Nawaf Obaid, “an adviser to the Saudi government, [who] is managing director of the Saudi National Security Assessment Project in Riyadh and an adjunct fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington”, has issued a straight-up threat to the United States. If we pull out of Iraq then Saudi Arabia will intervene to prevent the slaughter of the Sunni minority there.
Because King Abdullah has been working to minimize sectarian tensions in Iraq and reconcile Sunni and Shiite communities, because he gave President Bush his word that he wouldn’t meddle in Iraq (and because it would be impossible to ensure that Saudi-funded militias wouldn’t attack U.S. troops), these requests have all been refused. They will, however, be heeded if American troops begin a phased withdrawal from Iraq.
If you picture a Pac-Man moving to the left, that is what we are seeing in Iraq. The Sunni Triangle is the hole that forms the mouth of the giant Shi’a Pac-Man. When the Americans pull out, that mouth will close and the Sunnis will be scattered to the winds. The Saudis are not going to let that happen without a fight.
To turn a blind eye to the massacre of Iraqi Sunnis would be to abandon the principles upon which the kingdom was founded. It would undermine Saudi Arabia’s credibility in the Sunni world and would be a capitulation to Iran’s militarist actions in the region.
To be sure, Saudi engagement in Iraq carries great risks — it could spark a regional war. So be it: The consequences of inaction are far worse.
This could be the first sign of al-Qaeda’s victory in the war on terrorism. Al-Qaeda had two aims. They wanted U.S. troops out of the Arabian Peninsula (particularly Saudi Arabia) and they wanted to drive a wedge between the Americans and the House of Saud. There is now a major wedge between the two countries.
The Saudis do not want us to leave Iraq, but the American people do want us to leave, and Congress is under great pressure to make it happen. As I stated a month ago, our primary mission in Iraq has now become a humanitarian one. We are there to protect the Sunnis (including their ‘al-Qaeda in Iraq’ allies) from Shi’a death squads.
If you haven’t read National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley’s leaked memo, you should get on it. He is still deeply in denial about the paralyzing effects of the all-out civil war that is going on in the streets of Baghdad. Perhaps this suggestion makes the point best:
Maliki should:
¶Compel his ministers to take small steps — such as providing health services and opening bank branches in Sunni neighborhoods — to demonstrate that his government serves all ethnic communities;
I don’t think a lack of bank branches is one of the big problems facing the Sunni community. They are dodging mortar attacks. Hadley then suggests that Maliki:
¶Bring his political strategy with Moktada al-Sadr to closure and bring to justice any JAM actors that do not eschew violence;
How does that square with this news?
A bloc of Iraqi lawmakers and cabinet ministers allied with militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr launched a boycott of their government duties Wednesday to protest Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s decision to attend a summit in Jordan with President Bush.
“We announce the suspension of our participation in government and parliament,” said Nasar al-Rubaie, the leader of Sadr’s parliamentary bloc. “We gave a promise last Friday that we will suspend our participation if the Prime Minister met with Bush and today [Wednesday] we are doing it as a Sadrist bloc.”
Right now, the Sadrist bloc is only suspending their involvement with the government. If they actually pull out for real, the government would fall. And here is a reality check:
Joost Hiltermann, who follows Iraq for the nonprofit International Crisis Group from Jordan, voiced skepticism that Maliki would crack down on private militias. “He is completely beholden to the Sadrists,” he said. “The notion that he could confront the power of the militias that gave him power is absurd.”
The entire situation is absurd. But, back to Obaid:
Just a few months ago it was unthinkable that President Bush would prematurely withdraw a significant number of American troops from Iraq. But it seems possible today, and therefore the Saudi leadership is preparing to substantially revise its Iraq policy. Options now include providing Sunni military leaders (primarily ex-Baathist members of the former Iraqi officer corps, who make up the backbone of the insurgency) with the same types of assistance — funding, arms and logistical support — that Iran has been giving to Shiite armed groups for years.
Another possibility includes the establishment of new Sunni brigades to combat the Iranian-backed militias. Finally, Abdullah may decide to strangle Iranian funding of the militias through oil policy. If Saudi Arabia boosted production and cut the price of oil in half, the kingdom could still finance its current spending. But it would be devastating to Iran, which is facing economic difficulties even with today’s high prices. The result would be to limit Tehran’s ability to continue funneling hundreds of millions each year to Shiite militias in Iraq and elsewhere.
How is that ‘you’re either with us or against us’ rhetoric looking now? In any showdown between Saudi Arabia and Iran, we would be forced to take the side of the Saudis (i.e., al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in Iraq, and former Ba’athists) against Iran (i.e., Maliki and his Sadrist supporters). Isn’t that cute?
At some point it is going to dawn on people that Bush and Cheney have screwed things up so badly that impeachment would be a kind punishment.
I don’t think the people who still support Bush/Cheney will ever realize that it was the adminstration that screwed things up, because the talking heads who do their thinking for them are already busy telling them who the scapegoats are. You and me and every other liberal in the country is always responsible for everything through the twisted logic they use, if they could just kill us all off their world would be perfect. Core Bush supporters scare me.
The new congress might just be beat to the punch. The republicans might start the impeachment process themselves to claim the high ground, knowing they`d control a lot of the debate if they did, & knowing it would be a kinder punishment to their own agenda.
that’s too optimistic. The GOP is not going to move on Bush yet. I do doubt he can survive next year though. I give him a 45% chance of finishing out his term. And it will be the GOP that ultimately makes the decision.
