So…yesterday supersoling wrote a wonderful diary called The Truth regarding Thanksgiving, the crimes that Western Europeans perpetrated on the original inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere and our undeniable Native American bloodlines, a diary where a number of us chimed in with celebrations of our own individual genetic ties to those back-in-the-day OGs.
The REAL “Original Gangstas” in this hemisphere.
Bet on it.
And I got to thinking.
How can ANY of us…this mostly Irishman or anyone else…actually say we are “this” or “that”? 1/8th Bulgarian, 1/64th Hutu.
So—read on for a mathematical proof that we are all one.
Do not ask for whom the ovens roast.
They roast for THEE.
Read on.
ENOUGH of this 1/8th, 1/16, 1/279th stuff.
Taking a generation as 20 years…which within human memory was just about the median human reproductive age and is probably not really accurate over the long term of human history (More like 15 in most tribal cultures like the Amazonian rain forest, the old South Bronx and Appalachia, a figure which would skew my results below even further out to lunch.)…if you go back only four centuries (A drop in the ol’ time bucket as far as human history is concerned)…you have 65,536 different ancestors. (Barring of course the occasional regrettable foray into serious incest.)
Do the math.
Another four centuries? Still more than 1000 years after the popularly accepted birthdate of Christ?
20 years further back?
Well over the current total population of the planet.
How about THAT Thanksgiving get-together!!!???
A mere two centuries further back? 1000 AD? At which point they were already making wine in France and the Chinese were busily inventing gunpowder and thus setting events in motion that would culminate in nasty activities like the war in Iraq and John Wayne movies?
1,099,511,627,776. (That’s 1.1 trillion, brethren and sistren.)
Then back to 1 AD?
Oh MY!!!
And we have only scratched the SURFACE of human evolution.
Yet here we are, talking of being 1/16th some tribe or race or culture.
The ONLY thing that we are is 100% human. (Whatever THAT means.)
And 100% related.
How so?
Because on the best estimates of total human population starting from 50,000 BC, there have only been 106.5 billion people EVER born here!!!
UH oh!!!
Each of us has 50 thousand times more ancestors than there have ever been humans.
Musta been a WHOLE lotta sharin’ goin’ on.
All of those genes?
We’ve ALL got them.
So barring relatively short term cultural differences…AIN’T no “Cherokee” or “Chinese” blood.
Just us chickens here, all cooped up in the planetary henhouse and fornicating like mad.
Have fun…
‘Cuz we are ALL one.
Bet on it.
Happy whatever…
Turkey leftovers?
From WHOMever.
These are words I wrote about my own family last year, I was astonished to do the math while preparing our genealogical chart and I came up with that figure. I too came to the only possible conclusion that we are all connected just based on that. Anyway that’s why I called my story the “Extraordinary coincidence of my birth”. Not that it’s any different for anyone, but that it’s incredible for all of us. With all the wars and pestilence that have swept thoughout the world it’s incredible to me any humans survive.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I mentioned my own percentage of belonging to the Cherokee it was in solidarity with an ideal. I also mentioned that it wasn’t about blood to me. It’s about heart. I’m proud of it. Always will be. It doesn’t mean I assume myself worthy of it. Only hopeful of worthiness. And I’m aware of my real origins. They lay in Africa. The same for you and me and everyone. We’re all human and common, it’s true. But some humans are far superior to others. Not genetically. Not by the level of their intelligence. Or by the color of their skin. As Martin said, it’s the content of their character. I’ll align myself with indigenous Americans every time…if they’ll have me.
Me too, super.
Only one thing.
“Heart”, “character” (Whatever THEY really mean) …the potential or lack of potential for character at the very least. because character itself is so strongly formed by accidents of upbringing…character itself is genetically predetermined. Just like potential intelligence, skin color, nose size, left or right handedess, various and sundry talents or the relative lack thereof, fingerprints and the uncountable number of other characteristics the sum total of which make you “you” and me “me”.
You got yer bad seeds AND yer good seeds.
Bet on it.
