Thanks to the folks at TalkLeft blog for finding this tidbit on GOP wanna-be ‘Jim Crow Joe’ Biden.
The Associated Press reports in the Wilmington Star that Delaware’s United States senator, ‘Jim Crow Joe’ Biden, in a 2008 presidential campaign stop in the deep South of Columbia, S.C. told a Republican audience: ‘Biden noted Delaware was a border state and “a slave state that fought beside the North. That’s only because we couldn’t figure out how to get to the South – there were a couple of other states in the way.”
So Biden would have preferred it if his state had fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War. Why am I not surprised? Democratic U.S. senator Jim Crow Joe thinks the state of Delaware should have been on the other side of the Mason-Dixon line. What a thug!
the worst kind of pandering, but Joe is not a supporter of Jim Crow and never was. He’s just got a short circuit between his mouth and brain.