not been finished before Christmas of the year it was made it is supposed to be thrown out or used for brining or something along those lines. I used to do some catering with a screaming French chef who always used to threaten that he was moving to Belgium where common people like me weren’t even allowed to ride the same elevator with him.
Heh. I’m remembering it fondly only because I no longer have to worry about it plunging me into a deep, deep depression. And also thinking about all of my sisters stuck there does kinda make me happy. 🙂
No, I do consider housecleaning work. Especially when it’s done right. I do all the housecleaning, cooking, yard work, etc around here, and I know how much work cleaning is.
I was just making reference to Teach saying you don’t slack at all. 🙂
No it wasn’t a sales person. My brother had hired someone to do the lawn. So right now, I’m sitting in my chair watching this guy raking leaves. It’s a wonderful day to do yardwork. 🙂
I was surprised at big orange how many people were sick the weekend before November 7th. In the WYFP diary many were posting that they were sick and under blankets and many said that they felt like the stress had made them temporarily vulnerable to germs.
From what I’ve read before, a lot of worrying and diffferent stuff will work against your immune system. Hopefully we won’t have to worry about that for awhile.
I know for myself that under times of stress I hold up remarkably well, but once the stressor has passed I’m pretty vulnerable to any bugs that I may have been fighting off.
today. I have a sinus infection now and I’m on a five day course of Avelox. I had my check up on sinus surgery yesterday, it was very strange. My doctor is a very good doctor and really into his work. He is scary smart and yet still boyish like many very intelligent men can be. Part of my checkup involved having my sinuses sort of vaccumed. I could tell this is his favorite part, he was really into it with his light and this booger sucker thing and kept saying “beautiful” checking out the healing of the surgery. Afterwards he rewarded the nurse and I by sharing a conversation he recently had with his wife when his wife said that snot grossed her out. He is fascinated with snot he claims and you can tell so much by looking at someone’s snot and he had such a huge snot one day that he had to show it someone and finally his son said that he wanted to see it. He told his wife she couldn’t be grossed out by snot because she lived in a house made of snot and drove a car made of snot. I think it’s important for everybody to love their work but the nurse and I were both sort of left standing there looking at each other kind of unsure.
I read about your sx the other day … sounds painful. And that is disgusting about the surgeon’s love of snot!
I cannot handle snot … when I worked as a nurse I could handle pretty much any other body fluid — and I mean any — but not snot. It makes me gag and throw up. I remember this one time a patient had fluids coming out of every orifice — urine, feces, vomit — all at the same time — but it was the long runners of snot hanging out of her nose that made me throw up in my mouth. 🙂
I was pretty checked out. Since they can’t give you any pain reliever that is an NSAID, there is tylenol and narcotics. Between ativan and tylenol with codeine I don’t remember much of the week and I actually completely lost a day when last weekend I thought it was Saturday but found out it was Sunday. My asthma had gotten so bad though that I am all for the relief of having sinuses that are able to work properly. The doctor is convinced that in a few weeks he will be able to take me off of Singular and lower my Advair dose. He has been right about everything else so far I am taking him at his word and go forth in faith. I would have to vote vomit before long trails of snot but I don’t know for sure because I have never had to try to help someone in that condition before bless your heart, and the hearts of all the nurses out there.
Hi Tracy. I agree that some people can go overboard with their work. You should have told you Dr. that he should save it all up and package it as mustache wax.
Well, I freely admit that I detest housework. Actually, I like things clean, and I have high standards for that, but I don’t particularly care if things are neat or not. T3 likes things neat and tidy, but cleaning is not exactly on the top 1000 list of priorities for him. So, in a better world it would work out well, complementary values: clean and neat. Actually, of course, it works out in the opposite mode most of the time: messy & dirty.
Yes, my deck still has 3 feet of leaves on it. And the dog poo in the back yard is covered with leaves and longleaf pine needles, making it a minefield.
Can I rent you out to clean my house up to your high standards?
of delivering a dignified look of superiority no matter what silly thing they’ve been caught doing. Haughty, that’s the word, Haughty. And slightly irritated at the silly human with a camera.
It’s passing slowly so far — which is a good thing. I’m taking it easy on the couch watching Grey’s Anat episodes over and over from my pvr. What are you doing?