Take Al Capone or Richard Speck or George W. Butch or Karl Rove or Paris Hilton out of their original birth situations and plunk them down into a good family of Quakers or righteous working people or middle class plodders or WHATEVER and watch what happens.
“I jes’ don’t understand this family, Hiram. I really don’t. Here we are, all of us a’gettin” along an’ havin’ a good time. and then…”
“And then there’s that nasty sonofabitch Uncle George!!! We was all BROUGHT UP the same way!!! I jes’ don’t understand.”
Bet on it.
Have fun…
Hmmm, something that I found imponderable in my younger years. Why was it that two (or more) children brought up in the same family, with the same economic and cultural influences so often turned out to be polar opposites in behavior? It always seemed to me to blow the “nurture” theory all to hell.
We appear to be greatly influenced by our predispositions in genetics. . .and we really don’t know enough about genetics yet to understand how that works.
I have a niece who is one of a set of triplets, not identical triplets although all 3 are girls. She is my elder, blood related brother’s offspring. I interacted with her quite a lot until she was 5, then very little after that due to my changing locations. Now in her early 40’s (and I’ve seen it since she was a teen) she physically looks like me, she has my voice tonal quality, she has enormous numbers of my behavioral traits, people most often think she is my child. Her two sisters are as different from her as night and day in looks, in behavior, in choices of actions. This little personal view into genetics certainly has made me look at things differently than I did previously.
I have my own metaphysical views of why this is. But I won’t belabor them here. We are born with a lot more of our “personality and propensities” than we have ever in our current wisdom and knowledge been willing to see or acknowledge.
The “bad seed” element smacks of a predetermined future or set of circumstances that are insurmountable. I do not go along with that at all. We are the determiners of how we play out this life. Some of us just seem to lack the will to examine our lives and determine to make something better of it than our predispositions in some areas.
No matter if a person looks to the evolution of it or the creation of it WE ARE ALL ONE, it all comes out the same way, doesn’t it.
type beliefs about why some have certain understandings and others not. I think we tend to call it quantum physics.
The Wheel of Karma?
It’s radioactively powered.
Bet on it.
Sub-sub-atomically, even.
The value of being 1/64th something or another is in the recognition that even in our relatively RECENT past lineage, we are a mixture of the things that people call distinct ‘races’ or ‘cultures’. The value lies not in the abstract notion that we are all, of course, brothers and sisters from one mother millions of incomprehensible years ago, but in the realization that even in recent times many of us are not ‘racially pure’ according to ‘modern’ standards.
In some segments of society, the mere act of claiming recent mixed ancestry is heretical. As such, it is an act of defiance and a form of civil disobedience. It is a good way to destroy the ridiculous constructions of ignorance that you deride in this diary.
For me, claiming mixed recent ancestry is not negating our common humanity, but embracing it. So, I find that you missed the point of those comments in Supersoling’s diary and misused them when you negated them to make your larger point. It isn’t either/or AG, it’s both, simultaneously. You know, quantum physics stuff.
I wasn’t really trying to “negate” anything, blueneck. Just stepping away to get the broad view.
I personally find those numnbers absoluterly awe ins[piring.
Don’t you?
Loosen up.
The problem is that you are apparently so loose with your approach and your definitions that your writings are easily interpreted in ways other than what you say later that you really mean. It’s awfully easy to claim after the fact that someone else’s interpretation of your meaning is somehow too uptight.
For example when you say, starting in all caps, “ENOUGH of this 1/8th, 1/16, 1/279th stuff”, what conclusion is one supposed to draw other than that you are putting the expression of such things down? In the course of normal human discussion, when I’m told “ENOUGH of that,” I usually interpret it to mean that the person who says it has no further interest whatsoever in what I have to say along those lines of discourse, and wishes to downgrade any further attempts at expression of such matters to the realm of non-discussion. It seems like a negative way of expressing yourself, to me. If that’s not what you mean, then I would say to you: Tighten up, dude.
