Froggy Bottom Lounge
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
We don’t want to wake up Family Man, so we’ll just hop into this lounge.
Who’s around? We snowbound people are bored.
Isn’t that slush-bound?
yeah, but that’s worse than snow bound because it’s slippery. Now it’s raining and you can see the ice forming on all the tree branches.
I’m really not looking forward to losing power.
I have to fly tomorrow. This weather is damn awkward for me. (And that’s what matters, right?)
Of course. It’s all about you 🙂
The universe’s got to revolve something. Might as well be me.
C’est moi.
Kidspeak is also logged on as me. I am not responsible for any further comments made in my name. I did not post the frog mouse. (NB:change all pw’s that KS knows.) Must go and get ready for trip. See you all Saturday night or Sunday, or whenever.
I wondered where everyone went.
It’s cold weather so Family Man must be hibernating 🙂
It’s windy here, but otherwise balmy. I’d share if I could find a way. Especially if someone could swap rain for warmth.
and I’d send you the rain if I could.
that St. Louis has turned off the lights and closed the shutters.
she has no power. Hopefully it will come on again because neither one of us wants to go out in this.
This is the sister who is recovering from an operation?
She’s still not supposed to drive. Although I think she cheated yesterday. We’re going to wait to see if it comes back on before I go get her.
She said there were explosions right before it went out. Sounds like something hit a transformer.
because I wouldn’t think the power would be back on any time soon.
Ameren is standing by tonight to prove that they can get power on faster than they did this summer. So we’ll see.
and santa claus is getting you a pony for christmas.
she decides to go to my parents’ house. She likes it there. They have cable 🙂
There’d have to be something pretty spectacular on tv to make me choose my mother over my sister.
My evil twin agrees — & we’re an only child.
I’m hoping so along with you, maryb.
But here’s to the wonders of technology ..
Here’s how the locals stay warm.
The original pink snuggly!
That’s a truly terrific image, keres! Not one I’m likely to see in my neck o’ the woods. Thanks so much for sharing it!
Between this picture & dada’s below, I’m smiling like a loon. It’s so lovely to see these lovely reminders of a beautiful world.
call me effusive and repetitive.
I forgot to mention that mum and bub are Bennetts Wallabies. You can identify them by their lovely black paws and muzzles.
The above wallabies live in a local wildlife park. Otherwise I’d never have gotten close enough for a picture of the joey.
The ones that come right up to our house only do so after sunset. You can usually tell if they have a joey, but there’s no way to photograph them in the dark without a flash, and that would just scare them off.
Seems best just to count the blessings you have!
Shame on me for neglecting your critter diaries! I feel a bit foolish now.
here’s the photo I told WW’s wenchfull self I’d take for her this AM…flatirons in snow…10ºF at the time…no wind…
clik to go big
That looks just like Detroit in winter! If oliva took a close-up of the pot holes on Gratoit Ave.
Wow. Real snow. I haven’t seen real snow since I left New Mexico. Of course, in New Mexico you don’t see a lot of snow covered pine trees. You’re more likely to see snow covered sage brush.
Which makes me think of windy day in NM, and how you could always tell the tourists on the roads by the way they tried to dodge the tumble weeds (for those of you unfamiliar with tumble weeds, even though they are a several feet across, they weigh just ounces, and obliterate when hit by a car).
Dada, you’re my hero. This is an absolutely stunning image — I’m truly breathless (just imagining how very cold it must be up on that peak)! Absolutely gorgeous. You’re quite the lucky individual — bearing constant witness to such a wonderful sight. My idea of heaven: watching the light at various times of year grace a gorgeous point of focus.
Fabulous. Thank you!
Isn’t that an amazing photo. It would be wonderful to have that view every day … d’s a lucky man.
How are you feeling?
Hola, Miss O!
Sorry for the delay — browser difficulties.
I’m feelin’ fine, thank you — it’s cool & rainy here at the moment, thank Gaia.
