There have been many postings about Impeachment, pro and con, lately, and many past postings as the overwelming evidence has been brought to light despite attempts to keep it as quite as possible with little mention from those who are supposed to keep a society in the know, as to what is being done by those we hire to represent, in our names and to us as a Democratic Nation .
Impeachment should not be taken lightly, as it was as a political tool to the previous administration. But when there is overwelming evidence, coming forward, of Impeachable Offenses it cannot be ignored, as it has been by our representatives, and must be Investigated and if leading towards Impeachable Offenses Must Be Tried as such, just as any crime covered in the Laws of this Country, the Constitution Demands It!
If we don’t hold those accountible for crimes committed, by our representatives, than we become no longer a Democracy as we define that Ideology, the Experiment is over! We can no longer be an Example of Democratic Ideals once defined by us, we are what we condemned others of being, doing exactly as they have been accused of doing to their own and others!
No matter cost or time involved, those Responsible must be held Accountible, to bring this Country forward as the Nation we like to think we are and to show the rest of the World what Democracy Really is, not the experiment we’ve been living but the Reality that Finally is an Example others will admire and strive to bring within their own societies, Real Freedom and Real Democracy with Laws That Must Be Followed By All!
David Swanson on Bush’s War Crimes
On September 13, 2006, in Washington, D.C., at Camp Democracy, mock “Guilty” verdicts were read out against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes. It features David Swanson, a co-founder of Camp Democracy
Ann Wright on Bush’s War Crimes
On September 13, 2006, in Washington, D.C., at Camp Democracy, mock “Guilty” verdicts were read out against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes. It features Ann Wright, a former U.S. diplomat
C. Clark Kissinger on Bush’s War Crimes
On September 13, 2006, in Washington, D.C., at Camp Democracy, mock “Guilty” verdicts were read out against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes. It features C. Clark Kissinger, a writer and activist .
Embittered insiders turn against Bush
War advocates, other conservatives say president mismanaged their vision
Will they learn their lessons of how flawed their Extremely Sick World Vision is, Hell No, they were, and have been, there all along, and like the sick basturds they are, passing on Blame in fear of their own Indictments for their Many Crimes!!!
They have put this Country, and World, on a Spiral of Destruction, that the next generations will be living with! They also must be Investigated, as to their rolls in what has occurred, on a number of fronts, and brought to justice if evidence leads to that conclusion
I don’t get involved in Activism, wishing I had more time and energy to be more involved, for any benefit to myself. I get involved because I Really believed all that was taught to us about what this Democracy stands for and the Ideology set forth. I still take Very Serious the Oath we took, to ‘Defend The Constitution Against All Enemy’s Both Foreign and Domestic’, as we joined this countries Military,or in my day those who were drafted into same. I accepted my orders to be sent into the War, of my generation, knowing that it lacked any common sense and righteous behavior of a country to invade anothers that was No Threat to us, made no Attempts of Destructive behavior against us and was brought about by the Lies of that generations peoples representatives, because if I had fought it someone else would have been sent instead and once in the Military we joined in to try and protect those around us as well as ourselves. I get involved, call me old fashion, taking my responsibility seriously, to try and leave a better World and Country for those that follow us, as my parents and grandparents….. worked hard in their attempts at same, and they succeeded. But what has been our recent past and the present I’ve afraid We Won’t, at least for the next couple of generations, for they will be busy trying to clean up this Destructive Direction we have set forth on, In Our Names, and try to get to a point yet achieved, A Peaceful and Tolerant World, going forward in benefit for all it’s inhabitants!
Just visit After Downing Street to view the evidence collect by David Swanson, and many others, as this last six years has unfolded in the Destructive Nature this Country has taken. There are many other sites that also have been keeping abreast of the actions taken and the evidence of possible crimes and outright lies!
Articles of Impeachment
Complete Set of Downing Street Documents
Evidence of War Lies
Conyers’ Report Newly Updated: “Constitution in Crisis”
Congressman John Conyers
There have been many crimes committed and suspected. There is so much out there, brought forth and archived by individuals who really care, it is mind spinning.