All we have on this board is the words themselves, no facial expressions, no nuances of tone in voice, etc. All I can do is read your words from within the context of my own experience. If that seems too uptight to you, well, so be it. I AM used to reading critically and subjecting words to rigorous examination.
As for those numbers being awe-inspiring, I thought about them long long ago and to me they are just the obvious background of my own claims to be 1/64th something or another.
In the future, I would appreciate it if you would just address the substance of my comments without continually telling me to chill out or loosen up. That’s insulting, almost as insulting as being told “ENOUGH of that.”
Well if you had read any further than that line you quote or had any sense of humor at all you might have achieved some kind of dim understanding of where I was coming from.
Like where I said:
How can ANY of us…this mostly Irishman or anyone else…actually say we are “this” or “that”? 1/8th Bulgarian, 1/64th Hutu.
So—read on for a mathematical proof that we are all one.
Each of us has 50 thousand times more ancestors than there have ever been humans.
Musta been a WHOLE lotta sharin’ goin’ on.
All of those genes?
We’ve ALL got them.
So barring relatively short term cultural differences…AIN’T no “Cherokee” or “Chinese” blood.
Just us chickens here, all cooped up in the planetary henhouse and fornicating like mad.
Have fun…
‘Cuz we are ALL one.
Bet on it.
Happy whatever…
LORD, blueneck!!!
Sure the moniker shouldn’t be “stiffneck?”
Give it a break.
I mean…the guy you seem to think you are defending…who in any case is quite capable of defending himself if he feels he needs to do so and is certainly more perceptive of subtlety or intent in his reading comprehension abilities than are you… even recommended the damned diary.
Go away.
You’re pissing into the wind.
First off, I wasn’t defending Supersoling, I’m well aware of his ability to do that for himself. I was expressing my own thoughts. We can leave him out of this. I really don’t care what he or anyone else thinks of your diary, I’m the one objecting to it.
Second of all, merely repeating yourself does nothing to explain or clarify your intent in writing something. Your self-referential (or should that be self-reverential) circular reasoning is boring and tiresome. Like I said, what you said, the manner in which you said it, in its entirety, seemed to me to put down people who were proud to claim recent mixed ancestry. It is precisely the fact that you seem to require that the reader know ahead of time exactly when and where you want us to read your mind about your sarcasm or ‘humor’ or lack of it that makes your writing problematic. Your first quote of yourself seemed entirely sarcastic and abrasive to me, primarily because you called my people ‘gangstas’. If you are not aware of the negative connotations of that word, I have now made you aware of it. The second self-quote seems to prove nothing other than that you thought something to yourself that we should somehow understand your exact intent on sharing. The third quote actively does exactly what you claim you didn’t do, which is negate the value and importance of realizing our recent mixed ancestry, and blowing it off as if it is unimportant.
Third of all, if you want to insult me, go right ahead, you’re the one pissing in the wind with crap like that.
You have proven once again that you can’t handle the slightest bit of criticism without hurling insults at the person who questions you. It would have been quite easy for you to have made a simple clarification to begin with, without insulting me with your incessant ‘loosen up’ crap. You use that whenever someone wants some clarification or further discussion and they fail to fawn all over you in adoration of your superior insights.
I’ve had readers in the past not understand a comment of mine and I have taken the time, without personal insults, to clarify my position and take responsibility for the apparent lack of clarity on my part. It is not below me to do that. It is apparently not within your grasp that your writing might strike someone differently than you intended it to and therefore you assume that the reader is worthy of insult and putdown.
I’ll not go away to please a bully, I’ll stand my ground until you act like a grown-up. How about not insulting me if you reply this time? I doubt that you’ll respond civilly, because you can’t stand it when someone criticizes your writing or your ideas.
You write:
“Your first quote of yourself seemed entirely sarcastic and abrasive to me, primarily because you called my people ‘gangstas’.”