My family has a cat now. That’s kind of like saying that my family grew horns. Cats were hated and despised by everyone in family and my grandmother who was sane about everything used to freak out if a cat came into the yard and throw a pan of water at it. Running to the kitchen and filling the pan was always a big deal and is forever scratched into my brain….she had a hose, why didn’t that suffice? I have thought about it a lot and I think it comes from generational learning or something. So the fact that my daughter has rescued a three legged cat that calls this house home and used to be allowed to sleep on the porch but now is found indoors sometimes is huge growth in my family tree. So we have Tyler, the three legged cat that the men tried to name Tripod but his mistress refused to name him a “joke”.
He is much meatier than this photo from about eight weeks ago.
and requested the news pkg specifically to get his show … how’s that for love. He’s wonderful – worthy of all the gushing. You can usually see his more animated clips or special comments at Crooks and Liars, which is where I used to catch him.
Good morning Andi. Did the dogs let you sleep in today?
Not only did they let me sleep in but they didn’t get me up — I got to just wake up all on my own.
It must be because they are depressed — it’s the first day of gun season so no walks off the property this weekend.
Maybe they’re feeling sorry for you in your geezerhood.
Very wise of the dogs not to let you go wondering around during gun season. 🙂
Especially since Giddy has a white-tipped tail — we might as well be wearing targets.
A beautiful sunny autumn in the Beaujolais vineyards…
Good morning Melanchthon. It looks beautiful in the Beaujolais vineyards. Now if I could only be there drinking some Beaujolais.
Most of the Beaujolais you can find is crap, especially “Beaujolais nouveau”. I am sorry about that, because my mother’s family comes from Beaujolais.
You have to know which are the right producers if you want to find good Beaujolais.
Yesterday was the day for the release of “Beaujolais nouveau”, but we preferred drinking “Côtes du Rhône”…
Well I have to admit I’m not too much of a wine or alcohol connoisseur. I just have to go by if I like it, it’s good.
I’ve always wondered what the big fuss about “Beaujolais nouveau” was.
is 100% marketing
After reading your comments about it, I can see why the marketing would be the biggest part of it.
I have been taught from screaming French chefs is the first press of the year. It is usually not very good but some years can be decent on occasion and I remember a big run on Nouveau in 1996 or maybe 97 because that was supposed to be a really great year for the grape in that region. Drinking Beaujolais Nouveau is more about celebrating the harvest and if it has not been finished before Christmas of the year it was made it is supposed to be thrown out or used for brining or something along those lines. I used to do some catering with a screaming French chef who always used to threaten that he was moving to Belgium where common people like me weren’t even allowed to ride the same elevator with him.
That is an absolutely gorgeous picture.
That is absolutely gorgeous. I think we all need to plan a meet-up there. 🙂
And can I just confess that I’m looking forward to seeing pictures from the Fete des Lumieres next month?
Good Idea, I can organise it.
Melanchthon, I’ve missed you – thanks for returning with your gorgeous photos. I’ve had many fond memories of breakfasts on your patio.
I love wine, but I love the dance more – this one’s for Family Man:
Sorry, I’m not registered at Youtube, just go ahead and cut and paste – it’s an inspiration.
Hi Alice. You’re right it is an inspiration, and I imagine I would look just like that if I tried to dance. 🙂
Is it a past Super Bowl commercial? I can’t remember where we saw it, I just remember that he loved it.
I’ve been a little busy these times. I’m glad to have again some time to meet you on BT.
What a stunning picture! I want to be there, now, not under yet another steel gray sky.
Ah yes, I remember it well. 🙂
That sounds like such a fond memory. If so, you’re a sick, sick woman.
Heh. I’m remembering it fondly only because I no longer have to worry about it plunging me into a deep, deep depression. And also thinking about all of my sisters stuck there does kinda make me happy. 🙂
Good morning SN and Kidspeak. What are ya’ll up to today?
Hey FM. Nothing much.
Hey. Just got back from running an errand. I’ve been wondering if your deck still has 3 feet of leaves on it. 🙂
Hi, FM, SN,
Avoiding housecleaning as long as possible.
You’re avoiding housecleaning? From what Teach was saying, I thought you worked 24/7. 🙂
Hmm. You say you’re a slacker. But you don’t consider housecleaning work???
No, I do consider housecleaning work. Especially when it’s done right. I do all the housecleaning, cooking, yard work, etc around here, and I know how much work cleaning is.
I was just making reference to Teach saying you don’t slack at all. 🙂
Lovely photos today … Thanks Andi, Melanchthon!
Hi Olivia.
What going on today?
So not too much … I’m just hanging out on the couch.