In any case, it becomes increasingly clear that Bush himself is entirely irrelevant aside of his role as pawn.
Adding to my comment in “Open Thread”
My take on that Saudi threat-coming right after Cheney’s visit-it’s a ploy to keep the U.S. in Iraq because we need a new reason to stay put while achieving a dual purpose to protect the kingdom. The Shia power is on the rise, their gains in recent Bahrain elections alarms the Saudis. The levees are broken.
Where does that leave us?
You have the nominee for defense Secretary Robert Gates criticizing the Iraq planning and endorsing the idea to engage the help of axis of evil Iran and Syria but Syria’s President Assad is defiant with harsh words directed at the U.S.
Don’t count on Syria and Iran’s help before a U.S. exit from Iraq and Israel’s agreeing to return the Golan heights, make genuine peace with the Palestinians.
The West is not making friends today as Muslims are feeling insulted.
Turkey express dismay and anger as the EU is set to partially suspend Turkey talks to join the union.
Bush a wounded duck, without friends.
The ISG seems to get that. Bush has made it clear he’s not going to do anything the ISG recommends. He has other reasons, I suppose, for rejecting the ISG, but at this point I have a morbid feeling he would do it out of sheer spite.
There is one thing that is bothering me.
A recent poll showed that more than 9 out of 10 Sunnis want us to leave Iraq. Those are Iraqi Sunnis (and presumably Arab Sunnis, not Kurds).
If that is the case, then why is Saudi Arabia acting this way? We can try to chalk it up to the recent meeting with Cheney and providing a narrative to justify our continued presence. But, I actually think the Iraqi Sunnis are nuts to want us to leave.
I really don’t see how they can win, or even hold their own, in a civil war.
they think the American presence is causing the violence.
I had the same question. It doesn’t jibe. Unless the Sunnis somehow know that they can count on the Saudis to balance the power of the Shia. What a fucking ungodly mess.
Stated perfectly, super — & how ironic to use the word ‘ungodly’, considering the lines of battle ..
I think the Sunnis might believe that Saudi Arabia would fight much harder to protect them than we would. After all, we supposedly aren’t taking sides in the civil wa…, er, sectarian violence.
Maybe this is a US design to keep the religeous (Shia) leaders from establishing a theocracy by getting the Saudis to back the Sunnis. And throwing Maliki, a Shia, under the bus today is the first step in that plan. We can’t afford to lose the Saudis, that’s for sure. Lose them, less oil, American economic collapse. Whizzbang. Finito.
Pick a winner or Unleash the Shiites
That’s where its at because ‘we are no longer in control.’
Thanks BooMan for dropping by. I’m no expert but from where I sit, if you were Saudi royals sitting on all that oil wealth with the U.S. your protector, you’d be holding Bush’s feet to the fire.
I recall a BBC interview with Prince al-Sultan? On the eve of the Iraq invasion. He warned “Don’t do it, you’re opening a Pandora’s box”.. Nevertheless we invaded, disbanded the civil service and army; toppled strong-man Saddam-the counter-balance to Iran and all those marginalized restless Shias giving rise to The Shia Crescent.
We brought not democracy but anarchy at the point of a gun.
See why the Saudis are running scared: At the weekend Bahrain held elections-the country borders Saudi Arabia.
The result: Tensions rise as Shias win election
“Voters in Manama on Saturday spoke freely of their hopes the election would reverse the gap in living standards between Sunni and Shia citizens. Abdul Madhi said: “There’s no way as a Shia to get what you want now, so I want the election to change that.”
But it is claimed Iran bought the vote. Bahraini opposition ‘has been infiltrated’ BBC headline was “Islamist seals win”
I read a related article (can’t find at the mo) that headlines `Bahrain Shia election win Alarms Saudis’
BTW, Thinkprogress notes:Contrary to Previous Reports, Cheney Was `Basically Summoned’ By Saudi Crown Prince
not talking as though intends to pull out of Iraq. I take it he talking tough in part to placate the Saudis.
Also, I think that the person or people in the Administration who leaked the Hadley memo completely missed the effect that leaking it would have. I think they took themselves to be “putting pressure” on Prime Minister al-Maliki in preparation for the Jordan meeting.
(That is to say, I’m sure Maliki was not surpised by the contents of the memo. But Bushco may have thought that letting the world know how it felt about Maliki would put pressure him, and off of Bushco.)
But that is not at all what the memo-leak is going to do. It’s going to force Maliki to choose between Sadr and Bush much, much more quickly than he would have liked. More to the point: it forces Sadr to choose between Maliki and his own followers much more quickly than he would have liked.
Sadr has no choice: he has to go with his followers. Maliki might well have to step down entirely, if he’s even allowed back into the country.
That’s all speculation, obviously. Mostly, I am completely bewildered by the link. What was Bushco thinking???
Maybe this reveals the brilliance of Bush’s strategy! Saudi Arabia fights a proxy war for the Iraqi Sunnis while Iran does the same for the Shiites. They take each other out. Israel is happy. Haliburton is happy. Cheney is happy. Bush and Prince Bandahar will have to hold hands behind closed doors, but WTF somebody has to pay the price.
Or maybe Bushco and friends have effed everything up over there and there are going to be all kinds of awful and unintended consequences.
You be the judge.
What single U.S. action, other than our preemptive invasion of Iraq, could have destabilized the entire Mid East as effectively as it has?
Short of Israel launching a nuclear attack on Iran, nothing. Bush and the system he thrives in are guilty of a monumental and catastophic incitement.
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