Well, Blueneck…there are entirely acceptable (to me, anyway) and quite large areas of our culture where using the term “OG” or “Original Gangsta” is a COMPLIMENT. Which is how I meant it. As in “The first people to actively resist this totally whacked-out racist genocidal imperialist Anglo culture in the New World.” I forget that there are people who do not pay much attention to how the poor of this country…urban poor particularly…think and speak even though it has THEIR contributions to this culture that have been in many respects its only saving grace. Their contributiions as workers AND as thinkers, and emotionally as well.
By “poor” I mean people who are (or were) Black, Hispanic, first, second and sometimes third and even fourth generation so-called “white ethnics.” Jews, Irish and Italians, etc.
YOU know.
The ones who were not yet available to be bought off and trained as overseers for the newest crop of slaves.
I forgot that.
My bad.
The rest…?
I will go no further here.
Ain’t worth it.
You want me to apologize because you didn’t understand what I was writing?
I apologize.
I should write more clearly.
With less passion.
But then…what I write wouldn’t be worth shit.
JUST like jazz.
“By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn’t want your daughter to associate with.”
“It’s like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something.”
“My attitude is never to be satisfied, never enough, never.”
Duke Ellington
Writing too.
If it is seriously meant.
I am sorry, blueneck.
Sorry that you did not understand what I wrote.
Sorry if OTHERS didn’t understand.
Sorry that I am not a better writer.
Just like the jazz player who is “sorry” that many people do not get HIS shit.
Sorry that he is not a better player.
A better man..
But not sorry enough to stop trying.
It’s a squares and hips world, Brother Blue.
It’s genetic.
You either get it or you don’t.
Most don’t.
But the ones that DO motivate the universe.
So it goes.
Go listen to some Bird.
Go read some Burroughs.
Loosen up.
You be bettah off.
Hey dude, I’m a thousand miles away from your version of urban poor lingo. We got’s our own version down here, which big-city urban elitists don’t pay any attention to and probably wouldn’t understand and probably wouldn’t bother to try to understand.
I can’t be held accountable for not knowing how dudes in your ultra-hip circles talk, just like I wouldn’t hold you accountable for knowing how to talk the shit with dudes in the streets down here. Now that you have explained it a little bit for this backward southern boy, you can get a little more agreement. That IS what you want isn’t it? And why can’t I ask for some clarification without being put down for it?
If your objective is for your music (or your writing) to please only yourself or a certain small superhip crowd who digs every riff you lay down, you aren’t much of a real musician in my book, just a technician, mostly, self-satified and arrogant and reclusive.
I already forgot more about Bird than you ever knew, so don’t try to throw that in my face, as if I don’t get it because I’m genetically inferior to you and your kind, whatever that is.
I won’t let you get away with that genetically inferior crap. That sounds like the worst of what the south has to offer. (YOU KNOW what I mean, right? Or do I have to spell it out for you? I’ll give you a hint, it starts with K and it ends with a K and its got a K in the middle. Got it NOW?) Take your genetically superior crap and shove it.
You just can’t stop with the ‘loosen up’ shit can you? You’re not sorry at all, you enjoy your illusion of genetic superiority don’t you?
You do?
Know more about Bird than I do?
Could you get up on the same stand with him and not get blown away?
I can.
Bet on it.
If you can’t…then you don’t.
As far as the rest of this is concerned…in no particular order:
1-The idea of “genetics” as I referenced it has NOTHING to do with race.
My “kind” HAS no race.
You either get it…or you don’t.
2-My “ultra-hip circles”, my “big-city urban elitist” friends are mostly from working class families.
Black, brown and beige.
White, African-American and Hispanic.
Average salary…lower middle class.
Bet on it.
Only thing “ultra-hip” that they all understand?
“If you don’t know…I can’t tell you.” (Fats Waller, 1930-something. In response to a request that he define swing.)
3-I can walk down any street in any rural town in the south or anywhere else in this fine country and flat out disappear. Go into the coffee shop or bar and shoot the shit with the good ol’ boys. I do it all the time.
White like a MOTHERFUCKER, when it suits my purposes. Able to time-travel, too. Right back to Little Rock or Bogalusa or Tyler, Texas if need be. Even further.
