Progress Pond

All You Need Is (Bonobo) Love

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Cross posted from Even Flow  
Imagine a world where the leaders of countries resolved their differences not by dropping bombs on each other’s people, but by dropping some love on them instead.

In Peace Through Pleasure Susan Block says,

“Scientific observation has revealed that social interactions among bonobos are far less hostile than among common chimps. This is not to say that bonobos never fight; they just do so a lot less. Unlike common chimps (and humans, of course), bonobos have never been observed deliberately killing members of their own species. Among bonobos observed both in the wild and in captivity, sex and mutual pleasure are keys to keeping the peace, reinforcing social relations based upon the give and take of sensual, erotic pleasure rather than on pain and force and fear”.

What a concept! :o)
Can we send a delegation of properly evolved peace seekers to N. Korea right now? Madeline Albright and Kim Jong Il making the world safe from nukular weapons? Is it possible that George Bush was onto something (sorry) when he said he saw Putin’s soul in his eyes? If only he’d taken the next logical step, the world wouldn’t be at each other’s throats…they’d be at each others (fill in the blank)’s instead :o) Instead of oil for food or profit, it could be oil for bun grabbing! :o) I’m serious! Bi-Partisanship would take on a whole new meaning in a world like that. Reaching across the aisle, as it were, would make for some very interesting C-Span programming :o) In this atmosphere a phased withdrawal would be much more favorable than an immediate withdrawal!

Just a few random thoughts about how to save us from ourselves on a Sunday morning.

Food for thought…or………..

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