What’s happening at casa FMan this w/e?
Are you coming down with a cold or the flu? I hope not.
Not much is happening here. Just trying to decide when to take my next nap. 🙂
did I say sore throat … I lost my voice last night. I guess all that stress of the last couple weeks caught up and my white cells succumbed.
Ah, FM … what a life! Did you make your fleece baggie yet?
That’s probably what it is. You’re just so worn out from meeting deadlines that you just got set up for a cold or the flu.
I can’t make fleece because it involves that 4 letter word that I try and avoid – Work. 🙂
So, was someone trying to sell ya something at the door?
No it wasn’t a sales person. My brother had hired someone to do the lawn. So right now, I’m sitting in my chair watching this guy raking leaves. It’s a wonderful day to do yardwork. 🙂
That is great … no, it’s perfect! And good on your brother for hiring the man. 🙂
Well it’s almost perfect. He got the guy to do the lawn, but I’ll end up paying him. 🙁
Now that I am not surprised to learn … oh well, take what you can get I suppose.
Yeah I’ll take what I can. To bad though, I was just about to work up the gumption to do the lawn on Monday.
Yeah sure. 🙂
I was surprised at big orange how many people were sick the weekend before November 7th. In the WYFP diary many were posting that they were sick and under blankets and many said that they felt like the stress had made them temporarily vulnerable to germs.
From what I’ve read before, a lot of worrying and diffferent stuff will work against your immune system. Hopefully we won’t have to worry about that for awhile.
I know for myself that under times of stress I hold up remarkably well, but once the stressor has passed I’m pretty vulnerable to any bugs that I may have been fighting off.
today. I have a sinus infection now and I’m on a five day course of Avelox. I had my check up on sinus surgery yesterday, it was very strange. My doctor is a very good doctor and really into his work. He is scary smart and yet still boyish like many very intelligent men can be. Part of my checkup involved having my sinuses sort of vaccumed. I could tell this is his favorite part, he was really into it with his light and this booger sucker thing and kept saying “beautiful” checking out the healing of the surgery. Afterwards he rewarded the nurse and I by sharing a conversation he recently had with his wife when his wife said that snot grossed her out. He is fascinated with snot he claims and you can tell so much by looking at someone’s snot and he had such a huge snot one day that he had to show it someone and finally his son said that he wanted to see it. He told his wife she couldn’t be grossed out by snot because she lived in a house made of snot and drove a car made of snot. I think it’s important for everybody to love their work but the nurse and I were both sort of left standing there looking at each other kind of unsure.
I read about your sx the other day … sounds painful. And that is disgusting about the surgeon’s love of snot!
I cannot handle snot … when I worked as a nurse I could handle pretty much any other body fluid — and I mean any — but not snot. It makes me gag and throw up. I remember this one time a patient had fluids coming out of every orifice — urine, feces, vomit — all at the same time — but it was the long runners of snot hanging out of her nose that made me throw up in my mouth. 🙂
I was pretty checked out. Since they can’t give you any pain reliever that is an NSAID, there is tylenol and narcotics. Between ativan and tylenol with codeine I don’t remember much of the week and I actually completely lost a day when last weekend I thought it was Saturday but found out it was Sunday. My asthma had gotten so bad though that I am all for the relief of having sinuses that are able to work properly. The doctor is convinced that in a few weeks he will be able to take me off of Singular and lower my Advair dose. He has been right about everything else so far I am taking him at his word and go forth in faith. I would have to vote vomit before long trails of snot but I don’t know for sure because I have never had to try to help someone in that condition before bless your heart, and the hearts of all the nurses out there.
Hi Tracy. I agree that some people can go overboard with their work. You should have told you Dr. that he should save it all up and package it as mustache wax.
Because one does have need sometimes to lick ones upper lip. That’s just yucky
LOL I thought you would see it that way.
Well, I freely admit that I detest housework. Actually, I like things clean, and I have high standards for that, but I don’t particularly care if things are neat or not. T3 likes things neat and tidy, but cleaning is not exactly on the top 1000 list of priorities for him. So, in a better world it would work out well, complementary values: clean and neat. Actually, of course, it works out in the opposite mode most of the time: messy & dirty.
I like a clean and neat house too. I like it best when stuff is put back in its proper place.
Yes, my deck still has 3 feet of leaves on it. And the dog poo in the back yard is covered with leaves and longleaf pine needles, making it a minefield.
Can I rent you out to clean my house up to your high standards?