4-My objective as a musician is to play the truth. The truth of the moment. Nothing more, nothing less. Just as it is here as a writer. And I do not give a shit whether or not ANYONE picks up on it. Some do, some don’t. So it goes. All I can do is try. If you think that arrogant…you got it, baby.
All’s I can do is try.
Only so I can play the right note at the right time.
I learned that attitude DIRECTLY from three generations of the greatest jazz and latin players NYC has had to offer, and in reality it is just about all that I have to offer. Sometimes I succeed; often I fail. But I never, ever stop trying.
Not ever.
4-You cannot BE a thousand miles away from almost anything on earth today…including “urban poor lingo”…unless you make a conscious effort not to pay attention to it.
Which you obviously have.
That is YOUR decision. Or perhaps better stated…your own genetic necessity. It says worlds about you that you do not know how “the urban poor” speak.
You do not have to live in the Bronx to know that. My relatives in fucking MAINE know what an OG is. The hip ones do, anyway. The others…all OVER the country?
Well…they jes’ cain’t he’p theyselves.
None of us can.
You and me both.
So it goes.
I’m outta here.
Your superior genetics argument is bullshit, whether you tie it to skin color or not. It’s still the same old Klan, just with an all new elitist twist.
You are an asshole and though I’ve never heard you play, I’m sure your music reflects that. Attitudes like yours don’t hide behind a few notes. I’m sure Parker would blow your ass away with his musicality even if you could play fast enough to keep up with him. It ain’t always about speed, it’s about soul, which you obviously lack. I’m positive Trane wouldn’t be impressed with you. He’s the one that’s got the most soul of ’em all.
Assholes do hide when confronted with the truth about themselves, so go ahead and stick your head up your ass where you can meet up with your genetically superior uberfriends, you know, the ones who are all-knowing about everything in every culture all over the world and who can disappear into the crowd. And please do, disappear that is.
It is ALL genetics,blueneck.
Nose size, hair color, intelligence, heart, talent.
All of it.
Sperm meets egg and…bingo!
Mother Teresa!!!
Right on up and down the range of creation.
I can’t play?
I have worked extensively with the best of the best here in NY. 40 years and counting. And they hire me because I am a soloist. And a composer. And a damned good ensemble player. ANY ensemble, any idiom, any part that’s playable on my instruments. And a teacher, too.
‘Trane and Bird were dead by the time I got good enough to play with them.
How’s about Charles Mingus, Gil Evans, Lee Konitz, Thad Jones, Tito Puente, Gunther Schuller, Duke Ellington, Chico O’Farrill, Eddie Palmieri, Count Basie, Dave Liebman and Machito?
Just for starters.
And that’s just the ones that you might recognize in South Oshkosh or wherever the fuck you think you live.
Not single dates…years and years with most of them, off and on as schedules permitted.
I have no reason to lie. I earned it.
And you have no IDEA what real players are like.
Bet on it.
P.S. Belief in innate talents as carried by genes is KKK stuff?
Get real.
How ELSE do creatures like Mozart and Bird come to be?
You think hard work is enough?
2,579+ alto players have worked their ASSES off to play on Bird’s level since he first alighted on our consciousness.
“If Bird was a gunslinger, there’s be a WHOLE lotta dead alto players.” Charles Mingus
Why do you think that they call things like that “gifts”?
Even ‘Trane said that he wasn’t in Bird’s league, giftwise. And that wasn’t false modesty. ANYONE who has tried to play on that level knows that listening to Bird is like looking at the sun.
It’s ALL genetic, blueneck.
All of it.
Including the capacity for hard work.
Bet on it.
It’s all genetics when it suits your plan, but TV causes autism, right? Bullshit. You talk out of both sides of your face whenever it suits you.
I didn’t say you couldn’t blow a riff. I said you got no soul to back it up, if you ever had one its dead, faker. I do know a real player when I hear one, asshole, and they got soul, whether they’ve ever been on a stage with your genetically superior friends or not.