Investigations, with evidence known leading to evidence not yet seen, is a No-Brainer, It’s Our Duty and Responsibility, as citizens of this country, to Demand. It is also the Constitutional Responsibility of our Representatives. And if Investigations lead to Indictments and Impeachment than that is the ‘Slam Dunk’ of this Democratic Nation under the Constitution of the People!!
U.S. In Distress Flag
Investigate,Indict than Impeach All Involved
This one though I think will prove to be inevitable no matter where you stand in the impeachment debate right now. So many things were silenced when DC was powerlocked. In January the silence will actively be broken and as this democracy goes, quite simply if we just go by the rules impeachment is inevitable. With a President at a 31% approval rating too and we haven’t even broken the silence yet, I can’t really imagine the force that is going to be generated once people finally speak and the cameras roll in primetime. It’s going to be difficult for some. I know people in uniform right now who I feel are sort of nuts, but as the road unfolds before us I realize too they have done what they could to survive what was happening. I intend to be very flexible with the people I know who I have stared at in disbelief in the past. None of this is going to be easy for them but we will all be better people for having gone through this. I intend to hold the door open for them with a genuine welcoming smile on my face as they walk through.
Ours and Their Duty to go forward with this, as it should have Already been happening!
Trouble is there are some who really don’t have an Ideology, except that of Hatred and Bigotry, and don’t even bother to try an understand what this Country is Supposed to Represent, they will never except nor understand the reality!
who have this ideology of hatred and bigotry right now but it isn’t congruent with being able to live or even function in their daily lives so it’s a doomed ideology. I see how confused they are and there is an inner knowing of the shame we face where the use of our military is concerned. Some of these people gave their whole lives to serving their country and they are terrified to stand alone during all of this, but that is where we are all going to stand in different forms going through it. There is a responsibility that is group and there is a responsibility that is individual and they are terrified of the later as the former becomes discredited and shameful and the criminals are culled from the pack. I couldn’t see this last week and I was mad as hell at some of the shit that I heard on post after the elections but I have been able to process it all to this point today and I feel pity for them as well as feeling their terror. I guess we could say it is the new war on terror, the war within and the terror that is felt by Americans who have followed their leadership into this darkness and now must return to humanity or forever be inhumane, lonely, and alone.
Military personal are just a reflection of the populace they serve.
It’s always been the case, just as society, for some not to want to understand, reason you have the ‘swiftboaters’ going after their own.
The biggest problem are the few who seem Hell Bent on the thinking they are serving for an Ideology or political Party and Not The Country!!!!
by the way, You Can Tell Them I Said So, if when you’re talking to them the subject comes up.
Just refer them Back to their Oath of Service!
[Teacher to his class] At this point Section 4 of Article Two of the Constitution gives lawmakers latitude….
How much latitude? Well, consider the case of two presidents….
The first president initiates a bloody, costly, unending war on false premises…
…and approves covert policies of illegal detentions, kangaroo courts, extraordinary renditions, torture, and warrantless wiretappings of thousands of Americans….
The second president lies about hooking up with an intern.
Question: Which one should be impeached?
[Student answers] The babe hound, right?
[Another student adds] This sounds very familiar.
But sadly that’s the mentality that doesn’t even need to be just confined to a classroom, for there are too many Adults that have thought processes even below a young student!
Alan Graf the Hippie Lawyer affiliated with Peaceroots Alliance and one of the founders of that and The Farm in Summertown Tennesee, just passed this video interview on to me:
The Farm Report–Women Warriors-Two Generations
Should impeachment be off the table, we’ll likely see war crimes charges filed in the ICC, Hague. As you hinted, one of the main charges should be ‘justifying war with torture.’
The South American precedent is set. 30 years later, former dictators and presidents are being brought to justice for all the disappeared and tortured.
Go read,
Bush’s Next big scandal: Missing presumed tortured, by Stephen Grey, author of Ghost Plane
Just in case you shrug the headline as nothing new, a teaser
Watch the interview with Alan, posted above your reply, from The Farm, the Second Part delves into much of that.
And we made many of the International Laws that are Our Laws as accorded in the Constitution.