Progress Pond

CBS News + Valery Pomonarev.V.2

So yesterday I posted something about CBS Evening News covering the Valery Pomonarev story at 6:45 PM. (Go to “A short note: CBS News + Abused Russian Trumpet Player Valery Pomonarev. Tonight.” if you missed the whole thing.)


Wrong Answer!!!

Didn’t happen.

Got a call from Valery today. They are SO sorry. His story is not “new” news. It is “older” news, and thus gets bumped when “newer” news appears.

But it WILL show up there.

Some day.

Maybe we shall hear it Sunday

Maybe Monday

Maybe not

Still I’m sure we’ll hear it one day

Maybe Tuesday

Will be our good news day

(Sorry, Messrs. Gershwin. Couldn’t resist.)

Maybe today.

Maybe tomorrow.

Maybe Sunday.

SOME day.

Some mañana day.

Aaaany day now…

But it WILL show up.


Bet on it.

How do I know?

Because they spent money on it…filming, editing…and the CBS beancounters WILL find a use for it.

Read on.
As far as “newer” news is concerned?

Like the part in last night’s performance (Remember…”The News” is just well produced performance art. FUNCTIONAL performance art.) where they spent 3 minutes on some poor fool Mexican-American who has taken over his killed-in-Iraq younger brother’s position as sergeant of a group of Army guys in Iraq under the tutelage of an obviously college-trained-to-be-an-overseer Northern European-ancestried Captain who refers to this guy as “my own Private Ryan.”

“YASSUH, boss!!! I is yo’ own Private Ryan, alright. Yassuh!!! I is even wearin’ da BOOTS of mi hermano!!!”

Pushing the nobility of the fallen.

“Our” fallen.

Not theirs.

Theirs are just…well, Osama bin Laden (or whoever really wrote what follows) said it best.

“By what measure of kindness are your killed considered innocents while ours are considered worthless?

 By what school [of thought] is your blood considered blood while our blood is water?

Pushing the nobility of fallen invaders in a Blood-For-Oil war.


And people make fun of my NEWSTRIKE!!! idea!!!???


By the TANKful.

Truly disgusting.

Happy Tanksgiving.



It’s what’s REALLY for dinner.

“Nothing personal. It’s just business. YOU know…”



Dows Nancy Pelosi know about this?



I forgot.

It’s off the table.

ALL of it.

Plan A Lite is now in effect.

KKK Lite.

Kutie Katy Kouric and the Feelgoodaboutyourself!!! NightlyNews.

Spoken by SUCH a nice lady.

A real Flying Nun candidate.

Flap flap flap.




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