You were born in the right place and the right time to do all those things you’re so genetically proud of. If you were born on the wrong side of the tracks in my town, you’d be flippin’ burgers for a living, tryin to raise a few bucks to buy the plastic saxophone in the window at the pawn shop.
As for Charlie Parker, if I shot up with heroin like he did, I could surely keep up with him. That’s your superior genetics for you dude.
And as for Coltrane, you wouldn’t recognize modesty, false or otherwise, if it bit you in the ass.
Why bother?
Bye bye…
yep, just run away. Not only don’t you have a soul or any modesty, you have no guts.
No, blueneck. I am not a coward.
I am simply tired of dealing with fools.
VERY tired.
You wrote this:
“As for Charlie Parker, if I shot up with heroin like he did, I could surely keep up with him. That’s your superior genetics for you dude.”
It is SO wrong, that no more need be said. You are beyond reaching.
I am sorry to have disturbed you.
Yes you are a coward. You are also an elitist snob. You can dish out your cute little insults but you can’t take it if somebody gives it back and punctures your precious little delusional world construction, can you?
You are the bigggest fool around, with your genetic superiority theories. Go do some research asshole, that’s old style theory. It went out with Hitler first, then with MRI technology and modern psychology and sociology research more recently. Given normal human abilities, most anything is possible for any individual, given the right environment and nurturing.
If you can grow to the point where your fingers can reach the keys, you can play your ass off someday. Yes, even Mozart wasn’t very special when he popped out of the womb and yelled his first yelp. But that’s OK, dude, keep living in your false sense of superiority world. And don’t give me another one of your stupid little lectures about genetics and the shape of your nose. The only real gifts are the ones of circumstance and upbringing. YOU are beyond reaching.
Oh yeah, Tighten up dude, you be betta off.
Go listen to some Mozart.
Go read Some Shakespeare.
Go read some scientific journals.
Jesus H Fuckin Christ
You done yet?
I especially liked the reference to being able to play along with any old nigger on heroin. That’s basically what you said. Nice touch there. And please don’t bother to follow up this comment with a long, drawn out, word torturing exercise. You took this way beyond anything resembling necessary Blueneck. I’m fuckin shocked.
Shocked? Why are you jumping in to defend the concept of genetic superiority? Why are you using offensive racial language? If AG had been able to give me one single reply without some snide insulting remark, or some lengthy description of his personal resume, or one with a single hint of mutual respect I would have gladly engaged him likewise. He repeated his insults after I asked him to stop. I’m not gonna be bullied around by some arrogant snot who thinks he’s genetically superior, I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks about it.
Hey fellas,
from a famous Paul Newman movie who’s title escapes me….
huwhat we have heeyah iyas, faylyuh to cuhmunicate.
Yea, AG’s post here pissed me off a little, but it could be that I’m just a little sensitive to criticism I get when I comment about my heritage. 9 times outta 10 it seems like I get smacked down a little for being arrogant enough to claim it. Nothing new. Nor is AG’s ability to piss me off anything new. Been happening since day one. But over time I see that it’s more about his style than the content that rubs me wrong. So Blueneck, you’re right about the limits of communicating with written words. Personally, I get a little tired of hearing about certain Irish ancestors. But we all identify and lean on our own because, let’s be honest, they give us a little prestige. We all do it.
As for recommending or not, I reco stuff that I don’t agree with all the time, just for the discussion that could follow. Or just because the author made a good argument. Same as ratings. My reco or excellent rating isn’t necesarrily an endorsement of the ideas put forth.
we could all use a little lightening up once in a while, including you. But that’s just my opinion. Not an indictment.
G’mornin Super.
Thanks for your comment. I’m not so pissed off as AG is, I don’t think. I just don’t appreciate being condescended to on a regular basis. I do think that there is more here than just a failure to communicate.