I can see how it would become a mine field. You should be out there planting little flags so people would know where they are. 🙂
Afraid not on the house cleaning. I have a hard enough time keeping this house cleaned.
I might have to move up to the next bigger size. Obviously 11 isn’t big enough.
I’d say you are correct on that. 🙂
Some’s at the front door. Back in a minute.
of delivering a dignified look of superiority no matter what silly thing they’ve been caught doing. Haughty, that’s the word, Haughty. And slightly irritated at the silly human with a camera.
Aren’t cats great … 🙂
Not as great as dogs and wombats. 🙂
if they heard you … 😛
I don’t think they would care as long as the food kept coming.
Now George is completely different. He’ll let you know if there’s no food, but if you ignore him, he’ll start going bonkers to get attention.
… video post. 🙂
How’s the weekend passing?
It’s passing slowly so far — which is a good thing. I’m taking it easy on the couch watching Grey’s Anat episodes over and over from my pvr. What are you doing?
gallivanting (also known as going to library and the grocery).
I’m reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova right now, and next up is Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins.
is Alice Munro’s View from Castle Rock.
I liked the Historian though I think it would have benefited from some editing — I thought it dragged in several spots.
but I’m enjoying her prose style, so it’s okay.
View of Castle Rock is short stories right?
Alice Munro has only written one novel but since she can make a short story a universe, a short story collection of hers is worth a wall of novels.
I’ll have to break out the camcorder and film him some day. It’s mostly whinning though.
I was hoping by bonkers you meant he was doing backflips off the wall … 😉
even better than a paris hilton sex video.
My family has a cat now. That’s kind of like saying that my family grew horns. Cats were hated and despised by everyone in family and my grandmother who was sane about everything used to freak out if a cat came into the yard and throw a pan of water at it. Running to the kitchen and filling the pan was always a big deal and is forever scratched into my brain….she had a hose, why didn’t that suffice? I have thought about it a lot and I think it comes from generational learning or something. So the fact that my daughter has rescued a three legged cat that calls this house home and used to be allowed to sleep on the porch but now is found indoors sometimes is huge growth in my family tree. So we have Tyler, the three legged cat that the men tried to name Tripod but his mistress refused to name him a “joke”.
He is much meatier than this photo from about eight weeks ago.
I think Tyler, both cat and name, is very cool.
I don’t know. I only saw them following Alice’s link. Maybe she knows where they come from.
Did anyone see Sunday’s Opus, by Berkely Breathed?
It featured these anagrams for politicans:
George Herbert Walker Bush = Huge Berserk Rebel Warthog
William Jefferson Clinton = Jail Mrs Clinton Felon Wife
Can anyone come up with anything else?
Sorry Teach, don’t know.
FamilyMan — If manly am
Hey it sounds like Opus. 🙂
My real name becomes — geek from enchanter angel.
Karl Christian Rove — Lavish crankier Rot
Chester James Carville — majestic reversal lech
Try here for help.
Dianne Emiel Feinstein — Need feminine alienist
Hillary Rodham Clinton — Lynch harlot in mid-oral.
(She’s no doubt said that at least once in her life.)
George Walker Bush — Blush, war geek ogre.
Richard Bruce Cheney — hereby chancier crud
Anton Scalia — nasal inaction
Lyndon Baines Johnson — no ninny, so handles job
Richard Milhouse Nixon — His climax – ruined honor
Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi —
Clandestinely sporadic pranoia
Booman Tribune — nobbier amount
Froggy Bottom Lounge — Forgotten gloom bug
I like the nixon one especially.
Try some Canadian pols. The link is up thread a bit.
Stephen Joseph Harper –> Shh! Pest or happen jeer.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau –> Pettier ruler dealt, “Oui”.
Belinda Caroline Stronach –> Ball and chain or erections
Wayne Douglas Gretzky –> Aged lazy guy networks LOL!!!!
I like Gretzky’s name.
I tries this Ralph Phillip Klein — Hip! Hell! Pink pillar.
I’m not sure what it means, but I know he wouldn’t like it.
Donald Henry Rumsfeld — Fondly handles murder
their names are strangely prescient … 🙂
Pretty good! I know everyone’s excited about Olberman, but we don’t have cable, so we’re in the dark on this one.
and requested the news pkg specifically to get his show … how’s that for love. He’s wonderful – worthy of all the gushing. You can usually see his more animated clips or special comments at Crooks and Liars, which is where I used to catch him.
so bring yourselves over the
acne few.