How about you?
Just doing some wash for tomorrow, but otherwise relaxing. 🙂
Sounds like a fine night, then — nice & chill (so to speak).
You’re over your nasties?
still have some lingering nasties … but I’m drinking my OJ. 🙂
Gee whiz, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? When did you first come down with this thing?
What’s remaining for you? Got any snot?
I was off all day except for one last week … maybe I picked up two different strains, as this one is definitely not the same as what knocked me off my feet last week. This one is more typical — bad cough, stuffed nose … unfortunately that s- word … <gag> 😉
My God, Olivia — I’m so sorry to hear it!
Looks like another decent rest may be due.
Have you got access to any fresh ginger root? It always seems to help me kick out infections very quickly. Brew some tea with the sliced root, get wrapped up tight & drink the tea to build up heat in the body, so that you sweat. Or, alternately, drink the tea while in a super-hot bath, leave the bath when the water cools & wrap up. Just be sure to keep the liquids flowing thru — this is super important!
This might help that s*** flow, too & move out the infection in good time. It seems very helpful when there’s not that much time to kick back.
I’ll have to try the ginger tea … have been doing the lemon and honey thing.
Won’t hurt to add lemon to the ginger. There’s some pre-packaged tea formulated that way, but the fresh root is the real ticket.
Make sure you have enough of the root to color the water a bit. This means using quite a bit of it.
As an herb, it heats the body. Always great in winter, in powdered form as part of any dish & even in plain yogurt, to counter the yogurt’s cooling effect, which can stall digestion.
In any case, I send warm wishes.
Just about ready to ‘chill out’ a bit myself tonight. Finally reading CS Lewis’ The Great Divorce & find it fascinating.
Hope to see you soon!
Use it in some of my favourite dishes, so I should have enough.
Pleasant dreams and be well ww!
Thank you! I wish you equally pleasant dreams tonight.
I take great pleasure in, as well as sustenance from, where I live. I know from your writings that you share a similar relationship with, and feelings towards, mountains. May you find yourself at home there again soon.
Thanks — I believe I will. As always, your good wishes are highly appreciated — they help with that sustenance!
Hey dada, this is a pic of the same location you posted a while back before the snow right?
I remember scaling the size of the rock formations against the size of the evergreens on the lower sections. Impressive pic, then & now.
this shots from a little farther west than the last…just a hundred or so feet…the perspective changes pretty quickly…they’re big rock outcropping…called flatirons…
I’m here, in answer to the question of where is everybody…sitting here watching Scarborough and waiting till 8 so I can watch Jon Stewart….nursing a sore back and enjoying the chicken tamales I just made.
Hi everyone!
evening, diane
Hi Diane. Were the tamales easier to make this time?
Of course I wrote and then went right to my bedroom and flopped on the bed…. yes the tamales were easier to make this time as I got the prepared masa, and the right kind and I just made them on Mon. too. I am kinda obsessed with making tamales lately. Wonder what that means, the state of the world has driven me to cooking…lol.
How are you.
Hi Teach, how are you.
I’ll take his place and announce my departure.
Night all.
Good evening. I trust that all are well. Even Maryb.
even …
Howz Maryb tonite? I’m waiting for installment 3.
I await it too. How come you got to be the hero in MY story? huh?
There are no heros until the final scene.
I hope it’s not a tragedy …
Some are born to greatness.
Hey there, my nor’east brother. How’s your weather (literally & otherwise)?
It’s warm and clear now but is supposed to get stormy later on. Howz yours?
Amazingly enough, it’s been raining here for more than ten whole minutes! There’s quite a lovely breeze, too.
Incredible to see that today’s temperature up in the Catskills hit about 60. They’re expecting quite a change there, too.
Hope it won’t catch y’all too unawares. (As if!)
Good night, all!
See you later, b2!
Have a good night, all. Happy trails!