Failures in communication are usually easy to resolve if everyone involved will just hang in there and talk it out without resorting to name-calling. It seems unlikely that AG will respond to me, as he usually just deserts any thread where I disagree with him. I guess I might have misread something in his diary and maybe I’m not exactly clear on why he uses the language he uses and maybe I don’t understand his idea of humor or sarcasm or snark, but I don’t see where that makes me the bad guy who should be called names.
I’m ready to move on anyway. AG, as far as I know, has never even admitted the possibility that his communications or his ideas might be somehow lacking, so I don’t expect any real attempts to explain himself here, other than to claim that I didn’t read what he wrote and quote it back to me again.
And hey, btw, I think it’s cool to have a knowledge of who our ancestors are, all the way back as far as we can find out. It’s a way for me to connect up with how I got here and what folks did to survive through the generations. I’m proud in varying amounts of where my folks came from and how they lived. No need to deny it or to brag about it, it’s just facts, and knowledge is power, or so they say. Our Native American ancestors had their own strengths and weaknesses, as individuals and as communities, I’m sure. I don’t idolize them, but I surely don’t put them down either.
Well, I do hope you have a nice day. The weather is great here and I plan to get out and enjoy it…
There was no smackdown intended, super.
None whatsoever.
Hell…I have talked about my own Native American ancestors (Long Island version therof) here as well.
I am just SO blown away by the sheer numbers of ancestors that we all share…the very idea completely dazzles me. If that were effectively taught to all hiumeans, it would be the end of race wars. Which would mean the end of ALL major wars, really. It is SO much harder to kill your blood realtives. (Most of them, anyway…)
Sorry if my post sounded to you other than complimentary. No offense intended towards you. You are among the LEAST “square” people that I have met in left blogworld.
I hope you know that.
If you do NOT know that…here I am, saying it quite plainly.
No offense intended.
P.S. As far as lightening up is concerned…what you get if you are not “light” out front is just well produced light jazz.
“Smooth” jazz.
i am into ROUGH jazz, myself.
It’s genetic.
Plus…that’s the way the rough heavies have trained me.
So it goes.
So I go.
And so will I continue to go.
As I must.
Thanks AG.
I agree with Blueneck insofar as it’s difficult to interpret you sometimes. I did say it’s more about your style than your content. Just tough to see through sometimes. Doesn’t make it bad. I could never follow Jazz anyway. If it Can be followed that is. Besides, I’ve met you, so I have an advantage over other people who haven’t. I know where you’re at with the important stuff. Like i said, I’m sensitive to it. No big effin deal to me.
Take it easy, as in keep on truckin, or boogie forth. It’s all good, or gettin there anyway.
Arthur and all, I just want to add in here that I thought the comment you just made (“I am just SO blown away by the sheer numbers of ancestors that we all share…the very idea completely dazzles me”) and that is exactly the point I got from your diary.
I thought it actually expounded on Supers diary to make a broader point. As I stated in my comment upthread days ago, I too came to this dazzling realization in a big way when I figured out the numbers. At first I thought I did something wrong, but no, it wasn’t wrong. Anyway, at that time it made me and still makes me feel more connected to all humans on this planet than ever before..
In my genealogical study of my family, one member who came here in 1700’s is estimated to have over 500,000 descendants in US, not to mention the other part of the family of his that stayed in Europe, so an equal if not greater number would still be there.
Now that was just one person long ago, out of thousands of others so the way I see it I am probably directly related to quite a big percentage of the US especially the East Coast where most of my family lived and I bet everyone on this site…lol.
This whole comment is completely out of the context of Supers diary which I found quite beautiful in it’s own separate right.
And to add I used to think your diaries were abrasive, mostly due to your structure and the separated sentences and quips, but after I read a meetup diary where Super, I think it was met you and related that you were quite a nice fellow, I started to look at your writing in a different way and see perhaps that you were writing like you might talk, and I think perhaps you might sometimes be smiling as you write.
Enough said, I hope so….lol…that was a pretty long comment for me lately.
So I love you all….brothers and sisters and cousins.
Aazackly!! :o)
I am ALWAYS smiling when I write.
(Except of course when I am not…)
Have fun.
I am.
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