So…yesterday supersoling wrote a wonderful diary called The Truth regarding Thanksgiving, the crimes that Western Europeans perpetrated on the original inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere and our undeniable Native American bloodlines, a diary where a number of us chimed in with celebrations of our own individual genetic ties to those back-in-the-day OGs.

The REAL “Original Gangstas” in this hemisphere.

Bet on it.

And I got to thinking.

How can ANY of us…this mostly Irishman or anyone else…actually say we are “this” or “that”? 1/8th Bulgarian, 1/64th Hutu.



So—read on for a mathematical proof that we are all one.


Do not ask for whom the ovens roast.

They roast for THEE.

Read on.
ENOUGH of this 1/8th, 1/16, 1/279th stuff.

Taking a generation as 20 years…which within human memory was just about the median human reproductive age and is probably not really accurate over the long term of human history (More like 15 in most tribal cultures like the Amazonian rain forest, the old South Bronx and Appalachia, a figure which would skew my results below even further out to lunch.)…if you go back only four centuries (A drop in the ol’ time bucket as far as human history is concerned)…you have 65,536 different ancestors. (Barring of course the occasional regrettable foray into serious incest.)


Do the math.

Another four centuries? Still more than 1000 years after the popularly accepted birthdate of Christ?



20 years further back?

Well over the current total population of the planet.

How about THAT Thanksgiving get-together!!!???

A mere two centuries further back? 1000 AD? At which point they were already making wine in France and the Chinese were busily inventing gunpowder and thus setting events in motion that would culminate in nasty activities like the war in Iraq and John Wayne movies?

1,099,511,627,776. (That’s 1.1 trillion, brethren and sistren.)

Then back to 1 AD?


Oh MY!!!

And we have only scratched the SURFACE of human evolution.

Yet here we are, talking of being 1/16th some tribe or race or culture.

The ONLY thing that we are is 100% human. (Whatever THAT means.)

And 100% related.

How so?

Because on the best estimates of total human population starting from 50,000 BC, there have only been 106.5  billion people EVER born here!!!

UH oh!!!

Each of us has 50 thousand times more ancestors than there have ever been humans.

Musta been a WHOLE lotta sharin’ goin’ on.

All of those genes?

We’ve ALL got them.

So barring relatively short term cultural differences…AIN’T no “Cherokee” or “Chinese” blood.

Just us chickens here, all cooped up in the planetary henhouse and fornicating like mad.

Have fun…

‘Cuz we are ALL one.

Bet on it.

Happy whatever…